FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => Vancouver CYVR support MSFS => Topic started by: MrSauga on December 24, 2024, 08:18:26 pm
I have the 2020 Marketplace version of this scenery. When I try running it in MS2024, the aprons and taxis all have grass textures poking through. Has anyone else experienced this?
Just noticed that grass is found at the gates in cyvr using msfs 2024. Any help is much appreciated.
Same Problem
Same problem.. Its seems the one install with FSDT is ok the one on marketplace has this problem
Hopefully it gets addressed soon. I don't want to dump it for another developer, but I fly in and out of there quite a bit. I'll give it to the end of the month before I switch.
same here
Are you all using the Marketplace version ?
Are you all using the Marketplace version ?
I'll answer for myself, but you already know that based on me being the OP. Not sure about the others. Thanks.
Are you all using the Marketplace version ?
I am not using MarketPlace version
Today I went to CYVR and to my astonishment all the aprons were covered with grass.
This is visible when you look from a cockpit or lower viewpoint. If you go into outside view and raise your viewpoint the grass disappears and you can see the aprons correctly.
Only the runways are clear of grass.
I completely reinstalled but the issue persists...
Any ideas of what could be going on ?
btw...both 2020 and 2024 share the same files. MSFS 2020 does not have the issue. Aprons have no grass. All seems well in MSFS 2020.
I can confirm that behavior.
I am not using the marketplace version and have opened another thread on the issue.
Shared install location (symbolic links) between MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024
I remember going to CYVR when MSFS 2024 was released. It was OK at the time
I think one of the updates introduced this but I cannot say for sure. Or maybe GSX update ? - they sure were a lot of them.
Would deleting the content.xml file be the cause for this issue ?
I know it rewrites itself on startup. It is weird how it gets bloated over time with lots of duplicates...
Just asking....
I purchased my copy of CYVR from SimMarket, and there does not appear to be to be a fix for this yet. I noticed that a similar problem with grass was reported at KORD, but Virtualli said it had been fixed for MSFS 2024. Can we expect a fix for CYVR's grass problem soon? Thanks!
I have the latest version of Vancouver for 2024 and I can confirm there is grass on the taxiway and Apron 2.
My grass does not go away even if I use the drone and go higher.
FSDT - you need to check ALL taxiway/aprons as I only went to apron 2.
EDIT: I can also confirm that when I removed FSDT CYVR and ran the MSFS2024 default CYVR, there is no grass anywhere.
See attached screen print
I confirm as well - I am NOT using Marketplace version
I am seeing the grass popping through at LSZH too...aprons are all covered with grass.
My LSZH is from the market place while my CYVR was purchased from the DF site...
Interesting how nobody from FSDT is commenting on this !?
I am using marketplace LSZH in MSFS 2024 - same. All aprons are covered with grass.
I guess it just shows us which companies care even after they have your money.
There should at least acknowledge that they have seen these posts and are investigating.
I guess it's time to pull the plug on FSDT
I merged two threads about this, because the issue is the same.
The underlying cause of this problem is a backward compatibility bug with apron transparency, which in MSFS 2024 don't work as they are supposed to, showing grass if the Transparency value of the apron is < 128. Of course, we reported this to MS/Asobo in their developers forum November 14th, a few days before MSFS 2024 came out.
And it has been flagged as "Bug Logged", meaning they acknowledged it and scheduled it for a fix.
Of course, we couldn't leave several of our sceneries like that and, since there is a workaround, so we worked hard to apply all these workarounds to all our released sceneries, and they came out just in time for MSFS 2024 release, or very shortly after (within the first week).
In case of CYVR, the fixed version is 1.3.1, and it has been available on our Live Update for all users that bought the scenery from either the FSDT site, or other retailers like Simmarket.
The problem is the Marketplace, and specifically the Marketplace for 2024, which is not available yet. If you are in MSFS 2020, version 1.3.1 HAS been released by Microsoft there, because the 2020 Marketplace is currently Live, so we can send updates and they are released fairly quickly. However, version 1.3.1 doesn't really make any difference in 2020, since the fix was useful for 2024 only.
Problem is, the 2024 Marketplace, instead, is not Live yet. You can't buy and you can't download anything. What you are seeing there, are Streamed versions that has been automatically converted by Microsoft from an older version which was available on the 2020 Marketplace when they did this conversion. The 2024 Marketplace is not "live" yet, so when something is updated on the 2020 Marketplace, the Streamed version you see now is not automatically updated.
The version Streamed right now is 1.3.0, the one BEFORE the fix, and that's also why you see the flag "Not approved by creator", because those sceneries have been just setup as they were (on a particular moment in time) by Microsoft, without any testing, but they are not getting live updates, because the 2024 Marketplace is not live yet.
We guess it should be going Live in a few days, and it has been only since YESTERDAY, that Microsoft have given us the ability to APPROVE 2020 sceneries in 2024, and of course we already approved all our sceneries, but I think they won't go Live until after the whole Marketplace will go live, so you should finally see 1.3.1 being streamed and also flagged as "Approved by creator".