FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: FOD on January 20, 2025, 06:07:48 pm
Latest update (3.3.4 installed and rechecked) seems to have broken jetway operation at default airports. Jetways operate normally at add-on airports not do not move at default airports - although the “operation complete ‘ message still appears.
Follow up after another file check - no change. Update on the way?
Workaround is to move default airfield across in the config tool.- it now uses the standard jetway which works.
Surprised no response to this issue - is it unique to my GSX insrallation?
Looking back at threads of 3 years ago I finally understand. Problem was I could not find an option that worked consistently. On any default airfield, whether jetways move or not, or move but do net reach the target aircraft, varies according to the parking position. Nothing to do with GSX just typical Microsoft ………
EG just tried 10 parking slots at default EGLL all with jetways and on only one did the jetway link correctly to the aircraft!
On any default airfield, whether jetways move or not, or move but do net reach the target aircraft, varies according to the parking position. Nothing to do with GSX
Yes, this is a common question, many people assume that, just because you can "call" a jetway from GSX, it means GSX is controlling it, but it isn't.