FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: 12ansan on August 30, 2023, 11:39:27 pm
In devmode, for a custom made airport, if I add GSX jetways from Simobjects, do they get connected to the planes? Or its just static?
Yes, they will work perfectly fine, provided you add them as proper Jetways, meaning they are part of a parking spot and linked to it.
If they are added just like Scenery objects, they will be static, and this is also a legitimate method: since the simulator doesn't support double jetways on a gate, if you still want to simulate that *visually*, you can place one proper jetway as a jetway, so it will move, and a secondary one as a scenery object, which will be static.
It works that way in devmode. But why can’t I edit via GSX interface? Such as those added gsx jetway in devmode cannot be moved using gsx interface while I can edit cargo trucks and stairtrucks.
It works that way in devmode. But why can’t I edit via GSX interface?
Because GSX in MSFS doesn't generate jetways on the fly using a custom method like in FSX/P3D, where we used SODE, which bypassed completely the default jetway system. GSX in MSFS uses the default jetway system, and does jetway replacement only with pre-made .BGLs.