FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: Catchman86 on June 01, 2012, 05:50:46 pm
Could you add an option in the installer of GSX and perhaps updated installers of the FSDT airports that won't override the current afcad? Some users, such as myself, like to update our afcads from the fsdt version for various reasons. Particularly, I like to change mine to reflect a more accurate gate assignment. Every time I download an installer or run a major update, the executable restores the afcad to the original version. It's very annoying to have to go back and do this, especially when my updated file was saved over the fsdt file - I lost all my updates to PHNL because I hadn't backed it up. Lesson learned. However, adding such an option would make a significant difference in having to maintain the afcad file after every update. Thanks,
Every time I download an installer or run a major update, the executable restores the afcad to the original version.
It doesn't do only that. It also makes a BACKUP of the AFCAD that was originally found installed, if it's not the same version that is online. This is obviously made intentionally for the one and only reason to preserve user-edited AFCADs.
The backup is always made in any case, regardless of time/dates of the file found on your system: IF your file is *different* (the check is made with MD5 hashes), it will be backed-up.
I lost all my updates to PHNL because I hadn't backed it up
No, you haven't, unless you removed some files yourself, not realizing a backup was made.
The back is named with the time and date of the installation date appended to the original name, so there will be a new backup each time you run the install so, no chance to lose a file. The file is named with a .BAK extension, so it won't interfere creating an AFCAD duplicate, but is still there.
However, adding such an option would make a significant difference in having to maintain the afcad file after every update
Since the installer makes a backup, there's no need to do anything, if you don't want to use the most updated version, simply rename the backup the installer made for you the same as the original FSDT AFCAD
I'm resurrecting an old thread here.
The file renamed by the FSDT installer to <filename>.bgl.<date><time>.bak. If I had a 3rd party AFCAD file installed, is this the one that gets renamed and the FSDT file then installed (I am using the FSDT KORD). Or, does the installer not rename a 3rd party file but instead uses the above naming convention to put the most recent FSDT AFCAD file in the \scenery folder?
I couldn't tell from the thread above.
Thanks, Bruce.
The installer doesn't rename an AFCAD which is not named as the one supplied by FSDT, but will simply add the FSDT version keeping its name so, if your 3rd party AFCAD has a different name than the FSDT one, you'll have a duplicate AFCAD problem, which might cause all sort of issues, like scenery disappearing and GSX customization not working.
The renaming will affect only the modified AFCAD and only if it was named like the FSDT one.