FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: virtuali on February 01, 2012, 02:08:04 am

Title: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on February 01, 2012, 02:08:04 am
We are very happy to welcome you on the GSX board of the forum, the product is designed to constantly evolve and grow with your help too, and we are sure to see lots of interesting discussions here.

For the time being, just go and get it, and try it on one of our airports because, it's entirely FREE TO USE in all our airports!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: rrwhaley on February 01, 2012, 02:16:45 am
Wanted to be the first to say a big Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: DJJose on February 01, 2012, 02:21:14 am
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: meshman on February 01, 2012, 02:24:26 am
Wishing you all the best on the release and continued development, Umberto.

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Silverbird on February 01, 2012, 02:26:02 am
What wonderful new's glade you got gsx out thanks fsdt!  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: sundance70 on February 01, 2012, 02:28:27 am
Thank you FSDT for another great release!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: COA777 on February 01, 2012, 02:29:56 am
Awesome downloading now!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Appliance on February 01, 2012, 02:38:37 am
Wishing the team all the very best for the future of this release.

Although I predominately fly FS9 its good that AES and ORBX now have some very sophisticated competition in FSX.

Bravo!   :D ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Pahlmla on February 01, 2012, 03:01:27 am
Another reason FSDT is a "must-have" FSX add-on.  Thanks Umberto and the entire Virtuali team.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Paradox on February 01, 2012, 03:02:37 am
Amazing to see DGS handles ground service for Delta!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: theshack440 on February 01, 2012, 03:02:58 am
Thank you so much for creating such an incredible and ground breaking product. Very much looking forward to trying it out myself and wishing you all at FSDT the best for release! It has been 2 years in the making and we all appreciate the hard work and what a result!

Best regards
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: signmanbob on February 01, 2012, 03:41:29 am
I still don't understand exactly what it is but if FSDT made it, I'll buy it and it's going to be great.  FSDT is right up there with PMDG and Orbx with everything you release.

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: aircanadajet on February 01, 2012, 04:47:41 am
So happy!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Denzel on February 01, 2012, 01:24:28 pm
Great news in this very cold paris day
Not tested yet but congratulations to your team and you umberto
Thank you so so much

Best regards
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: raymar99 on February 01, 2012, 08:23:44 pm

This should add a lot more fun to our simulation.  How about adding the A2A Simulations B-377 Stratoliner to the level 2 list of supported airliners?

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: 738 on February 01, 2012, 08:44:06 pm
Got it, installed and loving it..nice1 guys!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: skypara on February 01, 2012, 08:50:23 pm
Outstanding product.
I believe with little polishing it will become one of the "must have" add-ons alongside with Active Sky and Ultimate Traffic...

Thank you FSDT!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Simjockey on February 01, 2012, 11:23:16 pm
Yes, thank you Umberto and FSDT. 

Great product - and I don't even fly the big jets (was flying a Britten-Norman Islander).  It was fun waiting for the bus (sliding doors too!) to appear to bring my passengers to the aircraft, followed by the small baggage train, then the pushback tractor and wingwalker!.  Love the interaction - the airports feel more alive.

Looking forward to any add-ons you have in the works - there was mention of a bush-flying 'module'.

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: marvic on February 05, 2012, 02:56:34 am
Wow, now I got some realism to where I want it........................
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: pchimbolo on February 05, 2012, 03:33:14 pm
Well done FSDreamTeam!   Very well done!   Watching those GSX trailers on your web site month after month really got me interested.   The wait was worth it.  Also looking forward to some of the enhancements that are being discussed around this forum.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: grmpyracer on February 09, 2012, 03:12:25 am
how, where, do I download GSX my system
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on February 09, 2012, 08:01:48 am
On the Products page, it's a free Trial and works for free without limitations on any one of our airports.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: R0t0rh34d on February 25, 2012, 10:24:07 pm
Hi I'm new to the forum, great product, I fly for Southwest Virtual and this adds a new level of realism to VA flying.  Great job.

For me there are two things I would like to see:

1).  When you are not using a jetway, using the boarding stairs and bus, I would like to see people boarding and deboarding down the ladder to and from the busses, if possible.

2).  When the fuel truck comes, have a fueler get out of the truck and attach a hose to the wing of the aircraft, when fueling is done, remove the hose get into the truck and leave. 

I don't know if these are possible, but for me, this product is perfect, minus these two things.

Thanks again for a great product.

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on February 25, 2012, 11:19:10 pm
1).  When you are not using a jetway, using the boarding stairs and bus, I would like to see people boarding and deboarding down the ladder to and from the busses, if possible.

The GSX manual has a box in blue, which discuss the "boarding passengers" issue. We are looking into it, it's plain obvious is one of the most requested features, but it's not very easy to do.

Same for the fuel truck hose, it's really an animation that FSX doesn't support very easily. But they said the same about humans loading baggage so, not all hopes are lost...
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: R0t0rh34d on February 26, 2012, 03:53:07 am
You know I figured that there was a reason those weren't included, with such a great add on, that is what I figured.  Thank you for the quick reply, love the GSX, thanks again.

I'll keep hoping you guys will find a way to do your majic....

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: mike1981 on April 05, 2012, 08:12:47 pm
Hello! This product s AMAZING! AES is worse.  ;D Try to make it for AI too!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Mavrick11 on November 07, 2012, 11:10:30 pm
We are very happy to welcome you on the GSX board of the forum, the product is designed to constantly evolve and grow with your help too, and we are sure to see lots of interesting discussions here.

For the time being, just go and get it, and try it on one of our airports because, it's entirely FREE TO USE in all our airports!

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and have a question about FSX/GSX Ground services. I am a DX10 user and would like to know is GSX compatable with DX10? Also I want to thank FSDREAMTEAM for writing add-ons for DX10; please keep the excellent work up!!

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on November 08, 2012, 10:40:52 am
I am new to this forum and have a question about FSX/GSX Ground services. I am a DX10 user and would like to know is GSX compatable with DX10? Also I want to thank FSDREAMTEAM for writing add-ons for DX10; please keep the excellent work up!!

Yes, it is. Why don't you try it yourself ? The program is free to use at all our airports, and can be tested on a couple of demo airports too.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: flo1981 on October 23, 2013, 08:16:56 pm

is there a free light version of gsx, to replace youpark ?
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on October 23, 2013, 09:12:23 pm
is there a free light version of gsx, to replace youpark ?

If with "yourpark" you mean that previous ParkMe, which was only available on our sceneries, they work with GSX without having to purchase GSX.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: flo1981 on October 23, 2013, 10:40:19 pm
is there a free light version of gsx, to replace youpark ?

If with "yourpark" you mean that previous ParkMe, which was only available on our sceneries, they work with GSX without having to purchase GSX.

If I press ctrl + shift + p I have this message:
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Hnla on October 23, 2013, 11:42:51 pm
If I press ctrl + shift + p I have this message:

Did you read the message !? Parkme is now integrated in GSX, which is free at all FSDT airports, (So it's basically the same thing), and all Flightbeam airport.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: flo1981 on October 24, 2013, 07:51:37 am
Thanks, it works. :D

I believed that only the demo mode will work on all airport, include FSDT.

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: JUANITO on January 28, 2014, 09:03:59 pm
Thank you. Is there an application from gsx at  departure from airport gates , and not only at landing an taxing. Thanks
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: kongolo on February 17, 2014, 11:40:16 am

  I just bought your product at simMarket but I is not the download link I am disappointed is can you tell me the procedure to follow thank you to tell me how! : (

cordially chateiller gerard: '(
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on February 17, 2014, 12:52:32 pm
I just bought your product at simMarket but I is not the download link I am disappointed is can you tell me the procedure to follow thank you to tell me how!

As the Simmarket GSX page CLEARLY says ( in red!!! )


Please download and install the demo version first!
This is the product installation file, there is no other download:

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Peter22 on July 23, 2014, 05:01:26 pm
Hi guys I  will like to know if I can change the boarding ladder to the front left B737 (default back left)..and whats the "remember to use jet ways"
I do own KLAS/KLAX/ KFLL/ Kjfk/GSX
Thanks and sorry my ignorance..I know at the customize aircraft settings we can make some changes but not sure about placing boarding ladder.....
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on July 23, 2014, 05:19:39 pm
Hi guys I  will like to know if I can change the boarding ladder to the front left B737 (default back left)

What do you want to change ?

..and whats the "remember to use jet ways"

It doesn't do anything, other than reminding you to use the jetway, because it detected a jetway in your parking.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: ScottecLEMD on September 15, 2014, 02:49:11 pm
Just discovered GSX for FSX....and it's XXX - great job.  The ground turns are more interesting now and the accurate pushbacks are awesome!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: JD98 on April 11, 2015, 10:17:16 pm
I just bought me with secure simmarket gsx and then find not the download link for gsx . Would be nice if you could help me where I could find this download link.

LG Justin
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on April 11, 2015, 10:20:21 pm
I just bought me with secure simmarket gsx and then find not the download link for gsx . Would be nice if you could help me where I could find this download link.

From the Simmarket GSX page:



Please download and install the demo version first!
This is the product installation file, there is no other download:


And, if you scroll THIS page a bit up, you'll see the same question was made and was answered too:

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: oldmatey on May 17, 2015, 04:56:23 pm
Need help. I purchased the GSX Ground Service for $43.95 from Flight Simulator Pilot Shop (05-14-15). Once I made the download with them the download took me to your download page (FSDreamTeam- GSX Ground Service for FSX FDT-115) Once I downloaded that and tried to run the program it comes up with a error (This Program might have been moved or deleted) Can someone help me rectify this error. I'll wait to hear from you. Thanks (Steve).
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on May 17, 2015, 06:26:12 pm
Once I downloaded that and tried to run the program it comes up with a error (This Program might have been moved or deleted) Can someone help me rectify this error.

This problem is likely caused by a defective antivirus program, that has mistakenly identified the program as a threat and wrongly removed it. There are obviously no threats or virus in our installers, it's just that your antivirus is bugged and got a false positive.

As discussed in all threads about antivirus and installation, when the antivirus is defective, you must do as follows:

- DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL with the antivirus entirely OFF

- Configure the antivirus to exclude the following files from scanning:


YourFSXFolder it's usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X, if you installed it in the default folder.

- Now you can turn the antivirus back on, and launch FSX.

- Check you are seeing BOTH the "Addon Manager" menu AND the "Couatl powered products" menu under the "Addons" menu
Title: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Jammerjonn on September 26, 2015, 05:47:27 am
Can the program keys Ctrl+F12 be changed? In FSXSE F12 even with Ctrl takes a snapshot photo and sometimes GSX doesn't open. Thanks
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on September 28, 2015, 11:18:34 am
Can the program keys Ctrl+F12 be changed?

It obviously can. Check the first pages of the manual. The "Key Mapping" menu...

In FSXSE F12 even with Ctrl takes a snapshot photo and sometimes GSX doesn't open. Thanks

It's best if you change it in Steam because, FSX already has ITS OWN dedicated screenshot key ( the "V" key ) so, it doesn't make much sense to lose another key for a duplicate function. Just turn off the Steam screenshot feature, so you won't lose a key in FSX.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: gooser on August 21, 2016, 12:49:56 pm
Hello people GSX, the truth is that I have been trying to install GSX time in prepar3dv3, and it seems a bit absurd that we have to change many files for this installation being paid, but anyway .. I have since managed to install it now gateways is that airports do not work .. .. please send me a page so you can see that file must be changed again, because I'm starting to bore much modification. I hope to fix it because this addon worth, Thanks
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on August 22, 2016, 11:20:26 pm
Your message is not very clear. What files are you referring to ?

And besides, you are posting on the generic "Welcome to GSX" thread, which is 4 years old now so, please, if you have a problem with GSX, open a NEW thread, give it a proper title, so other users will be able to find it more easily, and describe your problem precisely.

Don't reply in this thread, post a new one, as explained above.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: coxo2436 on November 18, 2018, 08:59:48 am
would be nice if it would install
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on November 20, 2018, 02:53:18 pm
would be nice if it would install

Install SODE:

Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: coxo2436 on November 20, 2018, 08:19:26 pm
thank you for that it would be nice if they mentioned that requirement in the first place
plug and play not
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on November 26, 2018, 10:42:43 am
thank you for that it would be nice if they mentioned that requirement in the first place

SODE it's included with GSX, and will be installed if it's missing.

plug and play not

That's because you have a slightly outdated version of the installer. This was an installer bug which failed to install SODE if it was never installed before, but the current version which is online should be fixed.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: coxo2436 on November 26, 2018, 10:44:52 am
but that was the new installer i used!
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: virtuali on November 26, 2018, 11:12:50 am
but that was the new installer i used!

No, it's not. The installer which is currently online now (since a week or so), doesn't even have that message "Sode is missing" anymore.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: trisho0 on November 26, 2020, 05:59:12 pm

This should add a lot more fun to our simulation.  How about adding the A2A Simulations B-377 Stratoliner to the level 2 list of supported airliners?

+1, A2A Constellation as well to add it.
Title: Re: Welcome to GSX!
Post by: Rcca on June 17, 2024, 12:54:39 am
Hi Umberto! It's been a long time I been on the Forum, I still flying my FSX, until M/S said on a popup of my FSX said I need to Activate my FSX, and the box to install my product Key code would not come up!
One of our members told me to follow his instructions for the Registry, it worked!
Now had another problem for the GSX, GSX would not work, the problem was me, thought in the Addon Manager that setting for the Couati Live Update and GSX was supposed to be Enable, I was always manually enabling it, instead of leaving it disabling it, so I would Run the FSDT Live Updater 2, then after updating it, Fired my FSX, BINGO! GSX works all the time!
Thank you for your wonderful GSX!
Oh! reason Had the problem with the GSX because have not been on my FSX for some time, we moved to AZ, been traveling, and been getting senior Moments, not dementia, thank God!
And when the Active came up, don't know why, it said I was using a Trial, what for 5-6 years Know way, my brother called it a device GLITCH!
 Take Care be safe!