FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: rynatlike on May 31, 2024, 08:55:43 pm
hello i had gsxpro for a while i couldnt download it so i just gave up but now i want to try again and when i tried to download gsxpro when i open my fsdtinstaller it says "msfs is not installed" i have tried opening msfs but it didnt help also the products wont show up so idk what to do
Update: i think i dont have Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe because i cant find i think that may be the problem but im not sure
It is possible to log the installation this way:
Open a command prompt, which can be done by typing CMD (then Enter) on the Windows address bar
Assuming you installed in the default folder ( if you haven't, you MUST replace this command with your actual path ) type the following:
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager"
Again, adapt to your actual path if you changed it, and use double quotes if your path contains spaces
Now start the installer this way:
Couatl_Updater2 /INSTALLMODE /LOG
Run the install, and if it's still not installed at the end, exit and check for this file
Will if you did everything correctly, would have been created in the Addon Manager folder you were in.
ZIP the LOG.TXT file ( yes, ZIP IT!! ) and attach it to a post or send it by email to support, so I can see what's wrong with it.
hello where do i run the Couatl_Updater2/INSTALLMODE/LOG is it on the line where i typed 1 near it? and uh is it ok that i dont have Couatl64_boot.exe (i think i dont have it because windows cant find it)
hello where do i run the Couatl_Updater2/INSTALLMODE/LOG is it on the line where i typed 1 near it?
Please follow my previous instructions to the letter.
I never said to edit the link properties, and you are editing the ones for the wrong .exe anyway. Don't change anything in my instructions, and if something is not clearly, clarify precisely which step of my instructions is not clear and I'll try to explain it better.
Hello I am sorry but i dont get how to start the installer this way could you please explain
I wrote you the precise, step by step instructions how to do that.
hello sorry for the late reply i try to do it but it says this and also ive tried with admin perms and without
hello sorry for the late reply i try to do it but it says this and also ive tried with admin perms and without
Your screenshot shows you haven't followed by instructions exactly, because you are in the Windows folder, which you shouldn't be, had you followed ALL steps without skipping anything.
ive understood now idk how i was so stupid to miss the CD part before running the first command and the fsdt installer and liveupdate work now but anyway ive installed gsx and it isnt working i tried relinking and pressing the check button but my gsx still wont work in the sim do i create a new post in the gsx support for msfs?
Please clarify "don't work in the sim".
well in the fsdreamteam it shows that everything is downloaded correctly but in the sim theres no sing of gsx whatsoever
You mean the FSDT Installer now shows "Installed" in green, but you don't have the GSX menu in the Toolbar?
sooooo do i create another post in gsx support for msfs?