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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: WebMaximus on October 12, 2023, 01:15:41 pm

Title: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: WebMaximus on October 12, 2023, 01:15:41 pm
Great to see how GSX can now fetch the fuel amount as well as the PAX directly from your SimBrief OFP!

One question though regarding this, what is correct procedure to make this work correctly with the PMDG 737?

Up until now, I've been asking for refueling and once I had the message from GSX I should put in the amount of fuel using the PMDG 737 FMC, that is what I've been doing. Now though with this integration, it seems the correct amount of fuel will already be in the FMC before the refueling truck even had a chance to arrive.

Only done one flight with the latest version so I don't have much experience with this new functionality yet but what is the trigger for GSX to populate the fuel and PAX fields in the PMDG 737 - will this happen automatically or will it happen the moment I perform a certain action?

I think it might have been when I pressed the SimBrief button in the GSX UI but I could be mistaken. If that's the case, then all is good and I know that is what I need to press once the fuel truck is in position.

Checked the manual but couldn't find an answer to my question in there. I guess you haven't had time to update the manual yet with this latest functionality.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: virtuali on October 12, 2023, 01:23:20 pm
The Fuel integration will be completed after the release of the big Fuel Update, we have been working on for a some time, to support 737 and lower wing airplane with a complete fuel crew.

So, right now, nothing really changed compared to before: it will still your responsibility to ensure the fuel quantity is lower than the required one when you call the GSX fuel service, the only difference is that now, instead of starting with a random quantity, you are starting with the correct one (that is assuming you pressed "Reload Simbrief" before calling the GSX Truck), so it might feel a bit redundant.

In the final version, GSX will automatically lower the quantity before the GSX trucks decides if you need fuel or not, and will reset it again to the planned value to trigger the GSX fuel animation.

Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: WebMaximus on October 12, 2023, 01:26:33 pm
Sounds great, thanks for the quick reply Umberto!

So for now, I'll just replace my routine inserting the fuel and PAX with pressing the SimBrief button and it will do it for me.

Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: WebMaximus on October 14, 2023, 06:12:29 pm
Been trying this now for a couple of flights and it's very convenient having GSX Pro handle both the fuel amount and the number of passengers.

One thing I noticed though is how it's still important to double-check GSX Pro will get it right. Seen how for instance the number of passengers ended up with just 12 of them when the actual amount from the SimBrief OFP was 112.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: virtuali on October 19, 2023, 11:46:32 am
One thing I noticed though is how it's still important to double-check GSX Pro will get it right. Seen how for instance the number of passengers ended up with just 12 of them when the actual amount from the SimBrief OFP was 112.

Which cabin configuration did you have? Simbrief doesn't support the concept of multiple classes, it always uses a single number but, if your airplane is configured with two classes, a random number of passengers would be set in first class, the rest in economy. Since 12 is the maximum allowed in first class for the 800-900 versions, that 12 inserted looked like it randomly used the maximum amount and should have placed the remaining 100 in economy.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: WebMaximus on October 19, 2023, 11:58:16 am
I'm using single class but haven't seen it again. So probably just a one-time only issue 👍
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: virtuali on October 19, 2023, 12:01:55 pm
I'm using single class but haven't seen it again. So probably just a one-time only issue 👍

In that case it might be a timing issue: on your PC, the delay we set between key presses might stil not be enough for the airplane to register all keypressess.

During testing, we raised it from .25 seconds (which on my systems worked perfectly fine) to .4 seconds, because one tester reported digits not being registered, and this change fixed the issue for him but of course, when something goes out in the real world, it encounters all kind of different situations, so we might need to raise the timing more.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: WebMaximus on October 19, 2023, 12:04:55 pm
Got it.

As said, I've only seen it once and never again.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: CRFonseca on November 16, 2023, 10:00:25 am
Hello guys!
I did some research in this forum and I decided to send the message here because it is related.
I read the GSX and PMDG new interaction manual and also updated my GSX and PMDG.
However, my refueling process do not work.

Here is what I have:
GSX config as recommended by the manual.
My initial state has 2000kgs of fuel.
So I call for refueling.
The fuel truck arrives.
The fuel is been inserted on the FO side FMC automatically (as a quantity in KGS).
However, the refueling animation do not start. Of course, the plane is already refueled by this time (because PMDG does it instantly this way).
The only way it starts the animation is when I change the Fuel LEVEL PERCENTAGE on the FMC. (As it was done manually before this update). I never got it to work with quantity (only level).

The main issue is that, as GSX now set the quantity, when I change the LEVEL, the truck simply goes away (as the airplane already has the correct amount of fuel).

Any way to make GSX to work with quantity and not LEVEL?
Am I missing any setup?

Thank you,

Claudio Roberto Fonseca
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: virtuali on November 17, 2023, 11:25:05 am
Any way to make GSX to work with quantity and not LEVEL?

GSX works perfectly fine with quantity and, in fact, it's how it's supposed to work, as explained the manual.

If doesn't work for you, something else must be happening, like the airframe not being recognized, or your system too slow to keep up with the keypresses. This would be easier even for you to check, if you pay attention to the 2nd FMC during refueling, and see if you spot any issues, like GSX typing the wrong keys.

It can also be checked with a diagnostic log, one that is created if logging is enabled in the Troubleshooting section of the GSX Settings.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: CRFonseca on November 17, 2023, 01:01:56 pm
The 2nd FMC works fine. As mentioned in the first post, it adds the correct fuel (rounded up as the manual explains).
But it does not start the refuel on GSX truck. It only happens when I change LEVEL.
I will check the log and also create a video and I will be very happy if you can check it out to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Claudio Fonseca
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: virtuali on November 17, 2023, 01:15:44 pm
A video will be helpful and, if you keep logging enabled, attach the log from the same session.
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: CRFonseca on November 17, 2023, 03:02:04 pm

Thanks for your help... I tried again and I worked as expected 2 times.
Don't really know what changed, but this time I'm keeping the log on. So, if I need I can send you the logs and the video from my livestreams.

I'm sorry to bother you for now!

When this works it is really good! No need to worry about doing non pilot tasks!
Thank you!
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: CRFonseca on November 19, 2023, 05:42:23 am
Hello Umberto...
I had the same problem again!
I was doing a video to show PMDG + Simbrief integration!
I just check the log... but it deleted this session when I moved to the main FS menu.
However, everything is on the YOUTUBE.

You find the FUEL REQUEST by: 11:53
and how I remove the truck by: 21:00
This is the video:

I hope this can help you understand my problem.

I believe the FUEL is being set to early! Because later on it accepts and validates my inputs and the truck goes away!

Really apreciate your work!
And I want to show my subscribers the correct behavior of GSX!
Thank you again!
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: MWcw709 on November 25, 2023, 07:11:25 pm
Thank you for a video of this. Cause it showed me what I was doing wrong between the PMDG and GSX. But the refueling truck sticking around is a bit of a pain. But, I think it has something to do with the two refueling options in the GSX menu. Cause with the Fenix and FBW/Headwind/Horizon planes I have to have both those options checked. It seems like you don't need either or just one of them checked for PMDG. I'm doing testing on this tonight and will make a video posting my results. (it gives me something to do :D ).
Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: CRFonseca on November 26, 2023, 04:16:41 am
Hello MWcw709!
I followed the GSX recommended settings from the manual:
1. Always refuel progressively as ENABLE
2. Detect custom aircraft system refueling as DISABLE and
3. Assistance services auto mode as DISABLE.

I really think in my case the GSX is inserting the amount of fuel too early (just as the fuel truck arrives).
When I’m not using the simbrief integration, it asks to insert the fuel some seconds after the fuel arrive (a bigger time delay between the fuel truck’s arrival and request to insert the fuel amount) and then it works just fine!

I hope this helps Umberto to help us!
BTW, the same problem is being experienced by my friend.

Title: Re: Correct PMDG 737 refueling process after the new SimBrief integration
Post by: virtuali on November 27, 2023, 01:14:41 pm
I think it has something to do with the two refueling options in the GSX menu. Cause with the Fenix and FBW/Headwind/Horizon planes I have to have both those options checked.

What two options are you referring to, exactly? The settings that are best to use for 3rd party airplanes with custom refuel method are:

"Always refuel progressively" ENABLED

"Detect custom aircraft system refueling" DISABLED

"Assistance services auto mode" DISABLED