FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: mwyatt on November 06, 2023, 03:23:08 pm
Hi, I have not been able to connect to Simbrief for some time (maybe over a year !!).
All entries are as they should be, Alias name etc and nickname all correct. Ignore Time is "ticked".
Addon mananger folder excluded in anti virus (Defender)
Couatl64_MSFS.exe also excluded as a file
Flightplan is active as far as I know.
I would like to know what is preventing the connection to Simbrief, all seems to work well without it, but it would be nice !!
Everything else works as intended as far as I know !!
That message can come for many reasons, none of them of course being GSX issues:
- Your Simbrief Alias (username) is wrong, check it, double check it and triple check it. If your username was created a while ago and it contains spaces, it won't work. Simbrief now doesn't allow to create usernames with spaces in it, but if yours was created before they enforced this rule, you need to change it.
- The last dispatched flight might have expired. They expire in a few days.
- Simbrief might really be down. They did have some shortages in the past days.
- A firewall (not antivirus) is preventing GSX from reaching Simbrief. Configure it to be sure the Couatl engine has outside online access.
So what does this mean.... and once again how to I fix it???
so no advice given 2 post aboves yours worked at all?
So what does this mean.... and once again how to I fix it???
Does your Simbrief username contain spaces?
If yes, change it and, in fact, Simbrief doesn't allow to create username with spaces inside anymore (because they cause these kind of problems, not just to GSX), but if you created it before they started to enforce creation with usernames with no spaces, it might still contain spaces, so you'll have to edit it and remove any spaces or other non-printable characters from it.
And be absolutely sure you are using your Username (also known as Alias), which is a text string, and NOT your User ID, which is a number.
Nope no spaces in it and my firewall allows couatl Scripting Engine..... so I am lost, and I am sorry to say, but I am about to just remove GSX.
If it's not going to function properly it's not worth having.
Nope no spaces in it and my firewall allows couatl Scripting Engine..... so I am lost, and I am sorry to say, but I am about to just remove GSX. If it's not going to function properly it's not worth having.
As I've said, it's either a firewall or a space in your username, or you having confused the alias and used the userid instead. It must the ALIAS, it cannot contain spaces and you must be sure your firewall is not blocking the Couatl engine.
Of course, if you posted a startup log, I would be able to tell you exactly what your problem is.
Nope no spaces in it and my firewall allows couatl Scripting Engine..... so I am lost, and I am sorry to say, but I am about to just remove GSX. If it's not going to function properly it's not worth having.
As I've said, it's either a firewall or a space in your username, or you having confused the alias and used the userid instead. It must the ALIAS, it cannot contain spaces and you must be sure your firewall is not blocking the Couatl engine.
Of course, if you posted a startup log, I would be able to tell you exactly what your problem is.
I say again my last... Nope no spaces in it and my firewall allows couatl Scripting Engine..... That's pretty straight forward!!!
Now there could perhaps be something in my firewall I need to configure that I am not aware of... all I know is that it DOES allow the couatl Scripting Engine.
If you give me a step by step of what YOU need to be done in the firewall and how to do it, we MIGHT actually get this solved. As I have said before I am NOT software or windows firewall literate and need it spelled out on how to do it... otherwise it's like trying to shoot a fast moving rabbit in the dark with a sleeping mask on with a bow and arrow!!!!
Yes.... I am getting a bit frustrated.... I can't fully use a product I paid good money for!!! Which makes it useless!!
I say again my last... Nope no spaces in it and my firewall allows couatl Scripting Engine..... That's pretty straight forward!!!
It won't be the first time somebody is sure of some setting, but it wasn't so. Also, I repeated it, because I suspected you might have not read my reply entirely because, it ended with:
Of course, if you posted a startup log, I would be able to tell you exactly what your problem is.
Since you haven't posted your startup log, you might as well missed the suggestion about checking the username. I'm awaiting your log which, as I've said, will clarlfy what the problem really is.
If you don't know how to create a log, it's on Page 34 of the GSX Manual.
I say again my last... Nope no spaces in it and my firewall allows couatl Scripting Engine..... That's pretty straight forward!!!
It won't be the first time somebody is sure of some setting, but it wasn't so. Also, I repeated it, because I suspected you might have not read my reply entirely because, it ended with:
Of course, if you posted a startup log, I would be able to tell you exactly what your problem is.
Since you haven't posted your startup log, you might as well missed the suggestion about checking the username. I'm awaiting your log which, as I've said, will clarlfy what the problem really is.
If you don't know how to create a log, it's on Page 34 of the GSX Manual.
You are correct... I didn't see you request the log.... Here it is!!
You are correct... I didn't see you request the log.... Here it is!!
Your log shows you have a very old version of the Couatl engine: 5302, while the current build is 5381 so, before doing anything else, be sure you run the FSDT Updater to get the current version and then, if you still have the same problem, post a new log with the current version.
ok... I ran the live update... reran MSFS... still the same!!!
I have obviously downloaded the log before, but I don't remember where it is and can't find it to give you a more current one.
Update: Found it.... Please find the log attached
Your error is caused by your Simbrief username having a space in it.
Simbrief must have realized this would cause issues so now, if you try to create a new account with a space in it, will not allow it, but existing usernames that were created before Simbrief made this change, still contain the space.
If you can change your Alias (username = alias ) to not have spaces, it will work.
I have attached a screenshot of my account... I don't see any spaces... do you?? It's been this way since I have had it.
did you make a account with simbrief before navigraph or after since your user name will be differrent
Thanks for your reply.
I have had a simbrief account for a long time, nothing has changed there.
I have noticed that MFS2020 and GSX pro only work properly (Green Simbrief) when the flight being used by MSFS2020 and GSXPro is the latest generated flight in Simbrief, despite many flight available saved in Simbrief.
Thanks for your reply.
I have had a simbrief account for a long time, nothing has changed there.
I have noticed that MFS2020 and GSX pro only work properly (Green Simbrief) when the flight being used by MSFS2020 and GSXPro is the latest generated flight in Simbrief, despite many flight available saved in Simbrief.
Thats how it works since it goes by the time you have in sim brief departure, if you are late getting in the sim it will be outside the time limit which in turn will be red in gsx. what i do is load into the im than generate the flight plan in sim brief than it will always be green ok
Thats how it works since it goes by the time you have in sim brief departure, if you are late getting in the sim it will be outside the time limit which in turn will be red in gsx. what i do is load into the im than generate the flight plan in sim brief than it will always be green ok
I'm sorry, but maybe I am being a bit dense... but what is "im"?? Is it supposed to be sim?? Folks use so many abbreviations in these forums, sometimes I think it's a new language and I don't know what they are talking about... a sometimes it is just a mistype. ;)
Anyway, I always load a freshly generated flight plan... but MAYBE it is the order in which I am loading it!! Hmmmmm ???
did you make a account with simbrief before navigraph or after since your user name will be differrent
Ok I THINK I understand.... to be exact... I need to actually change my "Name" to not have a space?? Because my "Alias (Username)" doesn't have a space... BUT my "Name" does!!!
Ok I THINK I understand.... to be exact... I need to actually change my "Name" to not have a space?? Because my "Alias (Username)" doesn't have a space... BUT my "Name" does!!!
it doesn't matter if your name has a space in it, what matters that your alias hasn't a space in it, had a look at your image of your alias and it doesn't appear to have a space in it. So i don't know have you tried editing your account in simbrief and putting in another alias name making sure you don't put a space in it, or you could retype your original alias name in again
Ok I THINK I understand.... to be exact... I need to actually change my "Name" to not have a space?? Because my "Alias (Username)" doesn't have a space... BUT my "Name" does!!!
it doesn't matter if your name has a space in it, what matters that your alias hasn't a space in it, had a look at your image of your alias and it doesn't appear to have a space in it. So i don't know have you tried editing your account in simbrief and putting in another alias name making sure you don't put a space in it, or you could retype your original alias name in again
Yep... tried both of those... absolutely no difference!!
I think this is what Umberto was referring to from my log....
https://www.simbrief.com/api/xml.fetcher.php?username=Brian Murphy
Exception1 = URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Unless there is something else in the log he is referring to that I don't see.....
Ok I THINK I understand.... to be exact... I need to actually change my "Name" to not have a space?? Because my "Alias (Username)" doesn't have a space... BUT my "Name" does!!!
it doesn't matter if your name has a space in it, what matters that your alias hasn't a space in it, had a look at your image of your alias and it doesn't appear to have a space in it. So i don't know have you tried editing your account in simbrief and putting in another alias name making sure you don't put a space in it, or you could retype your original alias name in again
Yep... tried both of those... absolutely no difference!!
Ok the only thing i can think off is that when you have typed your alias into the gsx settings(not your simbrief acount) you may have entered a space
I think this is what Umberto was referring to from my log....
https://www.simbrief.com/api/xml.fetcher.php?username=Brian Murphy
Exception1 = URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Unless there is something else in the log he is referring to that I don't see.....
refer to the manual about simbrief intergration
refer to the manual about simbrief intergration
Thanks.... that helped!!! Not a bit!!! >:( ::)
But I got it figured out anyway
Update: Operation back to normal... Thanks for all the help!! :)
refer to the manual about simbrief intergration
Thanks.... that helped!!! Not a bit!!! >:( ::)
But I got it figured out anyway
Update: Operation back to normal... Thanks for all the help!! :)
so whats fixed it so others that may have the same issues will helped them :)
so whats fixed it so others that may have the same issues will helped them :)
Something stupidly simple!!! Essentially ME!!! ;D ::) :P
Basically terminology, and old age. :o When I initially set up GSX, I had input my simbrief ACTUAL username, and not the "Alias (username)"... then couldn't figure out how to get back into the GSX settings to change it. It FINALLY dawned on me that you have to get to the GSX settings by actually having to start up the sim... DUH!!!! :o ::)
I can take an airplane apart and put it back together like new... but when it comes to computer programs... I am not too sharpe!! ;)
When I initially set up GSX, I had input my simbrief ACTUAL username, and not the "Alias (username)"...
Well, we tried our best to explain it in the manual. Quoting from Page 80:
SimBrief Integration
GSX has several features to integrate itself with SimBrief, a very popular Flight Planning service offered by Navigraph. To configure it, just add your SimBrief “Alias” in the GSX Settings page. The Alias can be found by selecting the “My Account” section of the SimBrief website.
Then at Page 32, where Settings are explained:
SimBrief username
In this editing field, you can insert your SimBrief username, to enable SimBrief integration for various operations in GSX, like setting the Passenger Number automatically,
controlling the Refueling quantity, and have extra indication about the flight on the advanced VGDS systems, which support SimBrief integration.
The username you must type here is what is referenced in the SimBrief Account as the ALIAS. It cannot contain spaces. While if your Alias was created a while ago, so it might contain spaces, SimBrief doesn’t allow to create an Alias containing spaces anymore, so GSX conforms to this standard. If your existing SimBrief Alias contains
spaces, you need to edit on SimBrief account page to replace spaces with another character, for example an Underscore.
When I initially set up GSX, I had input my simbrief ACTUAL username, and not the "Alias (username)"...
Well, we tried our best to explain it in the manual. Quoting from Page 80:
SimBrief Integration
GSX has several features to integrate itself with SimBrief, a very popular Flight Planning service offered by Navigraph. To configure it, just add your SimBrief “Alias” in the GSX Settings page. The Alias can be found by selecting the “My Account” section of the SimBrief website.
Then at Page 32, where Settings are explained:
SimBrief username
In this editing field, you can insert your SimBrief username, to enable SimBrief integration for various operations in GSX, like setting the Passenger Number automatically,
controlling the Refueling quantity, and have extra indication about the flight on the advanced VGDS systems, which support SimBrief integration.
The username you must type here is what is referenced in the SimBrief Account as the ALIAS. It cannot contain spaces. While if your Alias was created a while ago, so it might contain spaces, SimBrief doesn’t allow to create an Alias containing spaces anymore, so GSX conforms to this standard. If your existing SimBrief Alias contains
spaces, you need to edit on SimBrief account page to replace spaces with another character, for example an Underscore.
No argument!! I must have read the very items a dozen times... and it just didn't click for some reason. I FINALLY had that AHAAAA moment... banged my head on the wall a few times telling myself what a thick headed dummy I can be sometimes.... and there we go.... issue taken care of!!! :P ;)