Hi guys,
Had GSX for a while now and never experienced any issues with it until now. I should know by now that if it ain't broke don't fix it! Anyway I decided to apply the vehicles update from the main page of the website here -
https://www.fsdreamteam.com/products_gsx.html I didn't really know if I needed this or not considering it wasn't long ago I had a prompt to update the addon manager, not sure if the latest vehicles is shipped with that installer. Anyway I went ahead and downloaded the vehicles update. I fired up FSX and when I select the catering service from the menu I could hear the vehicles but couldn't see them. When I looked outside I saw this...
https://s21.postimg.org/dar789et3/20161009233835_1.jpgGSX is still functional like this, so its prompting me to open the doors as you can see. I've downloaded the addon manager again since and rerun the install but this hasn't corrected the issue. Like I say, GSX has been absolutely flawless for me since day 1 so what could have gone wrong?
EDIT: I found the error log file in the troubleshooting section and its reporting the following, looks like its suspiciously related to me.
couatl v3.1 (build 3536)
panic log started on Sun Oct 09 23:29:18 2016
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\common\fsm.py", line 67, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\catering.py", line 198, in do
File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 229, in do
File "couatl\common\simObjectMoverIK.py", line 344, in run
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'requestData'
{'Airport': 'EGLL', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 523', 'User Pos': (51.46917608578048, -0.48859823291823734, 29.6829 m, 4.3829 m, 0.8047365006442211)}
CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED in call AICreateSimulatedObject param #1 'FSDT_catering_CT8000_Alpha'
{'Airport': 'EGLL', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 523', 'User Pos': (51.46917608578048, -0.48859823291823734, 29.6829 m, 4.3829 m, 0.8047365006442211)}