FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Lokman on August 20, 2024, 08:04:19 pm
I am a gsx pro user in msfs 2020. The jetway is not operating at the arrival airport. I get a 'Bad jetway data' warning. What's the problem? It started happening after the last update. It takes away all the pleasure of flying. Please help. :(
In my experience it was due to a customisation file being bad after possibly an update. For now rename the original file so that it doesn't get picked up my GSX (add any number of characters before the airport code), then restart Couatl at the apirport and go through the gates copying the data for one gate into the new file, restarting Couatl each time to reload the new file and check its valid. When you hit the error again it means that gate data might be corrupt.
Witch airport was the arrival airport? Default or add-on airport? Did you also try the MSFS groundservice to connect the jetway?