FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: HS on July 21, 2023, 05:41:53 pm
Been using GSX since it came out for MSFS without any problems, but now, since the last 2 updates, every time I ask for an action, it crashes.
It restart without any problem, it loads the Simbrief profiles, but then, any action and it crashes.
It seems it as something to do with another addon, but I didn´t add anything since the last 2 updates of GSX PRO.
So any help, THANK´S in advance.
The couatl.err is attached.
well since kdca is in the error log suggest its the issue, if it a addon remove it from your community folder than go to the default kdca to see if still persists
Please clarify if your KDCA scenery is default or not. If not, you must disable GSX replacement jetways there, because those are only supposed to be used with a default scenery so, if you are using an add-on, you must Disable the GSX jetway replacement files for it.
Check the manual, Page 7, which explains this more in detail.
Thank´s for the feedback.
It´s an addon, and so I will try do disable the jetways. And will do it on the others airports where I tried. Maybe bad luck for me, and only tried where the problem appears.
I will give feedback