FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: krishawkins on March 19, 2023, 01:26:50 am
So i need to download GSX on my new computer, but the link when i first bought it doesn't work anymore, so how can i get a new link to download the program on my new desktop?
When you bought GSX Pro, you received two emails, one from Digital River, another one from FSDT, both containing your keys, with the one from Digital River saying your download link would expire in 30 days, but the one from FSDT explaining that yes, even if download links on Digital River expires in 30 days, it's not a problem, because all FSDT products for MSFS are installed through the FSDT Universal Installer, which can be downloaded from this site at any time, the only thing you need to reinstall is your activation key.
The reason why we send the 2nd email is precisely to explain this, so users won't panic seeing the download on Digital River ( of a program that can always be freely downloaded here ) expired after 30 days, which is their standard policy but, again, it doesn't matter in our case.
Of course, the MSFS section of our "Products and Downloads" page repeats this concept:
Products for Microsoft Flight Simulator ( 2020 )
FSDT products for MSFS 2020 are installed and activated using the FSDT Universal Installer
With a download link just below. And the HOME page of our sites repeats this concept as well:
New FSDT Universal Installer released, with easy to use license, download and update manager, solving the bad redownload policy offered by Digital River. Download it HERE
With another download link in that sentence.