FSDreamTeam forum

Cloud9 Support => General Cloud9 technical support => Topic started by: ghostriderf104 on March 13, 2011, 03:41:40 pm

Title: Lost activation keys
Post by: ghostriderf104 on March 13, 2011, 03:41:40 pm
Hi All
I was trying to get my system working again and started re-doing all my files and downloading others and I can not find my activation codes to unlock my F-104 Starfighter and the F4 Phantom from Cloud9 and now I find that you are in charge of the cloud 9 downloads can you help please at the time it was under cloud9 my emial was mapierider@sky.com and user name is ghostriderf104 Yours iain.
Title: Re: Lost activation keys
Post by: virtuali on March 13, 2011, 04:14:45 pm
As clearly indicated on our FAQ page:


I have lost my Email receipt, how can I reactivate my product ?

You can go to Esellerate support site here:


You can retrieve your Order History, by inserting the email you used to purchased the product, then press the "E-Mail Order History" button. Having your Order, will allow to use the server-assisted Reinstall. If you want to know your Serial Number, insert your Order Number and Email, then press the "Submit" button on the Esellerate support site: this will enter inside your Order Page, with option to see your original Email Receipt, that contains also your Serial Number.
Title: Re: Lost activation keys
Post by: gooncube on January 17, 2025, 09:47:58 pm
Hey Ive tried everyway possible to retrieve my activation keys and when I try to send it to my email its not sending anything from this sight. Thank you.
Title: Re: Lost activation keys
Post by: virtuali on January 31, 2025, 11:13:51 am
Check the Spam folder. However, in case of Cloud9 products, it won't matter anyway, since you wouldn't be able to reactivate the, as explained heree:
