FSDreamTeam forum
Cloud9 Support => General Cloud9 technical support => Topic started by: ghostriderf104 on March 13, 2011, 03:41:40 pm
Hi All
I was trying to get my system working again and started re-doing all my files and downloading others and I can not find my activation codes to unlock my F-104 Starfighter and the F4 Phantom from Cloud9 and now I find that you are in charge of the cloud 9 downloads can you help please at the time it was under cloud9 my emial was mapierider@sky.com and user name is ghostriderf104 Yours iain.
As clearly indicated on our FAQ page:
I have lost my Email receipt, how can I reactivate my product ?
You can go to Esellerate support site here:
You can retrieve your Order History, by inserting the email you used to purchased the product, then press the "E-Mail Order History" button. Having your Order, will allow to use the server-assisted Reinstall. If you want to know your Serial Number, insert your Order Number and Email, then press the "Submit" button on the Esellerate support site: this will enter inside your Order Page, with option to see your original Email Receipt, that contains also your Serial Number.
Hey Ive tried everyway possible to retrieve my activation keys and when I try to send it to my email its not sending anything from this sight. Thank you.
Check the Spam folder. However, in case of Cloud9 products, it won't matter anyway, since you wouldn't be able to reactivate the, as explained heree: