FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: RogerWilco on June 07, 2024, 04:20:52 pm

Title: Seated passengers textures
Post by: RogerWilco on June 07, 2024, 04:20:52 pm
This happens in the IAE version of the Fenix.
See attachment.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: virtuali on June 07, 2024, 04:27:32 pm
Please provide the exact livery, and if you are already installer the latest installer, as explained here:

Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: RogerWilco on June 07, 2024, 04:38:12 pm
Installer is
Livery is 9H-IHL: https://flightsim.to/file/70146/fenix-a320-v2-lauda-europe-iae-fleet-pack-with-custom-cabin-8k-1-2 (https://flightsim.to/file/70146/fenix-a320-v2-lauda-europe-iae-fleet-pack-with-custom-cabin-8k-1-2)
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 04:51:49 pm
Same issue

Installer is
Livery is 9H-LMI from this source https://community.vamsys.io/files/file/2313-lauda-europe-a320-v2-cfm-fleet/
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Swisspilot on June 07, 2024, 06:07:50 pm

I have the same issues. Passengers get pink as soon as they seat. Also 2 of 4 Flightattendants get pink as they stand at the door. I'm on

Tried it with the Edelweiss livery that came with the livery Manager of Fenix AND also with the Tunisair paint found here:

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: steveellis on June 07, 2024, 06:12:57 pm
I am having issues with the above too.

The Agean livery from Fenix official works ok, but the Jetstar VH-VFH from the official does not.

Is there a parameter in the aircraft config or something that is triggering this ?
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 07:04:30 pm
The Aegean livery from Fenix has in its aircraft cfg under model "AEE" (also icao_airline) but my livery with the problem as model " ". I dont have the Jetstar livery installed - would like to check if the at the Jetstar livery the model is not set to " JST "?

I dont know if that has something to do with it, it just caught my eye.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Acesimulation on June 07, 2024, 07:37:13 pm
I've checked the airline icao which states EZY but uniform still doesnt change ?
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Swisspilot on June 07, 2024, 07:39:34 pm
The Aegean livery from Fenix has in its aircraft cfg under model "AEE" (also icao_airline) but my livery with the problem as model " ". I dont have the Jetstar livery installed - would like to check if the at the Jetstar livery the model is not set to " JST "?

I dont know if that has something to do with it, it just caught my eye.

I checked it with my liveries that are not working (mentioned above Edelweiss and Tunisair] and indeed both oft hem have model "".
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 07:49:50 pm
I installed the VH-VFH which was report not working, it has no model.JST folder inside the SimObjects folder and not model entry in the cfg. After unticking and ticking the Seated Passengers Airplanes setting, it was scanned by FSDT and the model folder was added.

That did not happen with the 3rd party livery from 9H-LMI, wether it was linked or directly installed in the community folder.

They just released a version 3.0.1 - and I am currently downloading it.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 07:56:01 pm
I think I might have found the solution, once the livery was inserted under fnx-aircraft-320-liveries folder structure, it was recognized by FSDT scanning and the model folder was created and the model " RYR " line was added. Im now loading in the sim and verify if the passengers are indeed visible.

So solution would be to add all liveries within the standard path for the fenix livery manager and after every new installed livery open FSDT installer and let them scan. But @virtuali maybe you can add the scanning to every fnx_320_* folder so that even if the livery is not just put in the community folder it will be recognized by the FSDT installer?
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 08:13:49 pm
I can confirm that it is now working for me. I added the Livery folder of my 9H-LMI livery to the default fenix path were fenix installs its liveries from livery manager fnx-aircraft-320-liveries and let FSDT Installer scan again (untick seated passengers airplanes loading Fenix A320, closed, opened again the config and ticked it again, then closed) and passengers now are visible and not pink inside my 9H-LMI aircraft.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: steveellis on June 07, 2024, 09:08:04 pm
I hope there might be a better solution in the future though, I use a separate drive for all my addon liveries.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 09:14:02 pm
I hope there might be a better solution in the future though, I use a separate drive for all my addon liveries.

Maybe it works if its linked in the default folder - havent tried that yet.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Swisspilot on June 07, 2024, 09:16:49 pm
Thanks Alex

Unfortunately it seems only to work with textures that came through the Fenix Livery Manager. In my example, I downloaded Edelweiss from the livery Manager.
After your suggestion, a model folder was created. However with the Tunisair Repaint I've downloaded from flightsim.to it won't create that folder.
If I add it manualy and add it to the aircraft.cfg, the plane does not show up in the sim.
So I realy hope there is soon a better handling for freeware paints.

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: zain1291 on June 07, 2024, 09:17:39 pm
Yea same issue. Installed livery via fenix's livery manager. I guess we do need to run the installer everytime you put in a new livery.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 07, 2024, 09:24:05 pm
Thanks Alex

Unfortunately it seems only to work with textures that came through the Fenix Livery Manager. In my example, I downloaded Edelweiss from the livery Manager.
After your suggestion, a model folder was created. However with the Tunisair Repaint I've downloaded from flightsim.to it won't create that folder.
If I add it manualy and add it to the aircraft.cfg, the plane does not show up in the sim.
So I realy hope there is soon a better handling for freeware paints.

Kind Regards

Hi Patrick

in my instance it was also a livery loaded from flightsim.to and not from the livery manager - but maybe something else is needed by the livery creator.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Swisspilot on June 07, 2024, 09:32:56 pm
Hi Alex
Would you mind to test it with my livery to see if I did something wrong?
Kind Regards
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: jfo11 on June 07, 2024, 09:59:02 pm
Same issue (pink-checkered seated passengers) with livery
from Flightsim.to
(edited to add that livery is installed via addon linker in community folder, not inside Fenix liveries folder)
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 08, 2024, 12:03:50 am
Hi Alex
Would you mind to test it with my livery to see if I did something wrong?
Kind Regards

Hi Patrick,

i downloaded the TS-IMU livery from your link and added it the way I did today and it works. But be aware that the folder structure is correct. Default livery path is \Community\fnx-aircraft-320-liveries\SimObjects\Airplanes\FNX_320_CFM_TARTSIMU if you download the livery it already comes packed in a SimObjects folder, you need to move only the FNX_320_CFM_TARTSIMU folder in the defaul location. Oddly enough there was no model folder created but the passenger were visible.

Im still not 100% sure that this is really the reason why it works and I do hope on a clarification note from Umberto about this. But for me - I have now visible Passengers in the Tunisair livery.


Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: alexm90 on June 08, 2024, 12:08:23 am
On another note - I flew at night time today and this happend. The cabin was lit, but the passengers were sitting in the dark. First I thought "cool, now I dont have pink but black textures", but if you look closely you see, that they have texture, they are just sitting in the dark. It happend on approach at nighttime at LOWW in 9H-LMI (added via the default livery manager path method mentioned above)

Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: virtuali on June 08, 2024, 03:43:17 am
That's caused by the airplane not having interior dynamic lights.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Swisspilot on June 08, 2024, 08:40:27 am
Thanks Alex.

I didn't test it before as I saw no model folder, but after I saw your post I tested it again. Indeed I have now the passengers too.
I'll try to move the folder now out to my custom location and see if it still works. Normaly, most of my addons are outside the communityfolder and I activate only what I need for the current flight with Addonlinker.

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: jfo11 on June 08, 2024, 12:56:21 pm
Thanks for the advice in the forum...
I moved the Vueling livery from Flightsim.to (FNX_320_IAE_VLGMVN 4K) into the Fenix liveries folder, and now it works :D
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: adsm88 on June 08, 2024, 01:04:10 pm
you need to make sure that the livery in the community folder follows the fenix standards. Named as follows fnx-aircraft-320-xxxx. If you have a livery folder named like FNX_320_IAE_VLGMVN as I had gsx does not recognise it as a livery. I changed the folders name to fnx-aircraft-320-VLGMVN and voila.
If you do not see the created by gsx file inside the model folder it just means that gsx has created nothing. But it will work anyways.
If you do not have a model folder GSX will write an entry in the aircraft.cfg and create that model folder.
So 1 : make sure to have the airline icao entry in the aircraft.cfg
and 2. that the folder name in the community folder follows the fenix standards

I just think that this is something that the developers should explain clearly. It took me 2 hours to figure out the GSX logic on this.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: adsm88 on June 08, 2024, 01:07:11 pm
Thanks for the advice in the forum...
I moved the Vueling livery from Flightsim.to (FNX_320_IAE_VLGMVN 4K) into the Fenix liveries folder, and now it works :D

Makes sense because the fnx liveries folder follows the right folder's name standards for GSX. A quick option is to, as I posted above, to change the folder's name.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: dreampilot on June 08, 2024, 01:37:07 pm
I just think that this is something that the developers should explain clearly. It took me 2 hours to figure out the GSX logic on this.

Absolutely. If it's not straight foolproof, it must be explained in detail, somewhere.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Acesimulation on June 08, 2024, 01:59:42 pm
I have downloaded the Easyjet livery from the fenix manager, the airline icao says EZY but its showing the wrong uniform ?
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Pioneer on June 09, 2024, 05:27:53 am
I'm using a FNX livery from the livery manager. The passengers come onboard, go to their seat, then disappear never to be seen again.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: MrSauga on June 10, 2024, 02:54:39 am
I was having the same pink texture issue as soon as the pax would sit down. I tried moving my liveries to the default fenix directory but could only get one livery to show the correct textures. It was the only folder that the model folder was added/created in.
Then I gave me full permission to the fenix liveries folder and all my liveries now get the model folder. They all appear to be working correctly now. Maybe it was just coincidence. I don't know, and I don't care, but if you are having this issue then it can't hurt to try. You can always remove the permissions afterwards.
Now, I have not moved my folders out of the default fenix livery folder (fnx-aircraft-320-liveries). The default folder however is not in my community folder. I still use addon linker to handle all that and keep things neat. It's quite possible that you don't need them in the default fenix livery folder if you give full permission to the folder containing your liveries. It's something you would have to try. If it doesn't work, try moving them to the default livery folder and allow full access to that folder.

Again, this worked for me. It may not work for you. Right click on your livery folder and select properties. Then select the security tab and work your way around to editing the permissions. I'm not here to explain all that, so don't ask questions on how to change permissions on a folder. Google will do that for you.
Good luck.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: AndyCYXU on June 10, 2024, 06:08:05 am
you need to make sure that the livery in the community folder follows the fenix standards. Named as follows fnx-aircraft-320-xxxx. If you have a livery folder named like FNX_320_IAE_VLGMVN as I had gsx does not recognise it as a livery. I changed the folders name to fnx-aircraft-320-VLGMVN and voila.
If you do not see the created by gsx file inside the model folder it just means that gsx has created nothing. But it will work anyways.
If you do not have a model folder GSX will write an entry in the aircraft.cfg and create that model folder.
So 1 : make sure to have the airline icao entry in the aircraft.cfg
and 2. that the folder name in the community folder follows the fenix standards

I just think that this is something that the developers should explain clearly. It took me 2 hours to figure out the GSX logic on this.

Thanks for that it seems to work well for the most part..

I use addon-linker and renamed all my livery folders to fnx-aircraft-320-xxxx run the installer check uncheck seated plane and out of 19 liveries i have 15 worked great and I saw GSX created model.XXX and some files in there.. all the liveries had to be activated of course so that there are links in community folder.

so 4 did not work not sure why tried finding what was special about these 4.. idk just these did not work

thanks for the tip !  :)
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: 20NailsPilot on June 12, 2024, 01:47:31 am
you need to make sure that the livery in the community folder follows the fenix standards. Named as follows fnx-aircraft-320-xxxx. If you have a livery folder named like FNX_320_IAE_VLGMVN as I had gsx does not recognise it as a livery. I changed the folders name to fnx-aircraft-320-VLGMVN and voila.
If you do not see the created by gsx file inside the model folder it just means that gsx has created nothing. But it will work anyways.
If you do not have a model folder GSX will write an entry in the aircraft.cfg and create that model folder.
So 1 : make sure to have the airline icao entry in the aircraft.cfg
and 2. that the folder name in the community folder follows the fenix standards

I just think that this is something that the developers should explain clearly. It took me 2 hours to figure out the GSX logic on this.
I'm just about to give up... Have a 3d party livery. As it's a 3d party livery, is installed directly into the comunity folder (no addon linker). Just renamed the folder to fnx-aircraft-320-IAEFENIX (Fenix is the VA name). Also checked the aircraft.cfg contains the icao_airline line as shown below:
major = 1
minor = 0

base_container = "..\FNX_320_IAE"

title = "FNX_320_IAE_FENIX_2024"
texture = "FENIX"
model = ""
ui_variation = "FENIX"
atc_id = "EC-FNX"
atc_airline = "FENIX"
icao_airline = "FNX"

fnx_selcal_code = FNX
fnx_wifi_antenna_type = 0

// rest of the file omitted for lengh reasons //
Just went to GSX - Options and unchecked and checked the Seated Passengers option, but the model folder is not being created.

Is there anything I'm missing??
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: virtuali on June 20, 2024, 02:48:04 pm
// rest of the file omitted for lengh reasons //

And that's what you should never do, because the aircraft.cfg might have a problem in other parts you don't think are important, that's why you should never post a file copied in a post but, instead, using the forum ATTACH function to add the actual file, so I could look at the whole file, unchanged.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: eu204 on June 21, 2024, 08:58:23 pm
Hi all. I discovered another problem. When you turn on the passenger checkbox on the Phoenix 320, all visual effects disappear (warm air from the engines, APU and contrail). Only a complete reinstallation of Phoenix will help. Then, as soon as you check the box, the effects disappear again. Has anyone encountered such a problem? Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: Art69 on June 22, 2024, 06:10:37 am
Hi all. I discovered another problem. When you turn on the passenger checkbox on the Phoenix 320, all visual effects disappear (warm air from the engines, APU and contrail). Only a complete reinstallation of Phoenix will help. Then, as soon as you check the box, the effects disappear again. Has anyone encountered such a problem? Thanks in advance

Sorry... what aircraft is Phoenix 320?  ::)  Never heard of it.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: karank on August 09, 2024, 10:39:47 am
Adding the steps I took to make it work:

Note (1): If you haven't used the Fenix Livery Manager before, you can create the necessary folder structure by downloading any livery from the manager. This will create a folder called "fnx-aircraft-320-liveries" in your MSFS Community folder.

Note(2): I use MSFS Addon Linker and store my liveries on a different drive. GSX doesn't recognise this location even though it's active in the Addon Linker so for the moment, I've moved all my flightsim.to liveries from the custom directory to the default MSFS Community folder.

1. Download the livery you like from flightsim.to.
2. In the downloaded zip file, browse until you reach the folder called 'FNX_320_IAE_xxx'. In my case, it was 'FNX_320_IAE_VTTTM'. Copy this folder to the following directory: Community\fnx-aircraft-320-liveries\SimObjects\Airplanes.
3. Run FSDT Universal Installer and click on 'Config' for GSX.
4. Enable 'Fenix A320 B2'.
5. You should see that GSX recognises the livery and adds a 'model' folder into this particular livery directory.
6. If this occurs, congratulations, everything should work as intended and you can now close the FSDT Universal Installer.

IF GSX did not create a 'model' folder in the livery folder, chances are the ICAO airline in the 'aircraft.cfg' of the livery isn't recognised by GSX. In my case, this happened.

To resolve it, I changed the ICAO airline from 'VTI' to a more common airline such as 'AIC' in the 'aircraft.cfg' file and re-launched FSDT Universal Installer. This time GSX recognised the livery and added the 'model' folder.

So, it appears that if the ICAO airline in the 'aircraft.cfg' isn't known to GSX, it doesn't recognise that particular livery folder at all.

Hope this helps. 
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: virtuali on August 19, 2024, 04:56:01 pm
So, it appears that if the ICAO airline in the 'aircraft.cfg' isn't known to GSX, it doesn't recognise that particular livery folder at all.

That's normal, although GSX tries to recognize the airline even from the atc_airline or even the Title itself, but this heuristic is not as reliable as a proper airline ICAO code, because there's only so many way we can deal with all the creative ways airplanes or their airline are named.

So yes, best to have the icao_airline line present with the correct code, otherwise the Crew uniform will be generic.
Title: Re: Seated passengers textures
Post by: karank on August 21, 2024, 04:40:51 pm
So, it appears that if the ICAO airline in the 'aircraft.cfg' isn't known to GSX, it doesn't recognise that particular livery folder at all.

That's normal, although GSX tries to recognize the airline even from the atc_airline or even the Title itself, but this heuristic is not as reliable as a proper airline ICAO code, because there's only so many way we can deal with all the creative ways airplanes or their airline are named.

So yes, best to have the icao_airline line present with the correct code, otherwise the Crew uniform will be generic.

Thanks, the code for the airline was correct in the livery aircraft.cfg. 'VTI' (Vistara) is an Indian Carrier but GSX does not recognise 'VTI' so it never created the adequate folder with its modified files. When changing it to 'AIC' (Air India) which is in GSX airline database, GSX immediately recognised the livery but of course the crew weren't in VTI uniform.

I also didn't find any generic textures GSX falls back to, if the airline isn't recognised, the model is not modified and I get pink textures. For the moment, I've modified the aircraft.cfg of liveries that GSX does not recognise to more known carriers. That resolves the pink texture issue (albeit with wrong crew uniforms) until the GSX airline database is updated or a generic texture is available.