FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => JFK for FSX/P3D => Topic started by: Razgriz on September 19, 2008, 03:21:27 am
How do you open the menu? Is it in the addon list?
CTRL+Shift+P, it's on the manual...
I'm in such a hurry to check it out. I can't even load it when it says Trial has started, it just locks up.
SO I was told to park at G2, that isnt listed in Parkme.
Mine loaded, it takes a while the first time. Hotel 1 wasn't on ParkMe™ either.
Also the posky crj 700 doesnt seem to work with it. Is there a way for the user to add aircraft to it? U need to add the option for E190s to work too. E190s from wilco.
.../SimObjects/Airplanes/Posky CRJ/aircraft.cfg
Make sure in the title it says CRJ900 or CRJ-900, get virtuali to confirm.
title=Project Opensky CRJ900 CRJ-900 <repaint>
ParkMe in this release only lists gates that have an A-VDGS docking system, mainly at Terminals 4 and 5.
In fact, ParkMe is actually a separate product, that will be probably put on sale in the future and right now includes support for KJFK. We are able to update both the JFK implementation of ParkMe, and the ParkMe capabilities as well, providing new kind of parking-assistance methods, ranging from different models of Docking systems but also marshallers, etc. The principle is the same.
All our future airports will include a free ParkMe implementation for that airport, but we are able to create ParkMe files for other airports as well. We are also discussing about retro-fitting our other sceneries (especially Zurich, that has lots of docking gates) to the ParkMe technology, which is of course much better than any other similar system we used in the past.
If you want to compare our ParkMe docking system, with the real one, here's a video:
Ok I see!! Thanks for that video. Very cool!
That's amazing.
Virtuali, your scenery is amazing. In FSX I had 25FPS avg at JFK, now I have 40!!!!!
Make sure in the title it says CRJ900 or CRJ-900, get virtuali to confirm.
Sorry, CRJ-900 is not supported. CRJ-200, 700 are...the manual has a list with airplane models supported. If you have suggestions about missing models you would like to see, it might be helpful to know.
And yes, the "Title" is the relevant info we need to identity the plane, it should ideally include the model number. For example, if you have a 747 that is titled like: "My big fat 4-engine jet from Boeing", ParkMe will not be able to identify it. The system uses regular expression syntax to parse the title so, it should be smart enough to identify something like B747, B 747 or B-747 or Boeing 747 or PMDG 747, etc.
In any case, if you have a sample of an airplane that should be supported, because it's on the manual list of recognized types, but is not recognized, please post the title here, we might be adjust our parser to find it.
The good news is that ParkMe files are *very* small so, it's really easy to keep updating those without requiring to distribute the whole installer.
Haha Big Fat 4-engine jet by boeing. XD!
Will the CRJ9 be supported later on? I know that US Airways flies them into JFK I also think that Delta flies them in to JFK as well. What about the Embraer 190s? Jetblue obviously has them and they obviously park in T5
Will the CRJ9 be supported later on? I know that US Airways flies them into JFK I also think that Delta flies them in to JFK as well. What about the Embraer 190s? Jetblue obviously has them and they obviously park in T5
Yes, no problem. It's very easy to add a new airplane model, just make a whish lists of what you would like to see and is not yet included in the list on the manual.
I'll start it:
Ok thanks. For the CRJ 900, posky is releasing theirs new one in the near future, idk when, but better to do it now than later. Idk if the model maker makes a difference, but the E190 would be by wilco/feelthere.
Thanks very much. Also. It might be a good idea to come up with a way for the user to add them by themselves, I think it would get a bit annoying for you to keep having to add planes and such.
Thanks again
It might be a good idea to come up with a way for the user to add them by themselves, I think it would get a bit annoying for you to keep having to add planes and such.
This would be quite tricky, because to add additional recognized models, an re-export from Gmax/3DS of the original docking 3d model is needed, the docking textures needs to be reworked for the new airplane sign, and an upgrade of the Python source code for that Docking model is needed as well.
But, is something that we'll have to do anyway, considering that ParkMe will evolve into a full-blown product in the future, so we should be able to support as many a/c types as possible.
The good news is, we are entirely indipendent from the a/c modelers. We just detect the front wheel position, and make calculations starting from that. So, as long the airplane is modeled correctly and has an airplane.cfg without positioning errors, we can support it.
What do you think of the ParkMe evaluation ? Do you find the tolerance to be too difficult ? too easy ?
Here is what I think.
Very nice feature, very cool with the You control with the A380!!! That was too cool seeing all three jetways come up to the plane!!! The parkme feature is very cool, the start of something new and revolutionary since it is coming from your new engine thing. I did have an issue with it tho, very small very tolerable, I would click on next page, and the window would dissappear, idk if other people are having that issue or not, but I thought Id mention it. I think for most people that the difficulty with the Park me is very good, very easy, easy to understand, and easy to follow. Very neat/new/cutting edge/opening new window type of thing!
Now on to a scenery aspect, it is very good, amazingly detailed. I get rather lousy fps tho. But that is because I have my settings at medium-high for some and 100% ai airport vehicles and traffic. The way I look at the ai, is why have it installed if you dont use it all. But fps is still better than default.
My hat goes off to you guys!
When the update is ready for the new planes in Parkme, where will we be able to download it?
Is it possible for you to ever add it to Chicago?
They said maybe, but its possible. Can it be used with dual also? I dont use the a380.
When the update is ready for the new planes in Parkme, where will we be able to download it?
Initially, it might simply easier to post them on this forum, because they are really small. Of corse, we'll put it in the full installer as well.
Ok cool. Was just wondering.
The SafeGate parking is not working for me, its blank. I'll get a screenshot in a minute.
Has that update come out for the parkme?
Has that update come out for the parkme?
There's an update to the Couatl engine executable, that should fix the issue of double couatl.exe processes when FSX was closed and re-opened too quickly. To get this, just the JFK installer again.
We are working on an update to add new airplane models, should be available maybe next week.
OK cool, thanks!