FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: mjlw on August 08, 2012, 02:14:30 am
First I would like to say how much I love this product. Heaps of fun!!
All has worked perfectly until just a few days ago. Now after completeing a flight, powering down and requesting deboarding, the service vehicles (belt loaders, air stairs) charge off to some different location to set up and commence unloading my aircraft. After initially waiting for me at my assigned gate they seem to think my aircaft is sitting at a different location (not even another gate but some random spot on the field.)
Peflight and boarding all works normally, it is only after landing that this behaviour occurs. All I can do is request deboarding,(they all charge off) then 'reset position' from the GSX menu and they reappear and start unloading normally. Very strange indeed.
The only thing I've changed in my FSX setup recently was to download a freeware mod that allowed textual taxiing instructions and textual inflight destination weather reports called 'fstaxinav10'. This mod required me to run Mike Dowsons 'MakeRwys' within my FSX main folder. I decided that I didn't want this file and uninstalled all of its components after noticing GSX's unusual behaviour. So I'm not sure if this somehow stuffed GSX up. After I removed these files and reinstalled GSX the strange behaviour still continued.
Any thoughts on how to correct this would be much appreciated.
Kind regards Matt Williams.
i too am getting this on my GSX
i do the same as you and reset position and then ask for de-boarding again
The service cars and stairs go to the location that you asked for when you exit the runway
so if i taxi off the runway onto alfa and request gate B4 when i get to gate B4 and request de-boarding the vehicles then drive to taxiway alfa and set up there
i have never had this before until the last update
Im sure Umberto will reply and help solve the problem so until then i just reset the position and then request de-boarding again
Same problem for me with the deboarding request.
Same here...
Richard Portier
We'll check this.
Hi there,
I've been experiencing this as well since the last update, I mostly use the PMDG 737 NGX. I've noticed the vehicles are all positioned as normal on arrival but once I request a service for the first time the vehicles all scatter in different directions, often passing thru the plane itself. It's definitely a new problem.
Jaison Diaz
We believe to have found the bug, and the fix is already online if you use the Couatl menu option to check for updates. If you don't check explicitly, you'll be notified anyway in a few hours.
Thanks for your great support and quick remedies.
Hi Umberto,
Thanks for your quick reaction. Problem resolved :)
Awesome Umberto.
Thanks so much for the support. Truely great product and customer support.
Regards Matt Williams.
Solved !
Thank you very much. And many thanks for great product and (so fast) great support :)
Best Regards,
Richard Portier
Now THIS is customer service! Thank you for your prompt response and action.
-Jaison Diaz