FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => Dallas FSX/P3D => Topic started by: ESzczesniak on September 23, 2010, 03:00:17 am

Title: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ESzczesniak on September 23, 2010, 03:00:17 am
I've been nearing the end of a complete FSX reinstall to move it to another drive with more room.  Previously I had KDFW installed without issues.  However, on my current install I am missing the terminal buildings.  Other structures like the elevated tracker are still there.  Here's what I know:

1. Couatl and Add-on manager menu's both show in FSX menus

2. KDFW shows as activated in the add-on manager

3. There is no residual couatl process running before starting FSX (an issue I've seen in the forums that causes problems with loading the couatl menu)

4. KORD, KJFK, PHNL, KLAS and KFLL are all installed and working

5. I have reinstalled KDFW with all anti-virus software fully turned off without effect

6. I have removed couatl and add-on manager from the "trusted" modules and then reaccepted them when starting FS7

7. I had a similar problem before after installing AICarriers that somehow corrupted dll.exe and exe.exe.  However, this problem spread cross all FSDT airports and was review of these files revealed no entries for couatl or the add-on manager.  I see entries for these now.

The couple other posts I saw for similar issues involved no couatl menus, which is not the case for me.  So I am trying a new post.  Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.


Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on September 23, 2010, 10:35:43 am
If you see both Couatl and Add-on manager menus under the addons menu, you can then safely exclude ALL the other possible issues you listed, because all of them would result in one or both menus not displayed.

If you are seeing both menus, but no scenery, the cause is not related to Addon Manager or Couatl, since they are running fine.

Check the following:

- Your FSX is not running into any of the "Compatibility" modes. This is not the default setting, and it shouldn't be changed.

- Your Scenery Complexity setting is set at least at "Normal" or better.

If this still doesn't apply, try this:

Open the Notepad and type the following on a new blank file:


(please note logFile is written beginning with a lower case l and a capital F )

Save the file as couatl.ini in the FSX\fsdreamteam\couatl folder, so it stays at the same level of the couatl.exe

Run FSX, go to KDFW, then quit FSX after the airport has been loaded. Check if you have a couatl.log file in the FSX\fsdreamteam\couatl folder and post its content here.

Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 17, 2010, 08:32:19 pm
I'm having the same problem with two of my terminal buildings. At first everything was visible,then I added AI scenery to FSX, and now those two buildings are gone. All that remains are the jetways and the skytrain. I have ORD,JFK,FLL and LAS installed and none of them are affected. If it helps, I'm using Windows XP 32 bit.

Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on October 17, 2010, 08:54:50 pm
Do you see both the "Addon Manager" menu and the "Couatl powered addons" menus under the "Addons" menu ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 17, 2010, 09:03:50 pm
Yes, both are present.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on October 17, 2010, 09:16:07 pm
Then refer to my previous post. Your problem doesn't have anything to do with software not running, antivirus issues or anything like that because, in that case, you wouldn't see one of the menus, or no menus at all.

What AI program are you using ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 17, 2010, 09:21:45 pm
I'm using World of AI.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on October 17, 2010, 09:32:28 pm
Well, that's a bad idea in FSX, since using FS9 models in FSX, on top of losing performance, creates some issues with disappearing stuff (even if it's usually the AI that disappears).

Have you tried turning off the "Airplane Cast shadows on ground" option ? Does it make any difference ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: phenocom on October 17, 2010, 09:33:26 pm
Excuse me for  putting in my two cents worth, but I have to say that World of AI is a terrible program to use in FSX. The flight plans are not in Fsx Format which destroys all FSX traffic. It is basically files just ported over to FSX from FS9 and it can cause other problems one of which might be what you are experiencing. 
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 17, 2010, 09:39:44 pm
I've had "aircraft casts shadows" turned off. I tried turning it back on and it made no difference. I installed WOAI,because I was previously using Ultimate Traffic(first version), which is horrible(far worse frames and basic ac models). If WOAI is the problem what AI program should I be using for FSX?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: phenocom on October 18, 2010, 06:05:54 pm
Have you looked at My Traffic 2010?
 That is what I replaced World of AI with. It seems to work fairly well and the models are pretty good ( they even have animations and the jetways in KDFW, PHNL and the Hawaiian Airports work with the planes). The frame rates are pretty good.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 25, 2010, 03:20:07 am
I removed WOAI and reinstalled the scenery again, and those same two terminals still aren't there.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on October 25, 2010, 11:29:27 am
I'm sorry, but we just can't reproduce this problem, I've asked you to create a log file in a previous message and post its contents, but you haven't followed this, can you please do it now ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 25, 2010, 08:16:56 pm
That message  regarding the log file was aimed at the individual, who posted before me. Ill try and make one myself as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: ryreaves on October 26, 2010, 01:16:46 am
Heres the information:

couatl v2.0 (build 2070)
log started on Mon Oct 25 18:12:11 2010

connecting to SimConnect...
connected to FSX
bglmanx non ready yet, waiting.
connected to bglmanx
Loading addon ZurichX:
Addon ZurichX loaded
Loading addon OHareX:
Addon OHareX loaded
Loading addon JFK:
Addon JFK loaded
Loading addon XPOI:
Addon XPOI not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon ParkMe:
Addon ParkMe loaded
Loading addon LSGG:
Addon LSGG not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon KLAS:
Addon KLAS loaded
Loading addon KFLL:
Addon KFLL loaded
Loading addon PHNL:
Addon PHNL not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon KDFW:
Addon KDFW loaded
Loading addon HAWAII1:
Addon HAWAII1 not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon ENBR:
Addon ENBR not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading aircraft data from Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL
SharedMemInterface connected
Entering ParkMe area Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
disconnected from SimConnect.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on October 26, 2010, 11:09:33 am
The log shows that everything is correct and working fine.

What are your Scenery Complexity and Autogen density settings inside FSX ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: eliv on November 27, 2010, 10:35:26 pm
I guess this issue is the most popular here. I also have this problem. Bought the scenery yestrday. The Demo mode worked ok, showed everything. After  I eneterd the registration key, I have missing terminals, no taxyway signs  , I can see only the jetways. Also I dont know if this is connected or not, but if the plane is parked in terminal A i dont see the buildings of the terminal and others terminals are showing, I move the palne to terminal B, buildings in the termainal are not showing and Termainal A is ok.
I have both the Addon manager and the couatl addon under the addon menue. In FSX, Scenery and Autogen both on dense.
Below is a copy of from the log file, also seems to be ok. I also uninstalled and installed the scenery several times but with no luck.
Help on this issue would be most appreciatedThanks

couatl v2.0 (build 2070)
log started on Sat Nov 27 21:58:48 2010

connecting to SimConnect...
connected to FSX
bglmanx non ready yet, waiting.
connected to bglmanx
Loading addon ZurichX:
Addon ZurichX not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon OHareX:
Addon OHareX not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon JFK:
Addon JFK not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon XPOI:
Addon XPOI not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon ParkMe:
Addon ParkMe loaded
Loading addon LSGG:
Addon LSGG not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon KLAS:
Addon KLAS not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon KFLL:
Addon KFLL not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon PHNL:
Addon PHNL not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon KDFW:
Addon KDFW loaded
Loading addon HAWAII1:
Addon HAWAII1 not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading addon ENBR:
Addon ENBR not installed or missing one or more files, skipping
Loading aircraft data from Airplanes\LVLD_B763
Using aircraft data from aircraftDb.py
SharedMemInterface connected
Entering ParkMe area Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
Loading aircraft data from Airplanes\LVLD_B763
Using aircraft data from aircraftDb.py
disconnected from SimConnect.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on November 27, 2010, 10:55:26 pm
I guess this issue is the most popular here. I also have this problem. Bought the scenery yestrday. The Demo mode worked ok, showed everything.

No, your problem doesn't seem to have anything to do with the others

First, is basically impossible that the scenery worked in Trial, but not when purchased. Something else must have changed in your config, that you are related to the fact you purchased the scenery, but that was just a coincidence.

In fact, your log show that's nothing is wrong with the program and it's running just fine. So, your issue doesn't have anything to do with the usual problem, which is always related to missing buildings due to software not running.

Since you are observing that terminals disappear only when you are close to them, and then reappear when you go far, this is an entirely different issue, which is very uncommon but it has been found by a couple of users in the past, and doesn't have anything to do with Trial or Activated (if will manifest in both modes), and it's usually related to:

- Running FSX in one of the "Compatibility" modes under XP or Vista. Check in the Properties for FSX.EXE that is NOT running under any of the Compatibility modes.

- A video card setting. Check you don't have Adaptive Anti Aliasing ( AAA ) on on ATI cards. This is also indicated on the manual.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: eliv on November 28, 2010, 01:27:10 pm
Thanks for your prompt reply

FSX is not in any compatibility mode
My video card is nvidia, I checked that I dont have adaptive AAA
I am attaching 2 photos to see how it looks

http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/8568/dallas2.jpg (http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/8568/dallas2.jpg)

http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/7405/dallas1k.jpg (http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/7405/dallas1k.jpg)

Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on November 28, 2010, 02:28:45 pm
From your first description of the problem, it seemed the terminals disappeared when you go close and reappeared when going away. That's why I've asked to check for the Compatibility tab, because that's what will happen in Compatibility mode.

But from your screenshots, it seems it's always terminals A and B that missing. In this case, the issue would probably be entirely different.

Please, clarify the issue, because it's not apparent at all, from your screenshots and your description, what your problem is:

1) Is always terminals A and B missing, like in the screenshots ?


2) Any terminal will disappear when going close to it, and will reappear when going away, like in your first description ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: eliv on November 28, 2010, 04:48:27 pm
Its not that the terminals are always missing, but as you can see when the plane is in terminal A for example it looks like this:

Locked view
http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/9840/termainalalocked1.jpg (http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/9840/termainalalocked1.jpg)

Topdown view
http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/1345/terminalatopdown1.jpg (http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/1345/terminalatopdown1.jpg)

Terminal A is missing (or black as you can see from this view) and terminal B is there

When the plane is in Terminal B its vice vers
this is a locked view when the plan is in Terminal B
http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/3790/terminalblocked1.jpg (http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/3790/terminalblocked1.jpg)

And this is a topdown view
http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1422/terminalbtopdown1.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1422/terminalbtopdown1.jpg)
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on November 28, 2010, 06:02:48 pm
My question was trying to understand if you are having a global "objects disappearing" issue, or if it only affects Terminal A and B so, I'll try to make it more clear:

1) Does the whole phenomenon happens ONLY between Terminal A and B


2) Does it happens at other terminals too ( of course if you go *there* trying to trigger it ) ?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: eliv on November 28, 2010, 06:37:43 pm
Sorry for my misunderstanding, only terminal A & B
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: eliv on November 30, 2010, 06:57:22 am
Hi Virtuali
any ideas how to solve this?
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: virtuali on November 30, 2010, 09:40:58 am
I wouldn't rather asking the obvious but, are you using the current KDFW version (2.0) ?

I really don't have any idea other the one already suggested, like the XP Compatibility mode. There's no difference whatsoever from terminal A/B compared to the other objects and, of course, I can't reproduce this in any way.

Since everything else works in the scenery, this doesn't have anything to do with activation or the loss of it, otherwise all objects would disappear together (and only after 5 minutes) and if either the Addon Manager or Couatl weren't running, you wouldn't see any object right from the start, not just terminal A or B.

If fact, the only similar report, with some objects disappearing only when going close, was due to having the Compatibility mode on for FSX.EXE but, if you are sure you don't have it, the only other possible explanation is that another addon you have is interfering somehow, perhaps reproducing the same conditions that happen when running FSX in XP Compatibility mode.
Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: thetford569 on December 26, 2010, 03:41:50 am
I guess I should have read this message first because I just bought KDFW and I'm having the same issue with disappearing terminal buildings.  It started with just a couple of buildings and then all of them were gone.  The jetways though are there along with some of the other scenery objects.  I've done nothing but install KDFW and I'm not using compatibility mode because I'm using Windows XP already.  Screenshot is attached...

Title: Re: Missing Terminal Buildings
Post by: thetford569 on December 26, 2010, 05:06:25 am
Update on my issue...I was able to fix this I think.  Hopefully this will help others who are having trouble.  I had installed some time ago an add-on for the default DFW to add Terminal D as a GMAX building.  This also added an AFCAD for the airport.  I had disabled this after starting FSX with the FSDT KDFW installed but I guess since I didn't disable it until after the scenery had already loaded it still was conflicting.  I can only assume that the AFCAD that came with my add-on terminal D was making the buildings go away.

After checking for any other AFCADs for DFW I started FSX with only the FSDT version active in the scenery library and I had no disappearing buildings at all.  It happened within 5 minutes the first time and I slewed around for a good 10-15 minutes with no problems.  So, check for duplicate AFCADs or any add-ons you've had for DFW in the past and make sure they're disabled or gone.  That might be a solution!
