FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: cowings1588 on April 20, 2023, 08:27:50 pm
I picked up freeware MMSD from the msfs.to site.. I wrote the scenery designer, still waiting to hear back from him.. But all his hard stand gates or positions are coming up Isolated.. I don't know if it's anything to do with GSX as GSX Pro is the one telling me these gate hard stands are isolated. They looked in tack to me with the taxiway and runway. I don't know why I am getting isolated..
What does the AFCAD file for the airport look like.
How do I see the afcad for MSFS... I talked to one who made it.. He said they would have to work on, however all the files for that scenery has been trashed and they'd have to make a new and there not able to or they don't want to make another new MMSD.. So I'm either going to have to use that other GSE service that they have out or get of the scenery.. Cause GSX won't work there and apparently the person who made is aware of it but doesn't want to fix it. Hopefully a payware place will make it and do it right.. So I'm ending this thread.. It's a dead scenery to me.. Unless like I said unless I use that other GSE company that makes the universal ramp. Maybe it will work there or maybe it might have same issue GSX PRO has.
Airport Design Editor should be able to open it unless they don't have a MSFS version of it. If not, then I have no idea.
Well the way that guy acted from that developer who made the freeware scenery, sounded he knew what was wrong with it.. Has no attention of addressing it.. So its either wait for payware to make it right or possibly see if AREX from LatinVFR ramp can work that scenery when GSX can't.. Kind of a nice freeware scenery it's just too bad I can't get GSX Pro to work on it.. but it is what it is..
I just ran into this problem as well and visited the MMSD product page on flightsim.to. It's status is no longer available. I've decided to remove it since not only parking trashed but ramp and taxi layout is wrong. I'll just keep using MMUN.