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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: streichholz on November 24, 2024, 07:42:01 am

Title: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: streichholz on November 24, 2024, 07:42:01 am
Hi there,

since the last update .9 , everytime I click Refuel & Boarding via the EFB (Fenix A320, A319 or A321) and the fueltruck arrives, I get the following message:

The addon is causing the Couatl scripting Engine to restart.
Please run Live Update
Do you want to open log to see error details?

How can I fix this? Worked perfectly before.

Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: sde91 on November 24, 2024, 09:17:11 am
Same here, noticed this twice yesterday when doing a flight. This was with v3.2.8.

I just reproduced it again (with the latest v3.2.9) and attached a screenshot of when the error happens (instantly when the Fuel track finished connecting and fueling is starting). Couatl.err log is attached.
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: mpanis on November 24, 2024, 10:22:51 am
Exactly the same here! Fenix A320, calling automated GSX services through the Fenix EFB and as soon as the fuel truck arrives and connects to the plane, Couatl crashes. Tried different airports and ini files, still the same!
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: jamodo on November 24, 2024, 10:40:59 am
Same  with FBW A20N
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: jamodo on November 24, 2024, 11:05:20 am
Here is the report
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: mpanis on November 24, 2024, 12:13:05 pm
And iniBuilds A310, the same! 
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: flieger28 on November 24, 2024, 05:13:57 pm
Same here

Guess this lines are a hint where the Problem is

Always Refuel Progressively set externally to False
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 2367, in update
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'tuple'
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: essagreb on November 24, 2024, 09:01:41 pm
Same here, Fenix A321


couatl v4.8 (build 5554)
panic log started on Sun Nov 24 20:25:47 2024

problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 2367, in update
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'float' and 'tuple'
{'Airport': 'LFPG', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate F 76', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate F 76', 'User Pos': (49.00741566545331, 2.5779239448259466, 107.995 m, 2.85025 m, 164.80667670630402, 0.01017815956233429, 0.001745329238474369, -0.001641170843098641, 3.18211187210083, 1.0)}
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: streichholz on November 26, 2024, 09:13:42 am
ok so i am not alone, now what? Do we have to wait for an update or is there a way to fix this on our own?
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: JazzBassman on November 26, 2024, 06:48:35 pm
Same for me, I'm afraid.....both A320 and A319
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: virtuali on November 26, 2024, 06:53:55 pm
This problem was fixed in a hotfix a couple of days ago, just run the update again.
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: RedStar101 on November 30, 2024, 09:44:24 am
This has been happening to me aswell on MSFS 2024, I installed the latest update and its GSX is still crashing when I try to refuel the plan via the Fenix EFB although the last time this happened was after refueling and during the boarding process.
Title: Re: Couatl crash while refueling A320
Post by: virtuali on November 30, 2024, 02:09:24 pm
I installed the latest update and its GSX is still crashing when I try to refuel the plan via the Fenix EFB although the last time this happened was after refueling and during the boarding process.

Please post your error log, so see if it's really the same problem which has been fixed (so your issue is just an update issue), or it's something else.