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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: SMN on October 29, 2024, 08:57:17 pm

Title: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: SMN on October 29, 2024, 08:57:17 pm
Why does GPX Pro not work and shuts down after a few seconds when the message “This parking is too small for your aircraft” is displayed?
How can I fix this? I can't go into the settings when this happens... nothing works!

GSX recently worked in such parking.....
Now it doesn't.
On parking where there is no message “ ‘This parking is too small for your aircraft’ - GSX works fine!
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: virtuali on October 29, 2024, 09:38:59 pm
There are plenty of places in the manual where is explained how GSX decides if a parking is too small, and the multiple options you can use to deal with it. For example:

- The one which tells you can still use a "too small" parking, if you really want, at Page 13.

- The explanation of the "Max Allowed Wingspan" parking customization feature at Page 41.

- The explanation of the "Ignore Wingspan when parking" global settings, which is used to tell GSX to always ignore the parking size, at Page 34.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: balus on November 01, 2024, 04:43:29 am
Perhaps re-read the problem before throwing the manual at a user

GSX shuts down after the message that the parking is too small for your aircraft.

There is no ability to adjust the position, GSX closes.

I have the same issue, has only started since the last update, perhaps you broke someting.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: Robcarlyh on November 01, 2024, 05:18:59 am
Same issue here. Im no longer able to edit the parking position like before, i cant open any part of the settings, no pushback, no edit aircraft anything...the GSX menu just closes. I have tried to restart GSX and still nothing. something must have changed in the last update as it was working before
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: pete_auau on November 01, 2024, 05:40:13 am
yep  have  the  same  issue  here   at ymml using  the  pmdg777,  as  soon as  a load  at a gate   gsx  says  too small than  the  window  gsx  shuts  down   and  have  no option  to change  to another  gate  or  any other  things etc, this  is  only  happening  after  the last update, before  the update  had  no issues
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: gdavej on November 01, 2024, 08:39:44 am
I'm having the same issue with the PMDG 777, and parking space to small. This has been a problem only in the latest version, before that all was good.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: Anton52311 on November 01, 2024, 12:54:28 pm
Same problem with PMDG 777 as described above. Before latest version this was not a problem.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: fire508 on November 01, 2024, 08:51:54 pm
Same here.  GSX just closes and when i restart couatl it just reloads and says the same thing "this parking is too small".  When I am able to click on customize airport GSX/couatl closes..... Not a "read manual" issue!
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: kconlon on November 01, 2024, 09:06:20 pm
I am having the same issue.  Customize parking, no display.  When I go back to the desktop to run the FSDT Installer ( ) it starts, the progress bar moves maybe 20% then disappears.
The event viewer show this:
Faulting application name: Couatl_Updater2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x671f6e77
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.26100.2033, time stamp: 0xe767443a
Exception code: 0xe0434352
Fault offset: 0x00159b44
Faulting process id: 0x5934
Faulting application start time: 0x1DB2C98C9839412
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\Couatl_Updater2.exe
Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: 3f7f1b37-f54d-40e9-9c97-eee6c504000c
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: elac1 on November 02, 2024, 01:10:55 am
Happens not just with the T7 but also with the 73X at a gate that is clearly large enough to accommodate the aircraft. I'm sure it's an easy fix but until it's implemented it kinda kills the whole immersion factor.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: jd_jay on November 02, 2024, 08:17:28 am
Having not started up my Pc all week I did so to download the A380.  Before I did that I did all my usual updates including GSX Pro.  Loaded into MSFS with the A380 and was immediately greater with “parking to small” message, nd the. Finding the GSX menu not responsive and basically crashing.  After several attempts I loaded a smaller aircraft, and was able to access the setting and change the parking spot wingspan settings.  Loaded up the A380 into the same spot and still got the to small message.  Tried at several airport with paid scenery that should easily take the 380 and default scenery and still get the same outcome.

Of course most of us know how to read the manual and follow the instructions, but it’s being able to be allowed to change the settings and getting the menu to work in this case is the problem.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: dron960 on November 02, 2024, 10:02:58 am
I'm joining you. The same problem. The GSX settings menu cannot be opened, reinstalling does not help.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: virtuali on November 02, 2024, 12:50:23 pm
GSX always worked like this for years if you start a flight on a gate that is too small for your airplane, you can't do anything with GSX. You must exit the parking spot, go to another parking that you can use, so you can change your settings and, eventually, either override the wingpspan for those specific gates that are too small or enable the option in the settings to IGNORE the parking size.

Again, I agree is not ideal you can't do anything if you start a flight on a gate that is too small but, as I've said, this is how GSX always worked since 2012 when it originally came out, nothing has changed in a recent update. We might update it to present a menu with at least the "Reposition" option, so you can go elsewhere easily, and all the various Settings buttons, so you can also change settings. But again, we never had this before, it always was like this, see this post from 2012:


If the parking radius is too small for my plane. It then says that I cannot get any ground services

In FSX or P3D, we could do multiple nested menus, so we had a separate menu for the Settings and another one for the Airport so, even if you couldn't call the (separate) ground services menu on a too small parking, you could still change the settings or the airport.

But in MSFS, there's just one menu that includes ground services, airport, airplane and settings, that's why you can't do anything on a too small parking spot. You are only see this now, because there's a new popular extremely large airplane that just came out, which has the highest Wingspan of all airliners.

In any case, with today's update, we changed the default for the "Ignore Wingspan" option, to be Enabled by default. If you already had it Disabled from a previous version, just start a Flight on a Runway (or a gate big enough), so you can access the Settings menu.

Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: Lukosnikas on November 02, 2024, 04:00:26 pm
I have the same problem after last update. When messages shows “Parking is too small” you cant request any ground services. Even you cant update airport position…
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: fire508 on November 02, 2024, 06:04:05 pm
I have the same problem after last update. When messages shows “Parking is too small” you cant request any ground services. Even you cant update airport position…

Update GSX, load on rwy at an airport, go to GSX settings (from gsx menu in msfs), enable Ignore Wingspan Parking,  exit flight, then spawn at gate of your choice.  GSX will then ignore aircraft size for all gates.  Only need to do this once, it will retain the GSX setting for every flight.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: cconesa on November 03, 2024, 12:17:23 am
Update GSX, load on rwy at an airport, go to GSX settings (from gsx menu in msfs), enable Ignore Wingspan Parking,  exit flight, then spawn at gate of your choice.  GSX will then ignore aircraft size for all gates.  Only need to do this once, it will retain the GSX setting for every flight.

That is indeed the workaround. Unfortunately, the latest update (v3.2.4) has broken this particular option. Before, you could park in any small parking whether it be too small or not and could still access the GSX menu. Now you need to disable the wingspan first (just the once from the GSX settings menu) to ignore the wingspan and it will work from there on. If you don't do this, any aircraft bigger than the wingspan specified for that particular parking and you will have the GSX menu not opening. Not very good.

Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: akl25020 on November 03, 2024, 06:26:40 am
Same problem with “This parking is too small for your aircraft" and the iniBuilds aA300-600R as well as the PMDG 777-have the Ignore Wingspan enabled by default with v3.2.4.

Bothers me at large airports like iniBuilds EGLL and FlyTampa or FeelThere EHAM when doing 777 ops.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: virtuali on November 03, 2024, 10:39:46 am
That is indeed the workaround. Unfortunately, the latest update (v3.2.4) has broken this particular option.

This workaround is still available, and 3.2.4 hasn't changed anything to this option. The one and only change in 3.2.4 is that the "Ignore Wingspan" in the Settings is now Enabled by default, provided it wasn't already set to Disabled before.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: virtuali on November 03, 2024, 11:57:14 am
Today's update, 3.2.5, allows to open the menu if the parking is too small.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: elac1 on November 03, 2024, 10:28:03 pm
Fixed for me. Thank you, Umberto.

However, I too get the error message on loading the sim. If I click No on whether I want to restart Couatl the nuisance message goes away and everything functions normally.
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: virtuali on November 03, 2024, 11:21:09 pm
I too get the error message on loading the sim. If I click No on whether I want to restart Couatl

Which error ?
Title: Re: “This parking is too small for your aircraft" GSX shuts down
Post by: elac1 on November 07, 2024, 02:58:31 am
I too get the error message on loading the sim. If I click No on whether I want to restart Couatl

Which error ?

Please disregard. No issues.