FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: mseder on February 23, 2025, 04:20:14 pm
I recently have noticed what seem as some kind of instable situation with the camera position in airport edit mode.
After clicking on the customize parking system in the GSX Customization panel I end up in a cameraposition some hundred feets above the plane.
The ADWS for L/R/U/D and R and F for Up or Down and the num keys for rotating the camera do not work, nothing happens.
Normally once going into edit mode the cameraposition are the same as before and I can move around and find a position/view before editing.
What's wrong here?
With GSX you mean GSX Pro for MSFS, or GSX (for FSX/P3D) ?
The reason of the question was because, while in P3D there's a Camera API, so GSX created a custom Top-down camera View to make it easier to select objects because (due to the Camera API) we also have Mouse clicks available, in MSFS there's no Camera API, and there's no way to setup a Camera programmatically, so GSX in MSFS can't do that.
The only thing GSX Pro does in MSFS, is to switch to the Showcase camera automatically, buy it will take whatever settings of location, speed, zoom it has been setup to, in the sim or the saved flight, GSX has no part how the camera is configured.