FSDreamTeam forum
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: cuevision on November 17, 2013, 09:48:25 am
Can you tell me if you are planning to sell Dutch airports in FSDT? The only European I have found and bought is Zurich.
Can you tell me if you are planning to sell Dutch airports in FSDT?
We don't have anything planned right now. We made EHAM for Cloud9 a while ago and it was a good seller, perhaps one day we'll might eventually go back to it...
The only European I have found and bought is Zurich.
We have Geneva too.
Ok Than Geneva will also be purchased by me. And looking forward to the FSDT EHAM!!!
Regards and thanks,
Yea EHAM will be very very cool! The exisiting EHAM airport scenery from aerosoft has alot of bugs and the quality of FSDT scenery's are better!
Yea EHAM will be very very cool! The exisiting EHAM airport scenery from aerosoft has alot of bugs and the quality of FSDT scenery's are better!
People want U.S. airports done, so it's possible, but unlikely.
Count me in for EHAM! i own the aerosoft version also and although it beats default i know you guys can do a better job. Along with NL2000 looking absolutely fantastic nowadays (easily the best freeware for FSX) i dont see why EHAM wouldnt sell. I hope it will be considered down the road.
I vote for EHAM too!
This is my base airport and the Aerosoft scenery is very VERY framerate unfriendly.
Besides that EHAM is doing very big construction work on the terminal at the moment (should be finished 2016 I think), so the airport will change alot!
Would be cool if there would be a correct scenery in advance, before it is finished.
+1 for EHAM. Had the Aerosoft one running quite well in FSX, most of the time on the edge of OOM. But now in P3D2 I get only 8-10 fps with AI installed.
EHAM would be a great seller: the Dutch user-base is quite big and we are easy spenders. Most people are sick and tired of the current Mega Airport Amsterdam because it fails to deliver graphical fidelity and decent performance. If you succeed in creating a better performing EHAM scenery (I know you will), Dutch simmers would defiantly queue up for it and pay good money for such a product.
Nobody wants Dutch airports, you can't say there is a huge "Dutch user base", because you really don't know, and you certainly don't know if they are big spenders .
Umberto has said many times that U.s airports sell far more than foreign airports ,especially "Dutch airports "
Please Hnia
Speak for yourself! You do not know how many Dutch people realy want to buy it!
Perhaps a poll would give more results than screaming around.
Umberto has said many times that U.s airports sell far more than foreign airports ,especially "Dutch airports "
Well, I never said that. In fact, I've said that Cloud9 EHAM, in its time, HAS been a very good seller. I don't think any other Dutch airport would probably work for us, other than EHAM, though. So, if we'll ever do a Dutch airport, it will EHAM for sure, but this doesn't mean we have anything planned right now.
We have a large, unannounced, US airport in the works, but it's going to be a surprise...
Do you have a ballpark estimate when you will announce the airport?
Do you have a ballpark estimate when you will announce the airport?
When it's finished and ready to be released, and (hopefully) in 2014. There's no more precise date right now.
Thanks for your comments on this, Umberto.
In my opinion, it would be a good strategy to follow along with the real-world developments that are in progess at the airport right now (like you did with KLAX). It is scheduled to be completed next year, somewhere in 2015 if everything goes according to plan. By that time, the current Mega Airport Amsterdam addon will be pretty much outdated: in terms of graphics, performance and representation. Access to the airport would be no problem at all, the authorities are not very strict and a lot of people from the community either have access to the airside or have connections with those who do.
I also see a market for an FSDT version for professional flight simulators. They are quite a lot of training facilities here is Holland that are currently using FSX/ESP/P3D with the dreaded Mega Airport Amsterdam addon. I think they would be interested as well.
EHAM is a very popular destination among the community: for locals, other Europeans, but also as a long haul destination from the states. The fact that EHAM has a very steady representation in the IVAO Top 5 active airports supports this further.
I really hope EHAM will make it on the FSDT roadmap ;)
Information regarding the construction works:
- New A-pier:
- Central security:
- Gate Houses:
Oh yes.... PLEASE Umberto.... even if it's going to be in 2015, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE revisit EHAM for FSX/P3D! I would be first in line to buy a copy, heck I even would buy 5 copies if it would help you in building the business case for the development.
Just as an offer; I work on Schiphol Airport and have access to airside, so if you need any help of any kind, please let me know.
Sorry Fwerff,
I was the first one in line to buy a copy ;-)
Omg FSDT can't do 900 things at once we a know you want EHAM. So stop whining. There is a Ton of things on FSDT's to do list I"m sure.
Omg FSDT can't do 900 things at once we a know you want EHAM. So stop whining. There is a Ton of things on FSDT's to do list I"m sure.
LOL... agree ;) Like we need more North American airports
I think we'll need to hire more scenery designers...
I think we'll need to hire more scenery designers...
Look at this Umberto: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=424094514360742&set=a.349912155112312.1073741828.339691029467758&type=1&stream_ref=10
You got everyone stirred up :)
I think we'll need to hire more scenery designers...
I wish you guys had the staff to be able to crank out three or four new airports a year. The only bad part about bringing new people on would be maintaining quality control, design philosophy, and artwork/graphic standards. When it comes to graphic design, all artists have a somewhat different idea of what looks good and as it stands now all of the FSDT airports look like they follow similar guidelines and texturing since it appears that Francesco does all the texture work and Alessandro and Fabrizio do the modeling and design. Once you get a few different texture artists working on separate projects then maintaining that consistency would be a lot harder.
since it appears that Francesco does all the texture work and Alessandro and Fabrizio do the modeling and design. Once you get a few different texture artists working on separate projects then maintaining that consistency would be a lot harder.
This indicates we have been good so far in maintaining some kind of consistent style, because all the Hawaii airports have been made entirely by Fabrizio, and in KFLL and PHNL the texturing was shared, but you haven't even noticed it so yes, I know exactly what you mean :)
If it was so easy finding new designers that are both willing to learn (lots of) new things, and be able to complete what they started, we would have a way larger team by now.
If it was so easy finding new designers that are both willing to learn (lots of) new things, and be able to complete what they started, we would have a way larger team by now.
And that right there is the hard part and probably some of the most successful developers like FSDT, FlyTampa, and Flightbeam work in small groups of only two or three people and have had the same people in place since at or near the time they began.
When you look at other developers like ORBX who are cranking out products left and right with a lot of different people working on things, you start to get a lot of varying results. Some airport look great but perform badly, others dont look as nice but perform great, and then you get the few that look really good and perform well at the same time.
The hard part like you said is getting talented people who will do the things you mentioned, but at the same time if they are really good, they might be more temped to go out and start their own projects or open their own shops.