FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: bthntmy on October 19, 2023, 11:44:49 am
Firstly I’d like to say that I’ve checked every pages of forum for solition.
I’ve tried all of them but Im still having the same problem.When I start to flight at the gate, gsx stuck at the loading screen.I can see every service cars,cones,stairs etc. around the plane from gsx but I can’t access to menu.Maybe 10 times I deleted and redownloaded,restarted but I couldun’t solve the problem.
Can you help me please :(
I can see every service cars,cones,stairs etc. around the plane from gsx
Those are NOT from GSX, because the one from GSX can't appear unless you call them from the GSX menu. Those are the default Ground vehicles from the sim, which have their model replaced by GSX so, they "look" like GSX, but they are not GSX vehicles and they will be removed and replaced by GSX vehicles *after* you call GSX.
As explained in so many threads, if you see the loading image for a long time, the first thing you need to check if it's the Couatl engine is running, by looking at its icon in the taskbar notification area. You must hover with the mouse on it because, even if you see the icon, if the program crashed for some reason, you won't know unless you hover the icon, which will eventually disappear if the program is not running anymore.
If the Couatl engine is not running, the first thing you need to check is if it starts manually instead, using its Desktop icon called "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS".
If it starts manually, but not automatically from the sim, it's a whole completely different troubleshooting process then.
Couatl engine isrynning.Qlso I tried to restart it but the result is same.Also I’ve tried torun it on adminstrator but the result is same :(
I need your startup log, as explained here:
I've found Couatll err file.I can even hear the voice says ''this park is too small for your aircraft'' but its still keep on loading screen.
I've found another one as a text document.
also I took this photo
Something is very wrong on your log: you are using the latest version, but for some reason you are still using the legacy Airport Cache method, which has been discontinued since SU12.
The updater would normally disable it but, if you have enabled it back again by editing the Couatl_MSFS.INI manually to use it, it will respect your whishes but, we don't test it anymore, since the Navdata API method should the only one in use now.
So, first thing to do, is to revert the Couatl_MSFS.INI to default, by setting it to:
Which is the default since SU12.