FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: ckaack on July 23, 2023, 08:27:31 pm
At the departing airport GSX is perfectly wowking, but at the arriving airport the menu is loading forever without any result.
I already renstalled GSX, but still have the same effect.
Does anyone have an idea?
Is the Couatl engine still running ? If yes, try "Restart" from the Tray bar icon. If not, just start it from its Desktop icon "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS"
okay, will try and report
I've got the same issue, most of the time, arrival airport and GSX doesnt work.
Couatl crashed. When I launch it again, then once I try to get in the GSX menu in the game, it crashes again
First time this happened to me last night. Even restarting the couatl from desktop did nothing. GSX just wouldn't load at my arrival airport. Tried 4 times total.
Not possible to help you without a log. See the Sticky thread named "how to report an error".