FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: bwbriscoe on August 21, 2024, 01:47:19 am
Almost everytime I call for stairs, they're always the type with a driver at the top (I've NEVER seen this in real life) OR they've got a cover over them even when there's no rain.
Please, GSX, just give me normal stairs; no man at the top, no cover over them (unless it's raining). Just the plain and simple stairs.
I also get the covered stairs without rain. Some way to select stairs would be nice, perhaps in the aircraft profile
There used to be normal stairs not long ago. They disappeared after an update.
I guess it depend witch groundhandler you have selected.
"the Covered version is used when it’s either raining/snowing, or the temperature is lower than 5°C or higher than 22°C"
I agree, just give me the simple stairs...
I don't know what do you mean with "simple stairs", which is not only if a very undescriptive concept, but it's useless if you don't clarify which airplane you are using.