FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: DownedAviator on September 09, 2023, 12:48:37 am
My GSX Pro for MSFS had a complete mental breakdown and I had to do a full re-install. I have hundreds of 3rd party airports but when I used the Exclude 3rd Party Jetway replacement option in FSDT Universal Installer config after re-installing it only excluded a small number of them. I have complete backups of everything on my computer so is there a file somewhere that I can restore that will put back all my excluded airports so that I do not have to manually exclude hundreds of them one at a time again?
Whatever "mental breakdown" you think GSX might have had, it would surely never required to be completely reinstalled. You should have asked for help to support, instead of doing that, which was unnecessary.
In any case, GSX will of course automatically recognize and exclude its own Jetway replacement files for any 3rd party scenery that conforms to the official naming convention of packages that is developer-airport-ICAO-airportname, that's the only way it can possibly identify an installed airport and its code automatically.
Airports made by developers that don't respect the standard naming convention, must be excluded manually.
There's no file saved anywhere to store a list of Disabled airports: Disabled airports are "just" moved to the Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways_backup so, it's their presence there that holds their "Disabled" status.