FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: crauds on November 24, 2023, 01:59:45 am

Title: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: crauds on November 24, 2023, 01:59:45 am
Everything was working fine before I read the post about the "offline" installer.  I thought that running it would only verify that I had everything installed correctly, but my doing so apparently introduced a glitch that I cannot undo.  When I spawn my aircraft at a gate, the GSX icon appears in my toolbar, but clicking on it only caused the menu to flash and then disappear.  I have tried several times to run this "offline" installer again but I still have the same problem. 
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: crauds on November 24, 2023, 12:04:38 pm
Update:  I was having the issue with the PMDG B737.  I switched to the B787 and spawned at an entirely different airport and the menu popped up and everything performed properly.  I then went back and redid the last flight that had the issue.  I used the B737 and this time everything was normal.  Makes no sense.  I am going to try a new flight this morning with the B737.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: romoni on November 24, 2023, 01:25:30 pm
I found about how I can get this addon working. First I start Sim normally, select airport and gate and push Fly.  As sim is loaded I check if GSX works but no - it's not open so I go back to Main menu and select again same airport and gate and now GSX works as it should be. Now a days that is my trick. Before I haven't any problems with this addon. A little bit frustrated but what can I do...
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: goose66 on November 24, 2023, 03:53:15 pm
It sounds like Coatl is not starting when you load MSFS.  Check to make sure there is an entry to do so in the MSFS ini file.  Also, run your sim as admin.  I have never had an instance of any program not starting.  If the ini file entry is there for GSX, then running as admin will start it on MSFS load.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: romoni on November 24, 2023, 04:35:34 pm
Earlier I started GSX manually via shortcut but this not help. Couatl is exe.xml as it should be. What ini. file You mean? I use Steam version and can't run MSFS as admin.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: crauds on November 24, 2023, 05:46:55 pm
Further update:  I noticed the issue seems to only occur when I select B737 with a different livery.  I have no problem with other MSFS models, so spawning first with one of them and then loading flight with B737 again makes GSX accessible.  I have not tried with other payware models.  Seems some conflict with B737 and GSX but not consistent(?)   Is anyone having this issue with other aircraft?  I just recently installed the program with its current update, so have no experience with GSX and B737 behavior with earlier versions.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on November 30, 2023, 04:22:25 am
I have the  same problem except it happens at any random airport and any random aircraft.
Romoni's work around is not working, nor is " click 10 times"
No notification that the couatl engine is not running, in fact task manager tells me it is running

We need some help Umberto please
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on November 30, 2023, 11:49:04 am
Check this thread here, the user who also had it on the PMDG 737, said it was because he tried to call GSX before setting the parking brakes:


And he probably didn't see any message or voice, because he likely had both the aural alerts option disabled and the verbosity switch down.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on November 30, 2023, 05:01:53 pm
Tried 3 different aircraft (default & 3rd party) and 4 different airports, parking brake on and off, menu still flashing, the only difference is the verbal warning to set parking brakes if they were off.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on November 30, 2023, 11:59:04 pm
Tried 3 different aircraft (default & 3rd party) and 4 different airports, parking brake on and off, menu still flashing, the only difference is the verbal warning to set parking brakes if they were off.

Please post your log, made after you opened the menu, enabled according to the instructions here:

Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on December 01, 2023, 11:27:45 pm
couatl_MSFS.in file created and placed in appdata/roaming/virtuali
with MSFS running restarted Couatl, no log file and GSX menu still just flashing
After attempting to start the menu checked again for a log file, none found.
Attched  is the couatl_MSFS.in zipped file and the couatl.err file
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 02, 2023, 09:07:05 am
You posted an empty ZIP file.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on December 02, 2023, 12:46:41 pm
My apologies here are the 2 zip files again
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 02, 2023, 02:58:52 pm
You haven't posted two files. You only posted the .ERR file, which is not used anymore after enabling logging, so I need the Couatl.LOG file instead.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on December 02, 2023, 06:30:49 pm
I don't know what's going on, I definitely select 2 files, couatl.zip an couatl_MSFS.zip so I'll try again with just the Couatl_MSFS.zip

NB There is no log file
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: eze1510 on December 03, 2023, 08:51:21 am
I'm having the same issue here, regardless of aircraft or airport.

I start the flight as normal, request Boarding and then the GSX Menu flashes and dissapears; there is no selection for Gorund Handling company.

Have tried full re-install of GSX and has not worked.

Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: 7rip7e_7 on December 03, 2023, 09:53:29 pm
So I'm not the only one experiencing issues.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 04, 2023, 04:01:34 pm
I don't know what's going on, I definitely select 2 files, couatl.zip an couatl_MSFS.zip so I'll try again with just the Couatl_MSFS.zip

You made the same mistake again: you posted the completely useless Couatl_MSFS.INI file, which is the file that is supposed to ENABLE logging, when I asked the actual LOG file being produced, which is called Couatl.LOG instead.

Also, the Couatl_MSFS.INI is wrong and it's not made according to the Sticky thread I posted before:


Because it's missing the log file name, that's why you don't have a log! Your file looks like this:


While the instructions there, and the pre-made .INI file you could download from that post looks like this:


Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 04, 2023, 04:03:51 pm
I start the flight as normal, request Boarding and then the GSX Menu flashes and dissapears; there is no selection for Gorund Handling company.

Your log shows an error when getting the jetway data from Simconnect. Is this a 3rd party airport? If yes, have you disabled the GSX replacement jetways for it ?
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 04, 2023, 04:05:35 pm
So I'm not the only one experiencing issues.

We can't say that until you post your log because, even if the final effect might "look the same", the reasons might be very different, that's why is not very useul to just say you have the same problem, without posting a log.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on December 04, 2023, 04:41:26 pm
I don't know what's going on, I definitely select 2 files, couatl.zip an couatl_MSFS.zip so I'll try again with just the Couatl_MSFS.zip

You made the same mistake again: you posted the completely useless Couatl_MSFS.INI file, which is the file that ENABLES logging, when I asked the actual LOG file being produced, which is called Couatl.LOG instead.

Is it possible you have hidden the file extensions in Windows Explorer, so not seeing the full file name is confusing you ?
I edited my post to state there is NO log file. I have just searched all my drives and that search did not find a couatl.log file.

With MSFS running Couatl scripting engine for MSFS/P3D is shown as running as a background task in task manager

fsdreamteam-gsx-pro & fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways are in my community folder. There are no visual nor audible warning in MSFS that the Couatl engine is not running.
Attached is ascreenshot of my vituali folder
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: eze1510 on December 04, 2023, 11:48:08 pm
I start the flight as normal, request Boarding and then the GSX Menu flashes and dissapears; there is no selection for Gorund Handling company.

Your log shows an error when getting the jetway data from Simconnect. Is this a 3rd party airport? If yes, have you disabled the GSX replacement jetways for it ?

Yes - It is a 3rd party airport, the GSX jetways have been disabled. There were no issues with this scenario previously, it all started after updating to the latest version on the live updater. Upon further testing I have noticed it only happens when starting the flight; if I request services on the way to stand after landing, it all works fine and I am able to deboard/board normally.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 05, 2023, 02:37:27 pm
I edited my post to state there is NO log file. I have just searched all my drives and that search did not find a couatl.log file.

Of course, you have no log file, and I clearly explained why in my reply:

Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on December 06, 2023, 01:14:13 am
I edited my post to state there is NO log file. I have just searched all my drives and that search did not find a couatl.log file.

Of course, you have no log file, and I clearly explained why in my reply:


First of all my profuse apologies for making repeated silly mistakes and wasting your time, I now have attached a log file. It appears that my problem has to do with my simbrief.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 06, 2023, 05:51:36 pm
First of all my profuse apologies for making repeated silly mistakes and wasting your time, I now have attached a log file. It appears that my problem has to do with my simbrief.

Well, surely you made the mistake of setting your ID ( numeric ), instead of the "Alias/Username", but that shouldn't be a problem: GSX will just show a message about the error and will continue.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: vulcan on December 06, 2023, 08:41:10 pm
First of all my profuse apologies for making repeated silly mistakes and wasting your time, I now have attached a log file. It appears that my problem has to do with my simbrief.

Well, surely you made the mistake of setting your ID ( numeric ), instead of the "Alias/Username", but that shouldn't be a problem: GSX will just show a message about the error and will continue.
Correct but the menu still just flashes, it doesn't stay long enough for me to correct the ID error. Is there a way to access the configuration menu without the ability to access menu from within MSFS?
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: romoni on December 08, 2023, 02:30:29 pm
I had this problem, too but now I have 4 flight behind and all works like charm. Only about what I did was that I deleted all afcads text in .ini files.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: Ursli80 on December 11, 2023, 12:47:45 pm
Hello everyone,

i also have this with my Prosim model. 
But it seems to me that it depends on whether it is a standard airport or an add-on airport. 
No problems with addons. 
At standard airports, the menu does not appear.

Best regrads
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: airbumps on December 23, 2023, 10:36:46 am
Hi All,

I'm getting the same problem all of a sudden. Since updating to SU14 and GSX Pro 2.8.8, every second or third flight I find that when I try and bring up the GSX MNU (using CTRL-SHIFT-F12) it flashes on the screen for about half a second and disappears. This happens with a variety of aircraft, from default to PMDG and Fenix and happens at a variety of different airports. Its not easy reproduceable - For example I just flew KPHX to KEUG. Landed at KEUG and used GSX Pro fine to select a gate, taxi in and deboard. Reset the PC, loaded up MSFS again and here I am at the very same gate 10 minutes later at KEUG and I'm getting this flashing menu. In this instance I'm not using any GSX profiles. This occurs at both default and payware airports. It even happened at FSDT's KORD....

I've tried combinations of closing and restarting COUTL.EXE but no difference. The only thing that seems to "clear" it is exiting and reloading the sim.

I've attached a copy of the COUATL.ERR file (there is no log file being generated) for the most recent incidence of this happening at KEUG. This is payware and GSX Jetways are set to disabled.

Was there a solution anybody was able to identify?

Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: airbumps on December 23, 2023, 12:41:10 pm
Same issue again, this time again at KEUG (payware). Loaded into Gate A2 with the Fenix. Activating the GSX Main Menu results in it flashing for 1/2 a second and disappearing.

This time I had logging on - Log file attached. I don't really see anything in there thats odd...execept for the mention of KIAH2....not sure why that would rate a mention when I'm 1800 miles away from that airport....

Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 25, 2023, 09:19:47 am
I've tried combinations of closing and restarting COUTL.EXE but no difference. The only thing that seems to "clear" it is exiting and reloading the sim.

The error in your log, shows a problem while making a Simconnect call to read the variables if the airplane might be frozen, which is done while restarting, to unfreeze it, in case you restarted Couatl while in the middle of a raised pushback, so the airplane won't be left stuck frozen.

If you are sure that, restarting Couatl won't fix it, that it's confirmed (considering you say it mostly happens at landing) it's a problem of Simconnect being unresponsive due to having reached the maximum number of Simobjects in the sim, usually caused by too high AI settings.

As a general rule, if something can't be fixed by restarting the Couatl engine, but restarting the sim fixes it, it's nothing caused by GSX, and it's Simconnect being unresponsive or giving erratic results because of the max Simobject limit.

Here's a post which explain what you can do in GSX to reduce its own contribution to the number of Simobjects in the sim:

Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: disco79stu on December 29, 2023, 12:22:31 pm
Still having this issue.
Won't happen if I autostart couatl through FSUIPC, not exe.xml though.
Title: Re: GSX menu only "flashes" then disappears
Post by: virtuali on December 29, 2023, 12:45:22 pm
Still having this issue.
Won't happen if I autostart couatl through FSUIPC, not exe.xml though.

Have you changed the properties for the Couat executable to run as Admin? if yes, revert it back to the default.