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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Artox67 on March 24, 2023, 07:41:30 pm

Title: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: Artox67 on March 24, 2023, 07:41:30 pm
I can't uncheck the tickbox.
This is the same bloody stuff like the SU10 API.
It doesn't work, and I can't call the GSX menu after landing.

It opens, but it doesn't load.

So tell me why you force me to use the stuff if I won't.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: HeicoH on March 24, 2023, 07:50:52 pm
I asked a similar question. I did not get a decent answer. Good luck, Artox67.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 08:34:46 pm
I asked a similar question. I did not get a decent answer. Good luck, Artox67.

Of course you got a fully detailed and thorough answer, here:


and here:

and here:
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: HeicoH on March 24, 2023, 08:38:02 pm
@Umberto: The bottom line of my question was "How do I turn off SU12 Navdata option?" You never answered that.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 08:38:19 pm
I can't uncheck the tickbox.

Of course you can't, it's made like that precisely to make it very clear that it's Enabled and can't be disabled.

This is the same bloody stuff like the SU10 API.

It obviously isn't. In fact, it's exactly the opposite: before, it was Disabled by default, and you had to Enable it.

It doesn't work, and I can't call the GSX menu after landing.

Are you sure the reason why you can't call the menu after landing is because the Navdata ? Meaning it always worked before without it, and it never worked with it ?
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 08:40:46 pm
@Umberto: The bottom line of my question was "How do I turn off SU12 Navdata option?" You never answered that.

I obviously have, and I suggest waiting at least a couple of seconds after I was typing my reply to HeicoH, before complaining I "haven't replied". There's a limit how fast I can type answers...
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: HeicoH on March 24, 2023, 08:58:19 pm

Ok, Umberto, here is a simple question. I don't want any explanations why and how SU12 Navdata option is superior to SU10 Navadata option nor why and how it it is superior to any other option. I just want a simple "Howto" answer:

How can I disable the SU12 Navadata option.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: Artox67 on March 24, 2023, 09:00:49 pm
It doesn't work, and I can't call the GSX menu after landing.

Are you sure the reason why you can't call the menu after landing is because the Navdata ? Meaning it always worked before without it, and it never worked with it ?

After a couple of flights, I can answer this with yes.
Without the old tickbox SU10 everything works fine.
The same issue I've now I experience with ticked SU10

In my opinion, you should let the customer deceit, if he will this feature or not.
Otherwise it would be avoiding this kind of discussions, when the tickbox doesn't exist at all.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 10:37:41 pm
In my opinion, you should let the customer deceit, if he will this feature or not.

The correct course of action is instead trying to understand why it's crashing only with the Navdata, because:

- If the Navdata has a problem, we should report it to Asobo, so it will be fixed for everybody.

- If GSX has a problem with the Navdata, we should fix it instead of stop using it

One of the replies I posted explained why now the Navdata is complete with Jetway data, and why there's no reason to going back to the old method, I'll copy it again here:

And why you would want to go back to the legacy "airport cache" method, which would:

- slow down the startup

- have to be regenerated each time you install/remove a scenery

- affected by any possible issues in your Community folder, like file access problems, possibly corrupted files or just not finding the right .BGL ?

- not future-proof, because it relied opening a non-officially documented file format, which can possibly change at any time ( it has already changed several times since MSFS came out ) ?

But that's just half of the problem.

The real reason why we let to choose between the Navdata or the airport cache method, was that with the old Navdata, we got even LESS data about Jetways ( with the .BGL, at least we knew where they were) so, while we gained Marketplace compatibility, we got Jetways to be less reliable.

That's not the case with SU12 that, not only give us all the data we had in the .BGL, but it's giving even more data we never had, about the jetway docked status, and its actual position after the animation, this is new and it's so much better to solve a whole category of problems related to GSX not knowing exactly where the jetway docked, or if it docked partially. All clearly explained in the video about the SU12 update.

In any case, you might TRY this, edit the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatl_MSFS.INI change this line:




Now, I haven't tested this, so I have no idea if there are issues with it. And, each time you run the update, you'll need to redo that.

Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: Artox67 on March 25, 2023, 06:54:49 am
I'll give it a try.

Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: maxhades on March 25, 2023, 04:55:11 pm
Same here. Without Navdata it works. Now we have no more option to deactivate this useless feature. In fact, if it works then it is no problem. But it doesn't since SU10 Navdata. This is also a bug in GSX and has nothing to do with User settings or whatever. All workarounds doesn't help at all. At the end, AGAIN GSX doesn't came up after landing without shutting the programm down an start it again.

Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: Artox67 on March 25, 2023, 10:33:12 pm
Same here. Without Navdata it works. Now we have no more option to deactivate this useless feature. In fact, if it works then it is no problem. But it doesn't since SU10 Navdata. This is also a bug in GSX and has nothing to do with User settings or whatever. All workarounds doesn't help at all. At the end, AGAIN GSX doesn't came up after landing without shutting the programm down an start it again.


Made a couple of flights now without the SU 12 API and everything works like a charm.
Now it's up to Umberto to find a solution.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: maxhades on March 26, 2023, 12:32:28 am
This means this entry change in the ini file disable the Navdata?
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: Artox67 on March 26, 2023, 08:24:29 am
This means this entry change in the ini file disable the Navdata?

Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: Copper on March 26, 2023, 10:35:47 am
Now it's up to Umberto to find a solution.
I think you'd get a faster solution if you provide a logfile when the menu doesn't load.

At the very least I can say that this is not a general issue. I've been using the SU10 API since it released and apart from the known issue with jetways (which is fixed in the SU12 update) it worked more reliable to me than without the API.
On the discord we've seen people having issues fixed by running the "Check" in the Installer or running Couatl as admin or adding it to exclusions on the Antivirus software...
But I guess without a logfile there's just speculation left.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: maxhades on March 26, 2023, 11:11:34 am
At the end changing the INI file results in non operating jetways on some 3th part airports. Not a deal for me.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: kingnorris on March 26, 2023, 05:24:02 pm
At the end changing the INI file results in non operating jetways on some 3th part airports. Not a deal for me.

Then you’d need to find a custom profile. It’s what I had to do on my lone 3rd party airport.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 27, 2023, 11:57:59 am
Same here. Without Navdata it works. Now we have no more option to deactivate this useless feature.

You obviously have, haven't read my last post ?

This is also a bug in GSX

Do you realized you just said when GSX reads all the airport data ON ITS OWN, it works better than asking the SIMULATOR to provide the same data. How this could be a "GSX bug", when it clearly works better when it does more work ?

and has nothing to do with User settings or whatever. All workarounds doesn't help at all.

Maybe you wanted to say "all workarounds don't work for ME", clearly proving it has *everything* to do with user settings. If it wasn't, we would have the forum flooded by hundreds, if not thousands of similar reports, not just an handful.

At the end, AGAIN GSX doesn't came up after landing without shutting the programm down an start it again.

In fact, it was designed precisely to be restarted at any time, under the assumption most users would use it like that anyway, since you surely don't require GSX during a flight, if only to pre-select a gate before arrival, something you can only do when fairly close to the destination.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 27, 2023, 12:05:18 pm
Made a couple of flights now without the SU 12 API and everything works like a charm.

I wouldn't expect anything different, considering how GSX is normally reliable, when it doesn't have to contend with things that can go wrong where it has no control over it, like bad data coming from elsewhere, being other sceneries, or just the Navdata.

Now it's up to Umberto to find a solution.

You don't even take into account the slim chance the Navdata ITSELF might have bugs ? How many other add-ons you know of use it ? Let's see:




So, maybe, what you wanted to say was:

"Let's hope FSDT finds a workaround to prevent issues that seems to be still outstanding in the Navdata API, which seems to happen in flight, in the same way they found a workaround for a confirmed bug when reading Jetways with sceneries that have a bug"
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: FerrevmVnion on March 27, 2023, 11:45:07 pm
I want to disable it, too because some airports with wrong parking information coming from the navdata api worked fine by putting just the bgl inside the gsx folder beside the .ini worked fine for those airports.

Delete the checkbox, or give us the option to decide what the user want's to use.
It is presumptuous to tell the user what is "better" from your point of view.
Title: Re: Why you force me to use SU12 Navdata API
Post by: virtuali on March 28, 2023, 12:01:45 am
Delete the checkbox, or give us the option to decide what the user want's to use.It is presumptuous to tell the user what is "better" from your point of view.

Using the official provision in the SDK to retrieve airport data IS the BETTER solution, is not something opened to discussion or negotiation so no, by DEFAULT, it will stay as it is, which is the correct choice for most users.

If you think using airports you know have bad parking information is only useful for GSX, and won't have other issues to the simulation at large (which is not the case, since they WILL affect other things like AI or Living World/Airport services vehicles), it's your own responsibility, but we shouldn't be tasked with additional support burden caused ONLY because there are such bad airports out there.

Supposed we made only airports, and GSX was made by somebody else. Suppose you found KORD to have "bad parking information" that would make it unusable with GSX: I'm quite sure you would come HERE (rightly so), as a customer of the scenery to complain about it, and demand the bad airport to be fixed.

But that's besides the point.

The point is, there IS a way to enable the old airport cache method, which I explained before, and the obvious reason we left it available, was precisely to allow somebody to use the dedicated-BGL trick to fix bad airports so, it's not as if we robbed you of a feature.

It's just the behavior of the Updater that is like that, because it how is supposed to be for the vast majority of users, and we need to be absolutely sure that, if somebody is still using the airport cache method, it's because he knows what he's doing.