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Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: cowings1588 on January 26, 2013, 08:42:47 am

Title: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: cowings1588 on January 26, 2013, 08:42:47 am
Just wondering if GSX has the capabilities where it snows at, if we can get de-iced or Type 1 & Type 4 which is the green Anti-Ice which keeps ice from forming..  The First one we use is Yellowish color which you see that foams alot or looks like smoke which is whats removing the ice.. Believe me its Hot it comes out of the hose at 180 Degrees..   Deicing fluid..   Speaking of I have been a spraying fool lately, last few days been going to de-icing pad to Spray our United Express planes here in DTW..  Would like to have this ability to have my planes de-iced in FSX by GSX in the certain areas of the world that get cold enough or wintery weather which calls for De-Icing..   If not already available..

Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: virtuali on January 26, 2013, 11:16:25 am
GSX doesn't have any de-icing capabilities, but will have soon enough with an upcoming update.
Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: TuiflyX3 on January 26, 2013, 06:29:48 pm
yeaaahh deicers will come!!!
Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: cowings1588 on January 26, 2013, 08:22:27 pm
Ok, Sounds Good.. Thanks Virtuali..  :)

Until then, I guess I'll be The Iceman until then..   :)  Seeing I have been de-icing fool lately..  lol 

Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: NdR on January 29, 2013, 04:46:16 pm
It will be only 'visuals' or will improve the flying characteristics of plane covered in ice?

Actually, I don't remember if FSX simulates this, but I do use a custom 'Ice Gauge' by Charles (Dutch) Owen, which does harm when flying at temperatures below freezing and SHRA+ reported in MET.
Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: virtuali on January 29, 2013, 11:03:44 pm
It will be only 'visuals' or will improve the flying characteristics of plane covered in ice?

GSX in general tries not to be intrusive on 3rd party airplanes, which might use entirely customs systems and simulations to depicts such features, and the most popular airplanes are the ones that diverge more from the a standard.

This is why we don't *open* doors automatically, because it would require altering the airplane status so we only read their status, which is harmless, and let the user act on the doors using the method most appropriate for the airplane in use.
Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: ginopatrassi on January 15, 2014, 09:42:57 am
Any news about the anti ice capability? Thanks!
Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: psykie on January 16, 2014, 06:38:35 am
Yea, any news on the de-icing capabilities?  I'm very excited about this.  ;D

Title: Re: Winter OPS - De-Icing
Post by: virtuali on January 16, 2014, 11:28:08 am
Yea, any news on the de-icing capabilities?  I'm very excited about this.  ;D

No news to report, we'll post them when we have any.