FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: ckaack on July 23, 2023, 08:27:31 pm

Title: GSX doesn't open at arriving airport
Post by: ckaack on July 23, 2023, 08:27:31 pm
At the departing airport GSX is perfectly wowking, but at the arriving airport the menu is loading forever without any result.

I already renstalled GSX, but still have the same effect.

Does anyone have an idea?
Title: Re: GSX doesn't open at arriving airport
Post by: virtuali on July 29, 2023, 02:44:51 am
Is the Couatl engine still running ? If yes, try "Restart" from the Tray bar icon. If not, just start it from its Desktop icon "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS"
Title: Re: GSX doesn't open at arriving airport
Post by: ckaack on August 22, 2023, 11:29:35 am
okay, will try and report
Title: Re: GSX doesn't open at arriving airport
Post by: johny5 on September 21, 2023, 12:58:27 pm
I've got the same issue, most of the time, arrival airport and GSX doesnt work.

Couatl crashed. When I launch it again, then once I try to get in the GSX menu in the game, it crashes again
Title: Re: GSX doesn't open at arriving airport
Post by: kingnorris on September 21, 2023, 09:07:27 pm
First time this happened to me last night. Even restarting the couatl from desktop did nothing. GSX just wouldn't load at my arrival airport. Tried 4 times total.
Title: Re: GSX doesn't open at arriving airport
Post by: virtuali on September 22, 2023, 11:38:48 am
Not possible to help you without a log. See the Sticky thread named "how to report an error".