FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: karspilot on September 14, 2024, 10:33:13 am
Hi, after the last update my gsx doesn't work anymore.
Coautl64_Msfs.exe is corrupted and unreadable.
Nothing on my pc has changend (like virus scanners etc).
Even reinstalling won't help.
Please advise.
I fixed it.
Unlink and uninstall from the FSDT installer.
Remove FSDT installer via software panel in Windows.
Then reinstall. (I used the offline version; don't know if this makes a difference)
Hi, after the last update my gsx doesn't work anymore. Coautl64_Msfs.exe is corrupted and unreadable.
The file is corrupted because your antivirus has mistakenly flagged it as a threat, so it tried to "heal it" from a non-existing threat, making unreadable.
Configure the antivirus and be sure you add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS, then run the FSDT Installer and do an update CHECK on GSX Pro.
Yesterday I loaded MSFS, GSX started automatically but showed advisary that it was out of date.
So I closed the sim and ran FSDT Live Update.
Restarted the PC.
Loaded MSFS : this time GSX did not start automatically.
Clicked GSX on the MSFS toolbar.
GSX then attempted to start but then advisory came up that the script engine had not started in the expected time, or words to that effect.
Ran Couatl64_MSFS.exe manually (and not as administrator, just double-clicked it) : error message came up stating file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
I ran FSDT Live Update again this morning - just in case the file had been fixed - but same outcome.
Here are the first few lines of the Couatl log file :
16/09/2024 12:09:02: Couatl64_boot Log started
16/09/2024 12:09:02: Working folder set to C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\couatl64 according to FSDT registry root key
16/09/2024 12:09:02: Thread "couatl64_MSFS.exe" added to monitoring
16/09/2024 12:09:02: Starting couatl64_MSFS.exe
16/09/2024 12:09:02: EXCEPTION The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable
16/09/2024 12:09:03: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
16/09/2024 12:09:04: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
16/09/2024 12:09:05: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
16/09/2024 12:09:06: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
16/09/2024 12:09:07: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
16/09/2024 12:09:08: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
16/09/2024 12:09:09: Waiting to connect to Couatl64 shared memory
Before yesterday's FSDT live update, GSX had been loading automatically with MSFS and working without problems.
MSFS is up to date. My PC runs Windows 11 Home.
I searched the forum in other threads about Couatl issues but to no avail. Hence this post. Any help appreciated !
Thanks a lot,
I'm having exactly the same problem. Very frustrating.
I just uninstalled and re-installed GSX. Made no difference : problem still there :(. Hope Virtuali will get on to this soon.
Same problem for me.
Exactly the same error happend to’ me
my antivirus is off on my msfs pc ??
Nothing like this happens.
The only possible explanation, because we updated the .exe, a defective antivirus has corrupted trying to heal it from a non existent threat, which mistakenly detected because it assumed "it's new, it might be dangerous", because some buggy antivirus trust their flawed heuristics more than our proper Digital Signature, which is used precisely to help antivirus not catch false positives.
The usual:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- Run the FSDT Live Update again.
I been having the same issue. It was working fine Saturday. Sunday, I updated and know I can't get it to work either. I've turn off my antivirus and downloaded it and no luck. I uninstalled it and reinstalled, same thing. I been working on this for a few days now and can't get it work anymore. My icon lizard is gone. I don't know what to do. Help
So I was waiting for my account on here to be approved. I was wrapping my brain yesterday and this morning found a potential reason. I'm going through a reinstall again so will be forever before I come up with results but Malwarebytes is detecting the Couatl MSFS exe as malware and quarantining it.
Nothing like this happens.
Sorry, but are you implying that me and the other posters here were only imagining that GSX wouldn't load ?
The only possible explanation, because we updated the .exe, a defective antivirus has corrupted trying to heal it from a non existent threat, which mistakenly detected because it assumed "it's new, it might be dangerous", because some buggy antivirus trust their flawed heuristics more than our proper Digital Signature, which is used precisely to help antivirus not catch false positives.
The usual:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- Run the FSDT Live Update again.
After doing "the usual" as above, GSX still wouldn't load.
Only after then uninstalling GSX with FSDT Installer and re-installing it with FSDT Installer, was GSX working again.
Your "only possible explanation" is a bit arrogant as well as unprofessional. My "buggy", "defective" payware ESET Internet Security with its "flawed heuristics" found nothing wrong with GSX when I first installed it, issued no warnings, and GSX worked fine (I only used the pushback and jetways operation features sofar but am very happy with it :) ). The problem started with the GSX update to V3.1.5.
Hello, same issue with others and I don't use an antivirus software.
Nothing like this happens.
The only possible explanation, because we updated the .exe, a defective antivirus has corrupted trying to heal it from a non existent threat, which mistakenly detected because it assumed "it's new, it might be dangerous", because some buggy antivirus trust their flawed heuristics more than our proper Digital Signature, which is used precisely to help antivirus not catch false positives.
The usual:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- Run the FSDT Live Update again.
I guess you should check the router's setting instead. Turn off the router's firewall and problem solved.
The reason why the file was only 1kb is simply because the firewall blocked this exe file during the downloading stage, weird.
Nothing like this happens.
Sorry, but are you implying that me and the other posters here were only imagining that GSX wouldn't load ?
The only possible explanation, because we updated the .exe, a defective antivirus has corrupted trying to heal it from a non existent threat, which mistakenly detected because it assumed "it's new, it might be dangerous", because some buggy antivirus trust their flawed heuristics more than our proper Digital Signature, which is used precisely to help antivirus not catch false positives.
The usual:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- Run the FSDT Live Update again.
After doing "the usual" as above, GSX still wouldn't load.
Only after then uninstalling GSX with FSDT Installer and re-installing it with FSDT Installer, was GSX working again.
Your "only possible explanation" is a bit arrogant as well as unprofessional. My "buggy", "defective" payware ESET Internet Security with its "flawed heuristics" found nothing wrong with GSX when I first installed it, issued no warnings, and GSX worked fine (I only used the pushback and jetways operation features sofar but am very happy with it :) ). The problem started with the GSX update to V3.1.5.
Same problem here. never had any problems with GSX until this update. done as instructed but still not working
I guess you should check the router's setting instead. Turn off the router's firewall and problem solved.
The reason why the file was only 1kb is simply because the firewall blocked this exe file during the downloading stage, weird.
My router's firewall is not enabled.
And anyway, this would not explain why GSX was installed and worked fine prior to V3.1.5.
here is the step by step to get it to work(for me). Thank you CHATGPT!
To check if your antivirus or firewall is blocking GSX and to add it as an exception, follow these steps based on your operating system and the security software you're using.
For Windows Defender Firewall and Antivirus
Step 1: Temporarily Disable Windows Defender Firewall
Open Control Panel:
Press Windows Key + S, type Control Panel, and hit Enter.
Go to Firewall Settings:
Select System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall.
Turn Off Firewall:
On the left side, click Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
Select Turn off Windows Defender Firewall for both Private and Public networks.
Click OK.
Test GSX:
Try running GSX to see if the issue is resolved.
If it works, the firewall was likely blocking it.
Re-enable Firewall:
Turn the firewall back on by going to the same settings and enabling it for both networks.
Step 2: Add GSX to Windows Firewall Exceptions
Open Windows Defender Firewall again from the Control Panel.
Allow an App:
On the left, click Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
Click Change settings (you might need admin privileges).
Add GSX to Exceptions:
Scroll down to see if GSX or MSFS is listed. If it is, ensure both Private and Public are checked.
If GSX is not listed, click Allow another app, then browse to the GSX installation folder (typically within your MSFS add-ons folder), select the executable file for GSX, and add it.
Make sure both Private and Public boxes are checked.
Click OK to save the changes.
Re install GSX and then it should work
I tried all of the above, excluded the ADDON folder, it already was added Couatl MSFS to fierwall exclusions and uninstalled and reinstalled GSX and still no luck. Any other suggestions?
Same here, GSX has broken after the latest update.
I just ran the updater to 3.1.6 and I'm having the exact same issue. Couatl not launching and GSX not loading in the sim (Never ending "Waiting for Couatl Scipting Engine to start"). Trying to launch it manually in the Addon Manager/couatl64 folder gives me an error "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable".
I was previously on 3.1.3 and everything was working just fine. Ran the update and it's no longer working. GSX is already excluded in all antivirus and firewall settings.
Sorry to say it, but something is not right about this update - I've used GSX since release and never had any kind of major issue in MSFS until this right now.
I've been flying without GSX for a few days due to not having a fix or a solution.
Same problem, disabling antivirus and firewall and CHECKing the installation with FSDT Installer didn't solve the problem.
Nothing on my system changed that would explain why GSX stopped working after the latest update.
It now started working for me, possibly because I ran the offline installer.
Same here, Addon Manager folder has been in antivirus exclusions for a long time, but after the latest update, Couatl is not launching.
I had the same issue but was able to solve it. It was not an issue with any internal Windows anti-virus, but rather my ASUS Router AI Protection (Trend-Micro) was blocking update.virtualisoftware.com and preventing the Couatl exe's from downloading. I had to login to router an add an exemption for the link.
Hope this helps some.
i tried out all’ tre steps described but no change further I deactivated completley Antivirus and firewall, deleted couatl.exe , did a li e update to restore couatl.exe again … but nothing changed gsx still does not work… that means : i can activate on taskbar but as soon as fir example boarding is requested it goes off (black gsx icon) !!,
I had the same issue but was able to solve it. It was not an issue with any internal Windows anti-virus, but rather my ASUS Router AI Protection (Trend-Micro) was blocking update.virtualisoftware.com and preventing the Couatl exe's from downloading. I had to login to router an add an exemption for the link.
Hope this helps some.
Yes it does help me, and guys : an apology from me is due on this issue. Although unknowingly, I got it wrong about my router. Thanks X-_-Pilot9 for this post.
I was having a browse on my mobile Deco app tonight, and discovered that my Deco Mesh Wifi was set up (by the IT contractor who installed our wifi network in our new house) with a malicious content network protection based on Trend Micro's database - and it had been blocking update.virtualisoftware.com :-[
I have now unblocked that website so the problem should not reoccur. In my case also, the problem wasn't my Windows Internet Security software, but further back up the chain.
I'm not a computer expert but maybe this could also explain why GSX installed originally, if the full install did not involve the live update facility. And that may then also be why it re-installed OK after an uninstall. Learnt something new today ;D
I had the same issue but was able to solve it. It was not an issue with any internal Windows anti-virus, but rather my ASUS Router AI Protection (Trend-Micro) was blocking update.virtualisoftware.com and preventing the Couatl exe's from downloading. I had to login to router an add an exemption for the link.
Hope this helps some.
Thanks, yes, that was my issue here, too. Unfortunatley it took about two hours of wasted time last night to figure it out, so hopefully going forward some sort of solution from GSX can be made so this isn't a persistent issue.
This happened after 3.1.5 and now again after 3.1.7 . And the hours it takes to try to sort it out, going through all the possibilities.
I love GSX and what it brings to MSFS, and I'm glad I spent the money buying it.
But I'm sorry but this is terrible. Why is this installation software causing a corrupt installation of the couatl_msfs.exe file? Why is antivirus and/or firewall triggered? OK, perhaps it's something to do with antivirus, but why do we have to dig around in antivirus or firewall settings on our desktops and even on our routers? I don't get it.
I do think Umberto should be on here and provide an explanation and possible software fix to prevent this happening.
I had the same issue but was able to solve it. It was not an issue with any internal Windows anti-virus, but rather my ASUS Router AI Protection (Trend-Micro) was blocking update.virtualisoftware.com and preventing the Couatl exe's from downloading. I had to login to router an add an exemption for the link.
Hope this helps some.
This solved my issue as well. ASUS AiProtection blocks update.virtualisoftware.com as a Disease Vector threat and an exception needed to be added. After running Live Update, I was good to go. Admin may want to pin this somewhere if it isn't pinned already to save people with ASUS routers a lot of troubleshooting time.
It's update.fsdreamteam.com that is identified as a disease vector by AiProtection on my ASUS router.
I've added this and update.virtualisoftware.com to my allowed list.
Perhaps I'm naïve, but I'm still concerned about having to do this for GSX, a piece of commercial software.
Same here. Here is a picture where it shows the update link being blocked.
After last update, same issue. The thing is, I don't use an antivirus at all, so what's the reason then?
After last update, same issue. The thing is, I don't use an antivirus at all, so what's the reason then?
If you're running Windows 10 or 11, you have the default Windows anti-virus.
I have same problem despite exclusions added for Addon Manager folder in both Windows Defender and Malwarebytes which I run.
I have tried de-installing and re-installing as well as a check etc within FSDT Installer and still unable to execute the Coualt64_Msfs.exe (corrupt and unreadable)
I have the same issue, my logfile looks the same
Nothing like this happens.
The only possible explanation, because we updated the .exe, a defective antivirus has corrupted trying to heal it from a non existent threat, which mistakenly detected because it assumed "it's new, it might be dangerous", because some buggy antivirus trust their flawed heuristics more than our proper Digital Signature, which is used precisely to help antivirus not catch false positives.
The usual:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole "Addon Manager" folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- Run the FSDT Live Update again.
Happened again after the latest update even when I excluded entire Addon Manager folder from any kind of virus scan. This is second time in a row now. Running the FSDT Live Update any number of times doesnt help.
UPDATE: Check if the Couatl64_MSFS.exe is 1 Kb - in my case the routers firewall blocked it. It never used to earlier but since last update 3.1.7, it has started interpreting the site as a malecious site.
TPLink's Malicious Content Filter is also blocking the update.
My router's firewall is not enabled. And anyway, this would not explain why GSX was installed and worked fine prior to V3.1.5.
Everything can be explained. APART for the firewall, some routers also have an antivirus, which can have exactly the same defects and flawed heuristic as the PC-based ones and PRECISELY because the flawed heuristic ( correct and NOT "arrogant" explanation ), they blocked a NEW .exe just because it was new.
As soon an user reported this, providing with evidence of what really happened (the router blocked the download), we could identify the software used by the router, which was provided by Trend Micro so, we filed a complaint to Trend Micro, who immediately reclassified the Couatl .exe as SAFE.
Clearly, if the problem is really the router antivirus, but your router doesn't use Trend Micro but something else instead, having some kind of report about it would have been useful, to file a similar complain to a different antivirus vendor.
A way to suspect the router is the culprit, is checking the Couatl64_MSFS.EXE filesize, which is normally about 8MB. If it's much smaller, it's very likely a text or html file coming from the router, with a report of what it removed.
TPLink's Malicious Content Filter is also blocking the update.
Could you please provide with some router log (or the corrupted .exe ZIPPED) to confirm which software it uses ? Because, it seems some TpLink routers also use Trend Micro so, according to Trend Micro, the Couatl .exe is now Safe so, either the router is blocking something else, or that particular model uses another antivirus.
has any one found a fix yet for the couatl .uninstalled GSX reinstalled it. get message The File Directory is corrupted and unreadable . anti virus is off GSX version 3.1.9 still not working
Hey guys thank you for the router post! I was having the same issue out of the blue and could not figure out why GSX Pro stopped updating...Thank you!
For anyone who has an Asus router, I had to go to the AI Protection page and look under the Malicious Sites tab. Once there, you will see a list of blocked url's . When you see update.virtualisoftware.com, click on it and it will ask if you want to add it to the whitelist. If you add it to whitelist it will then be allowed through the Router firewall.
Hope this helps somebody. It fixed it for me and is now updating again.