FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: fabristunt on July 23, 2024, 10:05:55 am
Hi there!
I just checked the Coault changelog and I see that seated passengers have been released for the 737 PMDG.
Does this include the BBJ? I tried searching, but I was unable to find this information.
If not, will it perhaps come at a later stage?
Keep up the good work FSDT!
Sorry, no, but it will in a future upgrade.
Thanks for your reply, looking forward to it!
Check the latest update.
Thanks Kevin, I tried it.
Doesn't seem to be working for me. The pax disappear after walking in, but the Flight Attendants stay there.
I have the latest version of both addons (737 and GSX), I just run the live update one more time to be sure.
I also run the FSDT installer as Administrator, but it doesn't work. I tried both the PMDG livery and my own livery.
The Chime switch was in the correct position, but I tried both just to be sure.
Any suggestions?
tried removing the custom aircraft profile from gsx, disabled the pax and re-enabled them. Still not working.
Do you see passengers in external view ?
I have tried with the Drone and by moving from the pilot seat with arrows. Does the drone count as external view?
How am I supposed to see the passengers inside the plane when I use the external view?
I guess you tried the BBJ ( -700 ), not the BBJ2 ? If yes, it's fixed in 3.0.9
Yes, it was the BBJ (700) all along. I will try on Thursday and report back. Thank you!
It works, thank you!
Now I'm trying on the 738 pax version and there the passengers turn pink when seated. The livery has the airline code in the cfg, but I see that the model files have not been touched by GSX. I tried activating and removing the seated pax, just opening the installer and all that. I'll keep trying.
Found the culprit. Everything works now.
Basically my 738 livery went to the pmdg-aircraft-737-liveries folder instead. I removed it, installed a KLM livery through the PMDG Operation Center. This created the pmdg-aircraft-738-liveries folder. Then I reinstalled the Luxair PTP I found on Flightsim.to
This time the 738 Luxair livery went in the correct folder, pmdg-aircraft-738-liveries. This time the GSX installer was able to modify the model files.
Now everything works.
I hope this helps.