FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Jonathan93102 on July 22, 2023, 10:19:25 pm
I'm very new to MSFS and purchased GSXPro today. I can't seem to get the aircraft (iniBuilds A310-300) to pushback from MKStudios Lisbon, I get a Coualt error (see below). I tested the same aircraft and GSXPro at ORBX Newcastle and it worked correctly. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for your time,
Error Log Below:
couatl v4.8 (build 5251)
panic log started on Sat Jul 22 21:14:01 2023
problem raised by engine or unspecified addon
{'Airport': 'LPPT', 'User Pos': (38.775502777721286, -9.131733333333042, 108.834 m, 4.54635 m, 78.25278797541972, 0.0035792554263025522, 0.003490658476948738, 0.0, 4.572, 1.0)}
requestJetwayData Internal error (dwIndex == 99)
parkingIndex 72
Error: exception JETWAY_DATA in call RequestJetwayData param #99 'LPPT'
{'Airport': 'LPPT', 'User Pos': (38.775502777721286, -9.131733333333042, 108.834 m, 4.54635 m, 78.25278797541972, 0.0035792554263025522, 0.003490658476948738, 0.0, 4.572, 1.0)}
requestJetwayData Internal error (dwIndex == 99)
Error: exception JETWAY_DATA in call RequestJetwayData param #99 'LPPT'
{'Airport': 'LPPT', 'User Pos': (38.775502777721286, -9.131733333333042, 108.834 m, 4.54635 m, 78.25278797541972, 0.0035792554263025522, 0.003490658476948738, 0.0, 4.572, 1.0)}
icao_airline S4
flight_number 125
passengers 180
airplane A310
Runway 02
destinationICAO LPPD
est_time_enroute 121.616667
sched_time_enroute 137.000000
sched_out Sat Jul 22 12:00:00 2023
sched_off Sat Jul 22 12:20:00 2023
plan_ramp 15747
units kgs
Setting the number of passenger according to SimBrief dispatch
emulateMenu_MSFS CHOICE -1
channel.balance = -1
emulateMenu_MSFS CHOICE 4
channel.balance = -1
Requested assistance services at Gate 144
emulateText_MSFS [GSX] Departure clearance requested 2.0
FSDT_GSX_SetGate 10 144 0
emulateMenu_MSFS CHOICE 0
channel.balance = -1
37.17 m 36.7999 m
37.17 m 36.7999 m
37.17 m 36.7999 m
37.17 m 36.7999 m
37.17 m 36.7999 m
37.17 m 36.7999 m
37.17 m 36.7999 m
emulateText_MSFS [GSX] Handling by Groundforce 2.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 3299, in do
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 3257, in requestClearance
File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\jetwayOperations.py", line 556, in allSimulatorJetwaysDocked
IndexError: list index out of range
{'Airport': 'LPPT', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 144', 'User Pos': (38.77550277596838, -9.131733311142229, 108.796 m, 4.50791 m, 78.25264171222537, 0.003826370695605874, 0.003490658476948738, -0.00037531067124432397, 4.572, 1.0)}
First, you should never post parts of a log in a message, because we need to look at the actual file, the forum software might change bits of it, which is why, in the Stucky thread named "How to report an error", we instruct to ZIP the log file and Attach it to a post.
You are getting the dreaded error 99, which is an internal Simconnect error, which seems to be really a Simconnect bug or, possibly, an issue caused by too many objects in a scene, as discussed here:
After that error comes, Simconnect becomes erratic and, basically, everything we ask the Navdata for, will return random errors. Try reducing your AI settings, especially if you use AI injection.
Or, just close Couatl entirely after takeoff, and start it after landing. Or use the Couatl tray bar icon to Restart it. However, in some cases, when Simconnect really gets screwed, restarting Couatl won't fix this, and you need to restart the sim.
This, assuming there isn't really something wrong with Jetways at that airport and, of course, assuming you Disabled GSX Jetway replacement for that airport, since it's not default. This procedure is done automatically by GSX when you first install it, but you must do it manually each time you install a new scenery after GSX. Check the manual at Page 7, which explains this in more detail.