FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: abranpuko on October 11, 2024, 10:34:05 am
Once again, when the passengers enter the plane: they disappear before sitting down. I thought the solution was to put the payload to be zero and put the sest bealts in off, restarting couatl before load msfs, and a thousand more things tested... but then I thought: it's been a month since I paid for this product and there are things like these that don't go well.
Please, could you support me?
Which plane by the way?
Its the PMDG 737.
Its the PMDG 737.
Same issue here. I turned them off for now. I don’t look into the cabin anymore.
As stopping looking at passengers is not the purpose, but the opposite, we have to keep asking them to fix this problem for which we have paid.
With PMDG 737-600 pax disappeared right before seating. Also, pink stewardess. I will test with other PMDG models later.
GSX Manual, Page 98, chapter called Seated Passengers disappearing when they sit covers all possible cases of passengers missing or with pink textures.
Same issue here. Ver 3.3.1
Rgds Hermann
Version 3.2.2
GSX Manual, Page 98, chapter called Seated Passengers disappearing when they sit covers all possible cases of passengers missing or with pink textures.
If you need to report a problem, please clarify exactly how you checked all the things suggested there and, of course, clarify the airplane used and the livery used, possibly with a link to it if it's not official.
I have GSX Pax problems with PMDG 737-900ER, passengers disappearing after sitting. From outside view, they look pink. Inside are absent.
I found the page 98 from the GSX Pro Manual, and it shows "Multiple Custom Operators", and it has nothing to do with PAX instructions for fixing.
I may have the wrong manual. Just waiting for more updates on the way.
Patricio Valdes
I found the page 98 from the GSX Pro Manual, and it shows "Multiple Custom Operators", and it has nothing to do with PAX instructions for fixing.
If you don't have the latest manual, you might as well not have the latest GSX as well. Be sure you run an update Check, you *must* get the latest manual at least.
I have a similar issue except no seated passengers no pink textures have read the manual tried everything suggested on this forum the only thing I can think of is that I get an error when doing a live update see file attached. Passengers walk into plane (all supported planes) for seated passengers go into the seat but disappear before sitting down. tried the chime off in the 737 have all the PMDG aircraft. + fenix but no luck not even visible from the outside.
I have a similar issue except no seated passengers no pink textures have read the manual tried everything suggested on this forum the only thing I can think of is that I get an error when doing a live update see file attached. Passengers walk into plane (all supported planes) for seated passengers go into the seat but disappear before sitting down. tried the chime off in the 737 have all the PMDG aircraft. + fenix but no luck not even visible from the outside.
You can't expect something will work if you haven't even completed the installation, as your screenshot seems to suggest. Be sure the whole Addon Manager folder is added to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS, start the installer and let it complete. It shouldn't give those errors.
I found the page 98 from the GSX Pro Manual, and it shows "Multiple Custom Operators", and it has nothing to do with PAX instructions for fixing.
If you don't have the latest manual, you might as well not have the latest GSX as well. Be sure you run an update Check, you *must* get the latest manual at least.
Thanks Umberto I found that GSX Manual inside of the FSDT Installer and it helped me to answer my questions. Thanks again!
Patricio Valdes
Hello Yes Ive excluded all those folders and the exe from Windows Defender Its a real puzzle.
I can confirm tis issue as well. I don't know exactly from which version of GSX I'm using to have the same problem that the passengers are visible up to the row of seats, but then disappear in the aisle of the seats. I'm currently flying 4 airliners in rotation, but I update GSX regularly, so I don't know when it stopped working. The "chime" is where it should be, but the passengers still disappear. You can't see the people from the outside with the drone either. On my last flight on September 30, 2024 with the 737-700, everything was fine. I know the date because it's logged at IVAO. That means that the seated passengers still worked with the GSX version that was current there. The problem must have crept in after that.
BTW..... GSX is the best addon for flightsimulation since FS9. Thanks for the continuous developmentand and support for this great tool.
sra. for my english but I´ll hope you will understand the meaning-.
I found now why passengers disappear in PMDG B737:
you must switch BOTH "no smoking" AND "fasten seatbelts" to OFF.
Now it works for me.
Not working for me again and I don't know why. Followed the GSX manual and no success with PMDG 737-700 plane.
Patricio Valdes
yep have the same issues was working before and now after the last update not any more guess its a hit and miss now have to check the pmdg-800 ok my -800 i have no issues seems strange that the -800 works and the -700 doesnt both are the default aircraft from pmdg
Edit ok went back and uncheck and recheck the -700 pax and now back to working again
I uninstalled and re installed GSX completely and its now fixed thanks.