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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: fabristunt on July 23, 2024, 10:05:55 am

Title: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on July 23, 2024, 10:05:55 am
Hi there!
I just checked the Coault changelog and I see that seated passengers have been released for the 737 PMDG.
Does this include the BBJ? I tried searching, but I was unable to find this information.
If not, will it perhaps come at a later stage?

Keep up the good work FSDT!
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: virtuali on July 24, 2024, 01:19:14 am
Sorry, no, but it will in a future upgrade.
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on July 27, 2024, 01:13:08 pm
Thanks for your reply, looking forward to it!
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: Captain Kevin on July 28, 2024, 07:04:50 am
Check the latest update.
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on July 29, 2024, 01:03:38 pm
Thanks Kevin, I tried it.
Doesn't seem to be working for me. The pax disappear after walking in, but the Flight Attendants stay there.
I have the latest version of both addons (737 and GSX), I just run the live update one more time to be sure.

I also run the FSDT installer as Administrator, but it doesn't work. I tried both the PMDG livery and my own livery.
The Chime switch was in the correct position, but I tried both just to be sure.
Any suggestions?

tried removing the custom aircraft profile from gsx, disabled the pax and re-enabled them. Still not working.
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: virtuali on July 29, 2024, 11:44:03 pm
Do you see passengers in external view ?
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on July 30, 2024, 01:09:50 pm
I have tried with the Drone and by moving from the pilot seat with arrows. Does the drone count as external view?
How am I supposed to see the passengers inside the plane when I use the external view?
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: virtuali on July 30, 2024, 06:10:57 pm
I guess you tried the BBJ ( -700 ), not the BBJ2 ? If yes, it's fixed in 3.0.9
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on July 30, 2024, 06:18:51 pm
Yes, it was the BBJ (700) all along. I will try on Thursday and report back. Thank you!
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on July 31, 2024, 11:34:47 pm
It works, thank you!

Now I'm trying on the 738 pax version and there the passengers turn pink when seated. The livery has the airline code in the cfg, but I see that the model files have not been touched by GSX. I tried activating and removing the seated pax, just opening the installer and all that. I'll keep trying.
Title: Re: PMDG 737 BBJ Seated passengers
Post by: fabristunt on August 01, 2024, 12:31:16 am
Found the culprit. Everything works now.

Basically my 738 livery went to the pmdg-aircraft-737-liveries folder instead. I removed it, installed a KLM livery through the PMDG Operation Center. This created the pmdg-aircraft-738-liveries folder. Then I reinstalled the Luxair PTP I found on Flightsim.to
This time the 738 Luxair livery went in the correct folder, pmdg-aircraft-738-liveries. This time the GSX installer was able to modify the model files.
Now everything works.
I hope this helps.