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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: miki3320 on May 07, 2024, 12:40:47 pm

Title: Pushback problem
Post by: miki3320 on May 07, 2024, 12:40:47 pm
Good day,

how can I solve this problem? It only happens with this kind of tug

Title: Re: Pushback problem
Post by: virtuali on May 07, 2024, 12:50:26 pm
Not a GSX problem or related to GSX. As you can see, the airplane moves BEFORE GSX asked a direction, so GSX pushback hasn't even started yet.

It seems that, for some reason, the DEFAULT Pushback system started, either by you, or by another add-on, or by the AI co-pilot, and it's fighting against the fact GSX has already "frozen" the airplane because it must do that with a wheel-raising tug. Try to find why the default pushback started.
Title: Re: Pushback problem
Post by: miki3320 on May 07, 2024, 01:58:23 pm
Hmm, thanks, will try to look into it, however I wouldn't know where to start. Any reason why it would only happen with this kind of tug?
Title: Re: Pushback problem
Post by: virtuali on May 07, 2024, 05:20:20 pm
Any reason why it would only happen with this kind of tug?

Please don't confuse the cause with the effect. The real cause, is the default pushback that started for some reason. Which has the *effect* seen in the video, because the towbarless pushback (because it raises the airplane), must completely freeze the airplane, so it would be entirely under GSX control.

So, the issue is the default Pushback is fighting with the frozen airplane. Note that, with "default pushback" it can be anything, like the airplane own code, or another add-on that uses the default pushback, a key bound to it, or the ai copilot trying to pushback the airplane (which of course will use the default system).

That's a list of all things that might possibly call up the default pushback.
Title: Re: Pushback problem
Post by: miki3320 on May 09, 2024, 10:25:05 pm
I checked all of these and didn't find anything, I even cancelled the keybind of the default pushback, and still the problem persists. Very strange
Title: Re: Pushback problem
Post by: pete_auau on May 10, 2024, 01:39:12 am
you havnt  got  any other  push back mods  in  your  community folders  or  any  others what addon   aircraft  your  using   could be  the  issue
Title: Re: Pushback problem
Post by: miki3320 on May 23, 2024, 11:28:44 pm
Well I had toolbar pushback installed at the beginning, but I uninstalled it even before GSX Pro came because I didn't like it. As for aircraft add ons, I have all the usual ones: PMDG 737 (all variants), Fenix A320, Leonardo Maddog, Dc Design Concorde, FBW A32N, Headwind A339, Kuro B788, Horizonsim B789 and also the TMS F22