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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: reverentan on March 22, 2023, 12:12:04 pm

Title: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: reverentan on March 22, 2023, 12:12:04 pm
Hello, following the discussion in the discord here are some companies I would love to see in GSX


BFCC (Biman Flight Catering Centre)
ICAO: VG** (All of Bangladesh)
LOGO: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--dJsfmepWo4/Tf2w3FviDZI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/hJnZLCt8bms/s1600/Biman_Airlines_White_Hood111y123.jpg

Ground Handling:

Biman Bangladesh Airlines
ICAO: VG** (All of Bangladesh)
LOGO: https://www.logo.wine/logo/Biman_Bangladesh_Airlines

US-Bangla Airlines
ICAO: VG** (All of Bangladesh)
LOGO: https://seeklogo.com/vector-logo/342226/us-bangla-airlines

Scala Ground Handling
LOGO: https://entreprise.pole-emploi.fr/static/img/logos/TNqO4c8ifqFOFvsOscAixtt5nhthGoUx.png

LOGO: https://macdndev.azureedge.net/copella/7/a/4/d/5/4/7a4d5438bd7bbdf5d9406c8eb35f6be8dafe422b.webp

Samsic Canada
LOGO: https://storage.buzzsprout.com/variants/yjwrpxvy6d5se13x8ri8tty5f44g/60854458c4d1acdf4e1c2f79c4137142d85d78e379bdafbd69bd34c85f5819ad.jpg

Samsic Dominicana
LOGO: https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E22AQE_v-lmSSrzSA/feedshare-shrink_2048_1536/0/1578154854584?e=1682553600&v=beta&t=Y4umhEqZE5eZHCWelubij2Q2Rx7AbLCob1DuKtkdL_M

If these 3 different Samsic logos are too low resoultion you could also use their main logo for all of them: https://logovectordl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/samsic-logo-vector.png

Atlantic Airways
LOGO: https://www.atlanticairways.com/en/about-us/media

American Airlines Red
ICAO: KSBA (might be at more US airports but I've seen it here)
LOGO: Should be the same as AA_WHITE but with a red base color

Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: Brokenbroccoli on March 22, 2023, 01:25:52 pm
If I may, I'd also request some changes:

in GSX, all DHL handling equipment is yellow, while IRL (at least for PAX ops) they use white vehicles, with a "DHL" logo on them. They are very present in Gatwick, for example.

In GSX, Fraport logo always says "Frankfurt airport", while Fraport is used all over the world. They don't say "Frankfurt airport", but only "Fraport".

And if possible, I'd like to request a "blank" livery, that's just white. There are many airports out there using unmarked equipment. Gotta be the simplest livery request ever. :)
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 22, 2023, 05:14:59 pm
Done, in 2.4.2
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: reverentan on March 22, 2023, 06:46:10 pm
Done, in 2.4.2
Wow, that was quick! Thanks a lot :)
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: HeicoH on March 22, 2023, 07:16:34 pm
Is the neutral (blank/white) livery supposed to be choosable at certain airports only? I cannot choose it at EDDK nor EDDL.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 23, 2023, 04:16:58 am
Is the neutral (blank/white) livery supposed to be choosable at certain airports only? I cannot choose it at EDDK nor EDDL.

Nowhere the release notes for the latest update said anything about a blank livery being added, it was just a suggestion, but what really went in the update, is listed on the official release notes.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: HeicoH on March 23, 2023, 04:30:17 am
Ah, ok. Obviously I took your "Done in 2.4.2" as an answer to Brokenbroccoli's request.

So, now I request a neutral/blank/white livery. I re-use Brkenbroccoli's words: "There are many airports out there using unmarked equipment. Gotta be the simplest livery request ever."
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: layercom on March 23, 2023, 02:50:47 pm
Any luck adding genair for an Aruba operator? TNCA

Or perhaps it was already added but cant find it due to the shortcut name used?
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: Brokenbroccoli on March 23, 2023, 04:33:00 pm
Done, in 2.4.2

Thank you very much!
although I have 2.4.2 installed, I can't find DHL white logo. I suppose it would be called DHL_white or something like that?
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: HeicoH on March 23, 2023, 10:53:39 pm

As far as I understand, Umberto's "Done in 2.4.2" does not refer to your request.

I was glad you requested a neutral/blank/white livery, because I requested the same some month ago. At that time, Umberto answered me they won't do that (I suppose because too few people are asking about it, or because my reasoning wasn't good.) But now there is new hope for such a livery, thanks to your request. Let's hope the best.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: Brokenbroccoli on March 24, 2023, 09:35:26 am

As far as I understand, Umberto's "Done in 2.4.2" does not refer to your request.

According to the changelog, there should be a white DHL:
UPDATE - 2.4.2
March 22nd, 2023

- GSX (all versions): Added new Catering operator: BFCC (Biman Flight Catering Centre) in Bangladesh.

- GSX (all versions): Added new Handling operators: Biman Bangladesh Airlines and US-Bangla Airlines (Bangladesh), Scala Ground Handling (LFKF), Samsic, Atlantic Airways (EKVG), American Airline Red (KSBA), DHL White logo.

- GSX (all versions): Fraport logo updated.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 10:04:49 am
According to the changelog, there should be a white DHL:

A "white DHL", is not a "white livery", meaning a generic livery that is operator neutral, which is what you asked, and is still not there YET.

A "white DHL" is ANOTHER livery you asked, the version that has only the normal DHL logo, but on a white vehicle instead of a fully yellow one, you even put pictures for it, and it seems quite clear to me it's not white livery you asked for as an extra generic livery, in the last line of your post.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: Brokenbroccoli on March 24, 2023, 11:32:35 am
Yeah, let's not mix them up. I'm talking about that "DHL white logo" in the changelog and no about the blank one. I can't find that DHL on white vehicles (called "DHL white logo" in the changelog?), that's what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: HeicoH on March 24, 2023, 11:38:37 am
Ok. I will open up a new topic for the neutral/blank livery.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 12:02:23 pm
Ok. I will open up a new topic for the neutral/blank livery.

No reason for that, since the request HAS been noted, and adding a new thread won't decrease the time it will take to do it, the only thing affecting it, is the priority of workload affected by adding new features and fixing outstanding issues due when users reports them.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: MasterLorenzo on March 24, 2023, 02:26:31 pm
Ok. I will open up a new topic for the neutral/blank livery.

No reason for that, since the request HAS been noted, and adding a new thread won't decrease the time it will take to do it, the only thing affecting it, is the priority of workload affected by adding new features and fixing outstanding issues due when users reports them.

Hello! Can I also add to the list of requests for new ground handers - these are handlers used at Gatwick and will mean that all Gatwick handlers are in GSX.

Name of Ground Handler: ASC Cargo
Offers ground handling services at the following aerodromes: EGLL / EGKK / LICJ / LICC
Website with gallery of handling vehicles / stairs: http://www.asccargo.com/gallery/
Logo: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4FVAWdJhoxqfb-kifQOSaB1Fpk7QqIdJ8YDGkcew2&s (this is the best quality I could find)

Name of Ground Handler: GGS (Gatwick Ground Services)
Offers ground handling services at the following aerodromes: EGKK
Website with gallery of handling vehicles / stairs:
   - https://www.arubanetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/Gatwick-Airport-2-cs.jpg
   - https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/2b9650a/london-gatwick-airport-england-april-2019-passengers-disembarking-a-british-airways-airbus-after-arriving-at-london-gatwick-airport-2b9650a.jpg
   - https://www.julianwhite.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20200307_224459-scaled.jpg
Logo: https://planesavercu.co.uk/assets/features/BWT6713-GGS-logo_Black.jpg

Name of Ground Handler: Red Handling UK
Offers ground handling services at the following aerodromes: EGKK
Website for reference: https://www.redhandlinguk.com/
   - https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E22AQFnP0YInaQKFw/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1658589152845?e=1681948800&v=beta&t=irgTqLBHocSj1E0qwdhBeuYOjIoVyfqjzR9zij27rGY
   - https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5622AQFYRVvG7MHJIA/feedshare-shrink_1280/0/1671936703508?e=1682553600&v=beta&t=vrt_kfrQU2M4r4gAdXpDu-XHj94Uz9O_Y-QZiKuRVvQ

Hopefully this is enough information :)

Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: HeicoH on March 24, 2023, 05:14:42 pm

According to the Changelog of 2.4.3, you implemented the neutral/blank now.

First things first: Thank you for that.

But now I have to asked the same question as I did above in this topic:
Is the neutral/blank livery supposed to be choosable at certain airports only? I cannot choose it at EDDK nor EDDL.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 05:39:06 pm
Is the neutral/blank livery supposed to be choosable at certain airports only? I cannot choose it at EDDK nor EDDL.

If with "choosable"; you mean always be available everywhere automatically in the operator selection menu, then no, it isn't and it would be wrong if it were, because it would mean giving it the highest priority in the scoring system even with we have proper information about which operator is really there.

In fact, it's exactly the opposite, and it has the lowest possible priority possible, precisely to prevent it to appear everywhere, but still be available in the parking customization, which means if you find an airport where you are absolutely sure we assigned the wrong operators, and you can't find any suitable one either, you can assign it the blank one.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: HeicoH on March 24, 2023, 05:45:37 pm
Ok, I think I understand. That means I have to assign it to a specific stand at a specific airport, right?

As far as I understand from the manual, I have to know the Service Company's ICAO and the name of the Catering Company, respectively, which I assume are both fictional. What are they?

Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 05:59:36 pm
Ok, I think I understand. That means I have to assign it to a specific stand at a specific airport, right?


As far as I understand from the manual, I have to know the Service Company's ICAO and the name of the Catering Company, respectively, which I assume are both fictional. What are they?

Not exactly, those are just a priority scoring boost if the airport contains parking code, to give some candidate operators an higher score. However, it's way easier to just select the operator from the list, and in that case, GSX will just use that, ignoring any scoring.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: layercom on March 25, 2023, 03:12:56 pm
Any luck adding genair for an Aruba operator? TNCA

Or perhaps it was already added but cant find it due to the shortcut name used?

Any update?
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: Brokenbroccoli on March 28, 2023, 08:56:51 pm
I still can't see DHL_white. I have got all new handlers like REDHANDLING, default and such, but DHL white is still missing for me. They operate at EGKK. (And yes, I checked the whole list when choosing "edit airport positions")
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: reverentan on March 29, 2023, 11:22:58 am
I also can't find DHL_White, and American Airlines Red seems to be missing as well, can't find it in the editor and it doesn't show up as one of the default options at KSBA.

Since my last post I've also noted some more handling companies that I would love to see added:

Talma Ground Handling
ICAO: MM** (Mexico) SK** (Colombia) SP** (Peru) SE** (Equador)
LOGO: https://res.cloudinary.com/crunchbase-production/image/upload/c_lpad,h_170,w_170,f_auto,b_white,q_auto:eco,dpr_1/ngxzmvbivcnjhdykjocb
BASE COLOR: full_blue

Cobalt Ground Solutions
LOGO: The logo should be full white as seen here https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E1BAQHZniiXuPpE8g/company-background_10000/0/1656083986902?e=1680541200&v=beta&t=l15q8E91UKepgdlizRN4xQkHxEVwFJ3cTHDP175BJkw
I couldn't find the white version of their logo so here is the normal one, would be great if you could possibly edit it to look like the real one used on their vehicles. https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQFqBM1zHbCalw/company-logo_200_200/0/1547486035089?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=SZtgbCY6kZqdWcpzRT0wWigu6F6-AEZotOH4BQ3jpR4
BASE COLOR: full_cyan

Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: layercom on March 29, 2023, 06:56:17 pm
Ok. I will open up a new topic for the neutral/blank livery.

No reason for that, since the request HAS been noted, and adding a new thread won't decrease the time it will take to do it, the only thing affecting it, is the priority of workload affected by adding new features and fixing outstanding issues due when users reports them.

Please note my lil request or confirm if already completed, thank you for your hard work i use GSX daily.
Title: Re: Request for new handling and catering companies
Post by: virtuali on March 30, 2023, 09:12:02 am
Please note my lil request or confirm if already completed, thank you for your hard work i use GSX daily.

Assuming you mean the request for a blank livery, there wasn't any need to confirm, since it was in the Release Notes from March 24th:
