FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Seralia on July 26, 2024, 10:18:55 pm
Is there a way to Board and Refuel at the same Time?
If you have the refueling point set to the left side of the aircraft, you would call for refueling first, and whilst you're getting refueled, you would call for boarding. If the refueling point is set to the right side of the aircraft, the cargo won't get loaded whilst refueling is taking place because the vehicle paths for the fuel truck and cargo loaders can interfere with each other, so the cargo loaders won't move until the refueling is complete. Likewise, if the refueling point is set to the left side of the aircraft and you board the aircraft using stairs, you might run into that same issue.
Thank u, I will give them a try.
Whats not work is request Catering first an than Refueling, That dont work at the same Time. sadly.
Fuelingpoint is on the Left an Catering on the right. PMDG 777
Otherwise, When Caterining is in Progress and I request the Refueling Truck, it wont come, even when Catering is finish :S
So I have to reset GSX and request Refueling again^^
If you call for catering first, the fuel truck won't come until after the catering is done. Though I admittedly have never tried to call the fuel truck and then call catering, so I'm not sure what would happen there.