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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: mucramp1991 on June 05, 2024, 09:20:36 pm

Title: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: mucramp1991 on June 05, 2024, 09:20:36 pm
Hey Guys,

hope one of you can help me with my Problem.

3 Days ago i finally managed to move from P3D to MSFS.
When i do the whole Groundhandling in MSFS with GSX including the Pushback, the Aircraft does not want to Taxi.
Obviously the Chocks have been removed before Pushback, i release the Parking break, increase the Power on both Engines but the Aircraft stays at the exact same Position where the Truck disconnected.

When i load into MSFS and spawn directly on the Runway i have no Problems at all.

GSX Version: 2.9.8 ( according to the FSDT Installer its the latest Version. )
Fenix Version: .407 also the latest Version.

Greetings from Germany,

Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: AndyCYXU on June 07, 2024, 07:58:09 pm
I actually started recently having this issue.. not sure if it has to do with GSX or not, I noticed if I just apply and realise my toe brakes and it started rolling just fine, if you don't have toe brakes (rudder pedals) then maybe try use and press whatever button you have set up for brakes see if that helps.
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: Kiwi Jez on June 21, 2024, 04:11:48 am

I have exactly the same problem.

There is no key binding issue - i checked.  Chocks are off. Tapping toe bakes dos not help...

Any one have a solution?
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: alphaklg on June 22, 2024, 01:22:12 pm
Encountered the same issue.i had no issues at all before upgrade to latest version.
- Fueling boarding on the fenix = all ok
- as soon as push back is requested nothing happens visually (i see the push and people on the ground just waiting) releasing brakes on/off does nothing. Restarted coatl => trying to bring up the gsx menu (by MSFS menu bar or shortcut) GSX window appears and disappears within the second. Tried to push using the Fenix utility : the plane does not move and stopping couatl the plane moves.
So i suppose there is some sort of iteraction going on in the back ground but messing up the operations
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: alphaklg on June 23, 2024, 11:22:36 am
Fixed it by re installing (offline method +another update did one flight and all was ok then.
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: ace2029 on July 17, 2024, 10:54:52 pm

I have exactly the same problem.

There is no key binding issue - i checked.  Chocks are off. Tapping toe bakes dos not help...

Any one have a solution?

I'm having exactly the same problem. I've even gone so far as to completely reinstall Windows and MSFS. Only installed the basics; MSFS, Fenix and GSX. The same behaviour occurs. Loading and fuelling are fine, even the pushback is fine. Once pushback is complete I can't taxi; chocks are removed, brakes are released, no warnings etc. With engines at full throttle I can't move. Only affects the Fenix; all other aircraft are OK.

I'd appreciate if this could be investigated.
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: mucramp1991 on July 21, 2024, 12:19:12 pm
I actually started recently having this issue.. not sure if it has to do with GSX or not, I noticed if I just apply and realise my toe brakes and it started rolling just fine, if you don't have toe brakes (rudder pedals) then maybe try use and press whatever button you have set up for brakes see if that helps.

with the place where my PC is at the moment im unable to connect rudder pedals (rudder + brakes are used with my sidestick).
I use the Thrustmaster Airbus Pack. I have no problems with other Aircrafts, just with the Fenix...
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: Chel on July 23, 2024, 10:22:03 pm
 I don't think that it is a gsx issue because I have tried disactivating it using the unlink option in the installer but nothing changes.  I think it is an issue with Fenix only.  Has anyone reported it to the developer support team?
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: Chel on July 24, 2024, 04:54:08 pm
I contacted Fenix team and they told me to create a new profile in the controls, it worked for me, it must be a problem with the controls.
Title: Re: Fenix A320 does not Taxi after Pushback
Post by: leftos on July 24, 2024, 08:14:20 pm
We figured this out over on the Fenix Discord, has nothing to do with GSX, but rather with the controller mappings related to engine on/off.
