FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: airbumps on July 15, 2023, 09:01:16 am
Hi All,
Not sure at what point it stopped working, but on either detaching the jetway or requesting pushback, L1 on the PMDG 738 doesn't automatically close. All other doors close automatically when GSX has finished a service (cargo doors close automatically, R1 and R2 open and close automatically after catering) and L2 closes after boarding is completed automatically and the stairs detach.
Any idea what I need to tweak or adjust to have L1 close automatically when the jetway detaches or boarding is complete?
This has been discussed several times on the forum and, of course, it's not a GSX error, it's an intentional change, due to a change in the simulator itself.
After some update ( SU10 or 11, not sure ), the simulator *itself* has changed its behavior and, if a gate has a jetway, it will automatically operate the main door on its own. This conflicted with GSX own automatic operation of it, resulting in a double trigger (closing+opening in succession)
So, to FIX this problem due to the simulator change, we updated GSX to not operate the main door automatically anymore, so it's all normal.
Thanks Umburto - Appreciate that, I must have missed it earlier.
Does MSFS actually close the door though? I'm always having to manually close it.