FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Ursli80 on September 25, 2024, 04:24:00 pm
Hello Virtuali,
i wanted to update GSX today. From 3.1.2 to 3.1.7 I encountered problems. So I decided to delete everything and reinstall. Unfortunately, the same problems. I keep getting the following messages, as shown in the screenshots.
What am I doing wrong?
Best regards
Hello everyone,
is there no solution?
Best regards
Can't replicate this, works fine here.
Check all the following:
- You don't have a firewall blocking the download
- The whole Addon manager folder must be added to the Antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- We found some routers having their own antivirus that are also mistakenly blocking the download. Because a user found it and made a proper report, we could identify the faulty antivirus was Trend Micro, used by some Asus router (but not only), so we reported it to Trend Micro, and they reclassified our domain as Safe but, of course, there might be other routers using different software with the same bug, but without knowing what they are, it's impossible to file a complaint with the antivirus vendor.
iturned everything off during installation and I don't use any additional antivirus software.
Best regards
iturned everything off during installation
Nowhere I said you have to "turn everything off", if I never suggest that and, instead, always say to be sure the Addon Manager is added to the antivirus Exclusion, it's because there's a reason, and it's that antivirus are never really "turned off", so the proper way is to use Exclusions instead.
If you are sure your normal antivirus ( yes, you use one, the default Windows Defender ) is correctly configured, check this post, because it's possible the problem is your router:
Hello Humberto,
i know that you never said that I should turn off antivirus. If that's how it came across, I apologize. It could be that the translator didn't translate it the way I meant it.
Hmm, it could be the router thing. I had to reinstall it twice this month. I'll check it out Humberto.
Thank you for your efforts.
Kind regards and thanks Urs
If you have a router that uses TrendMicro AiProtection such as ASUS, make sure you add a white list entry on the router for under Malicious Sites Blocking for update.fsdreamteam.com.
This is sensing as malicious and corrupting the coualt64.exe
Hello everyone,
i have a FritzBox router and I have never had such problems in the past. So I am a bit surprised why this should suddenly be the case now.
Best regards