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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: fabristunt on July 29, 2024, 03:09:56 pm

Title: Double Coault Updater.exe in the GSX folder
Post by: fabristunt on July 29, 2024, 03:09:56 pm
I just noticed I have 2 Coault Updaters:
(https://i.postimg.cc/vmbVzYkn/image.png) (https://postimages.org/)
The most modern one should be the correct one, but the Desktop Shortcuts for both the Live Updater and the FSDT Installer point to the old one.
I tried swapping them over, hopefully this fixes the issues I have with the BBJ Passenger integration.

Nevermind, Pax still disappear after walking in the BBJ. Moreover, now the bus arrives empty and passengers spawn into it later.
Title: Re: Double Coault Updater.exe in the GSX folder
Post by: fabristunt on July 29, 2024, 06:27:23 pm
Since it didn't make a difference, I put it back the way it was. I have seen the Updater2 referenced on the forum, so I suppose it somehow makes sense. I does look a lot like leftover thrash from FSX/P3D, but I was sure I wiped it all away.
Title: Re: Double Coault Updater.exe in the GSX folder
Post by: Captain Kevin on July 29, 2024, 09:40:28 pm
Couatl_Updater checks to make sure that Couatl_Updater2 is up to date. Once that's done, then the update itself continues.
Title: Re: Double Coault Updater.exe in the GSX folder
Post by: virtuali on July 29, 2024, 11:02:24 pm
Since it didn't make a difference, I put it back the way it was. I have seen the Updater2 referenced on the forum, so I suppose it somehow makes sense. I does look a lot like leftover thrash from FSX/P3D, but I was sure I wiped it all away.

All wrong.

It's not a duplicate, it's not an error and the reason why the "old" one is not updated very often, it's because it's doing a very simple job of JUST checking if there's an updater Couatl_Updater2.exe and if there is one, it will download it and start it.

This way, you'll always get the latest updater without an annoying double launch, a first startup to check if there's an updated updater, then a quit (because the updater couldn't possibly overwrite itself while it was running), then a restart, which is what would happen if the updater was made like a single app.

And the shortcut points to the correct one (Couatl_Updater.exe, of course), so you won't have to wonder which one is the correct one, that is without assuming there must be something wrong.

There are reference to starting the Couatl_updater2 in the forum, but ONLY to start it in diagnostic mode, not because you are supposed to do that normally.
Title: Re: Double Coault Updater.exe in the GSX folder
Post by: fabristunt on July 30, 2024, 01:08:40 pm
Thanks, that's clear now.