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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: FreaXter on June 09, 2024, 11:13:03 am
I think since SU15 GSX is a big performance hit for me.
CPU: Ryzen 7850X3D, 32GB RAM 5600Mhz, Geforce 4070Super
In general boarding was very smooth so I had no problems with it. Since SU15, i have a massive FPS drop, so FPS drop to about 15-20 during boarding with the passenger bus.
I don't know if there is something with my MSFS install, the inibuilds A320nei is also not playable with FPS about 13 in the cockpit with my machine.
Any suggestions, what I can try to find the error?
During boarding, the CPU usage is at about 32%, GPU is also around 40%, RAM utilization is 50% free so i don't know, why the FPS drop that much. Only the main thread is very high and the alloc/frame are yellow/red
"Only the main thread is very high" hehe. Sadly thats more or less the depending factor for most of us. Surely one can bring many GPUs to max too in one or other way but mainthread its always the thing thats bottlenecks most of us.
Meaning, if you are anyway already near limit of the mainthread, what is very easy by setting Terrain LOD higher, or fly in busy areas, have traffic plugiins hacking on it etcetc, anything on top can cause this. And if that is maxed the other components cant get enough info and are idling, more or less. Many ways to go into this state in MSFS.
You would really have to make sure that you didnt change anything else.
Also, of course im not sure if you have but the suggestion from Asobo to install updates with a renamed community folder, start sim like that first etc is not a bad tip.
Whenever i run into these problems, ie update gives less fps, i do a full clean up. Scenery indexes, rolling cache deletion, rename community folder and all those things. In basically every time that fixes any of those issues.
But of course there can be many things. I think ive seen another topic here about that, maybe you find some info there. It shoulndt be very much further from first few pages.
But, that was for SU14 ^^ I think you see where im going with this.
Yeah but before everything was fine. I could do boarding with passengers with 50fps +
And now the 'FPS drop at about 15, sometimes even 10 or less.
Thats not a "low-end-pc" problem, as you could see I use a Ryzen 7850X3D with 6Ghz memory banks. The sim ran fine and now its a complete mess with GSX
Hi! I have exactly same problem, expecially with PMDG 777. Did you find a resolution!?
I turned the hell off the seated passengers. I indulged and that's enough. Really useless feature
I turned the hell off the seated passengers. I indulged and that's enough. Really useless feature
I'm about to as well. Yes it was neat to see pax, but then, I'm a pilot in the cockpit, not a passenger, so I never really ventured into the cabin except once or twice.
I'm about to as well. Yes it was neat to see pax, but then, I'm a pilot in the cockpit, not a passenger, so I never really ventured into the cabin except once or twice.
The obvious reason why passengers are disabled, not affecting fps, when the Cockpit door is closed.
I am doing exactly this: close cockpit door after boarding. It helps a lot! We are always with the same problem in MSFS: it is not multithread. So, no matter what GPU/CPU you have, you will always be bottlenecked!
I don't agree. I also closed the doors. And my 60 FPS on my 7800X3D and 4070S seems to be in place. BUT, when viewed from the outside, the SHIFT+Z utility showed from 5 to 15 frames (while NVIDIA continues to show 60), and when pushing to 777 in OMDB there are continuous jerks. Passenger disconnections returned the simulator to smoothness, so closing the door is a placebo. Remove passengers!!!
I’ll add that I have nothing against the developers, but it feels like the passengers were checked in some small airport without traffic. We turned off the doors, looked - yeah, fuck it, the FPS didn’t drop. BUT, when I was fighting with the pink passengers, I discovered, when looking from the outside, that they were sitting in the cabin even when the doors were closed. The pink textures helped a lot with this.