FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => Chicago O'Hare for FSX/P3D => Topic started by: 19pecker67 on March 06, 2024, 09:42:40 am

Title: [p3dv5.3] KORD jetways/buildings disappear and re-appear
Post by: 19pecker67 on March 06, 2024, 09:42:40 am
Hi folks,

1. I experience dis- and re-appearing jetways and buildings at FSDT KORD. (Maule; even not looking around
2. Sometimes GSX does not even show up at all in the p3d add-on tab.
3. I already have installed the latest update 2.9.4 of March 4th.
4. SODE platform manager reports nicely in green SODE registered and active.
5. I use alpha-india for AI aircraft. Do the high number of aircraft at KORD (and KMDW) interfere? VRAM shows 3.5/7.1GB with alpha-india Traffic Controller.


i7 8700K 12MB 3.7G | MSI Z370 Tomahawk | DDR4 16G | C: SSD Samsung 970 EVO 500G M.2 | G: Samsung SSD 980 PRO 2T M.2 MSI | F: Samsung HD 1T | RTX2080 DUKE 8G || p3dv4.5 | PMDG DC6 || p3dv5.3 | FSLabs A320 A319 A321 Concorde | PMDG 737 747 777 || ORBX | GSX | FSDT | PACX | ActiveSky
Title: Re: [p3dv5.3] KORD jetways/buildings disappear and re-appear
Post by: 19pecker67 on March 06, 2024, 10:42:34 pm
Hi folks,
I don't know what I did, but the buildings are stable out there now.
However, the jetways are still missing completely.
GSX is active; I can call for the stairs, and two of them dock to my A319.
The missing jetways are a nuisance.
FSDT KORD was somehow always unstable regarding the jetways.

Additional question: Do the FSDT Exclude need a special location in the scenery file? Above or below all FSDT sceneries?

Title: Re: [p3dv5.3] KORD jetways/buildings disappear and re-appear
Post by: 19pecker67 on March 07, 2024, 10:42:11 am
Additional information:
By and then, loading the scenario at FSDT KORD opens with the information that the trial period has started,
this without that after a couple of minutes the buildings etc vanish.
Means, somehow at the start the simulation thinks 'this is only trial', but then finds it is not.
Is this connected to the issue that the jetways don't show up at all?
Thx. André
Title: Re: [p3dv5.3] KORD jetways/buildings disappear and re-appear
Post by: virtuali on May 07, 2024, 12:46:28 pm
There's a strange folder inside your KORD scenery folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\KORDV2\scenery\KORD 040-090_220-270deg

This is NOT part of our installation, but it seems to be an airport for KORD, which is being picked up instead of the correct one. Remove the folder and try again.
Title: Re: [p3dv5.3] KORD jetways/buildings disappear and re-appear
Post by: 19pecker67 on May 16, 2024, 11:13:24 am
Hello Umberto,

I tell you what I do with many purchased airports:

Often the sceneries don't reflect the actual usage of runways, cf. flightradar24, flightaware, etc.

If the runways are parallel, but displaced, e.g. EDDB, ...


... take-offs and landings are distributed so, that the taxi time from/to the terminal is minimised.

If there are more parallel runways (e.g. KLAX, KDFW), ...


the outer runways will be used rather for landings, the inner runways for take-offs.

In more complex runway setups like KORD or EHAM, the rational described above AND wind sectors decide on which runways are used for T/O and landings.

As said, purchased sceneries often ignore this completely:

A. All parallel runways are 'open' for both; this might be fine for the KLAX example since p3d IMHO chooses the closest runway for an approaching or ready-for-taxi aircraft (AI or my 'own' plane).

B. In the EDDB example the shorter-taxi-time setup improves the flow of taxiing aircraft; the AI aircraft less block themselves waiting the first aircraft to disappear after a given time-out.

C. In more complex runway setups sometimes the 7.9° crosswind method make the runways parallel, but this works only nicely if the wind blows accordingly in the direction of the 'paralleled' runways. If the wind deviates beyond a certain degree (not sure, but I think also the wind velocity seems to play a role --- if very weak winds blow...), AI aircraft might use runways which in real life would never be used simultaneously.

I know, it is only a simulation...   8^)

Back to your question regarding C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\KORDV2\scenery\KORD 040-090_220-270deg:

If I don't like the purchased scenery runway setup in the AFCAD file, I restrict the used runway directions for take-offs and landings, close them completely for certain wind directions, parallel them if necessary with the 7.9° crosswind runways, sometimes 'paralleling' the smaller sector like a V, sometimes 'paralleling' the obtuse angle \_, create additional folders with sectors of paralleled runway directions in its name, create a subfolder \scenery, put in the edited, compiled AFCAD file, rename the original bgl file to ...bgl.off, bind the new sceneries into the simulation, and have only one of this extra AFCAD file activated, depending on the wind 'today'.

This allows even during a flight to change the AFCAD file, if the wind direction of your destination airport has changed in the meantime
(and only if you are not too close to your destination airport; sometimes the simulation CTDs, if the airport has already been loaded. ).

Back to my original question on dis-/appearing terminals and jetways at KORD:
(a) I found a reference in the kord-V2_fsdt.ini file to the AFCAD containing folder (afcad_path = ...). So I added this reference into copied ini files and put them into my wind dependent scenery folders, and switched the original ini off.
(b) the number created alpha-india AI aircraft seems to be too high to show liveries and the KORD terminals continuously. If I reduce the number of AI aircraft, the flicker stops and all is fine.

So, thank you for your hint, which made me look into your ini file! There I had to 'correct' the afcad_path.

Thx again,
