FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: dib669 on March 24, 2023, 04:53:57 pm
Pushback starts (tug attaches and lifts) then stops (asks for parking brake to be applied) before any movement. Gear pin removed and won't go back in. EGLL iniScenes with Fenix A320 at gates 303 and 509. Pushback worked perfectly at both gates earlier today, then stopped working after update to 2.4.3. Log file attached. Something stops Couatl running then asks if I want to restart it or not after GSX asks for the parking brake to be reapplied and asks me to run Live Update.. I've tried running Live Update multiple times but no improvement. Restarting Couatl just repeats the same behaviour. Any suggestions, please?
Same here!
Same for me after todays update.
PMDG 737 at both default KATL and Latin VFR KMIA.
Same for me with maddog :-( At least I can reverse thrust out of the gate!
Run the Live update again, there was an outdated file on the server.
Thank you!!! Works fine now 8)