FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: rattyjuggler on August 30, 2023, 04:09:01 pm
Dear all
I have installed GSX but won't work. As soon as I switch on GSX in the toolbar, the message "GSX has been disabled on this airport by user settings" appears.
What I have done so far:
Checking the settings: all airports are enabled.
Starting the flight airborne, it works and I can select an airport in the menu. After landing the menu can not be opend and the message appears again.
When starting FSDT Live Update it will close during step 1 of 38 at 3% progress.
And of course everything uninstalled and reinstalled again.
Does anybody has an idea what could cause the problem?
Regards Ernie
Which airport, exactly ?
When starting FSDT Live Update it will close during step 1 of 38 at 3% progress.
This has been explained so many times, and it's NOT a problem, and Step 3 is not a percentage. If you have 3 products, 3 steps will be performed. The only case where you would see all 38 Steps performed, is if you have ALL FSDT products installed, in all simulators, all at once.
Thanks for the fast reply. It happens on any airports. I have chosen different ones to test. e.g. JFK, LHR, ZRH
This has been explained so many times, and it's NOT a problem, and Step 3 is not a percentage. If you have 3 products, 3 steps will be performed. The only case where you would see all 38 Steps performed, is if you have ALL FSDT products installed, in all simulators, all at once
Glad this is not a problem. I am very new to GSX. I have tried to find information in the forum but missed this one. Sorry.
Thanks for the fast reply. It happens on any airports. I have chosen different ones to test. e.g. JFK, LHR, ZRH
Something is very wrong, most likely you have a corrupted install or some files are not updated. Try all of these:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole Addon Manager folder (where you installed the FSDT Installer) to the Antivirus EXCLUSIONS
- Run the FSDT Live Update again.
- If that still doesn't work, there might be a problem with your local connection accessing the update servers, so you can try the OFFLINE Updater here:
Install it AFTER doing a Live Update, and don't run the Live Update after the Offline updater.
Unfortunatly only little progress.
I have uninstalled the whole GSX and reinstalled it directly in the same folder as the MSFS.
I have tried with and without adding the the Addon Manager Folder to the firewall. No difference.
I have installed the Offline Updater too. Also no improvement.
After running "Couatl_Updater2" I had for the first time the message "All your installed products have been to their latest version". Before it never showed this message. Starting now the MSFS, the GSX window opens but keeps loading for ever. At least a small step.
Something else I have discovered. I have two accounts on my PC and even with a reinstallation of the GSX the updater keeps loading the zip files into the temp folder of the other account. Can be seen in the progress field. It could therefore be, that some other files are on the wrong account too. Can I change those settings somewhere?
Surprisingly I had not to enter the the licencekey during reinstallation as it was still known. Either this is normal or my deinstallation was not properly done.
I hope my information gives you a clou for what I could try next.
Unfortunatly only little progress.
I have uninstalled the whole GSX and reinstalled it directly in the same folder as the MSFS.
Iam sure its meant to be installed in your msfs community folder( not directly in your msfs folder) thats where mine is installed although iam using the steam version of msfs should be the same for the market version
Iam sure its meant to be installed in your msfs community folder( not directly in your msfs folder) thats where mine is installed although iam using the steam version of msfs should be the same for the market version
I have deinstallated GSX again. Afterwards I searched by hand for any files being related to GSX and deleted them as well. During reinstallation I first wanted to set the path to the community folder. The installation program rejected and proposed C:/programfiles(x86) and mentioned that the path will be set to the community folder automatically. So I have installed the program again to C:/programfiles(x86).
Unfortunatly I is not working. Same as before.
After installing the programm the fourth time I do not belive in corrupted files anymore. I think I has to do with a missing path or missing rights. Starting the updater from the desktop will cause the updater to stop without finishing the update. Starting the Couatl_Updater2 directly from the Addon Manager folder it works. However, the Couatl_Updater2 is protected by admin rights. So I have to give admin rights each time by hand. Doing so the update works and I can start the GSX in the MSFS. There the GSX Window opens but will load for ever "Loading GSX, please wait..."
I probably have to make sure the GSX is running under admin rights.
Any other sugestions are more than welcome.
Iam sure its meant to be installed in your msfs community folder( not directly in your msfs folder) thats where mine is installed although iam using the steam version of msfs should be the same for the market version
I have deinstallated GSX again. Afterwards I searched by hand for any files being related to GSX and deleted them as well. During reinstallation I first wanted to set the path to the community folder. The installation program rejected and proposed C:/programfiles(x86) and mentioned that the path will be set to the community folder automatically. So I have installed the program again to C:/programfiles(x86).
Ok you kind of confused me here, you said the installer was going to set the path to your community folder automatically and than you said no and installed it to the program (x86) is this right? This is the issue if this is correct. So in your community folder is gsx pro any where in the folder is the question?
Ok you kind of confused me here....
Sorry about that. To cut the story short, GSX is now working. That means that the proposed path from the installer works well: C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager. During installation the pathes to the commuity folder will be set automatically.
This is the way I start the GSX:
1) Starting MSFS, selecting plane and gate with are working which GSX
2) Starting FSDT Installer with the shortcut from the desktop with administrator rights (rightklick on shortcut)
3) Starting Start Couatl for GSX MSFS with the shortcut from the desktop with administrator rights
Following this steps, GSX is working as previewed.
Thank you for your help finding a solution!
Kind regards