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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: OBIT8 on March 12, 2023, 01:55:43 am

Title: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on March 12, 2023, 01:55:43 am
From some weeks pushback doesn't works anymore.
GSX works at 20% for me and i find it full of bugs, but the main errors are 2:

When call for boarding sometimes I can't see any person entering the aircraft.
When calling for pushback the process stuck after "Captain we are ready for pushback" well, I am too but the process doesn't continue.

I've updated the latest versione, a lot of things added but not a bug resolved.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on March 12, 2023, 01:37:00 pm
I'm looking at the LOG but I only see that simply it stops after requesting pushback
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: Noncon on March 12, 2023, 08:05:03 pm
I've seen this, but a restart of couatl and then selecting pushback again usually fixes it. 
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on March 13, 2023, 09:06:35 am
From some weeks pushback doesn't works anymore. GSX works at 20% for me and i find it full of bugs, but the main errors are 2:

GSX is not "full of bug", and surely works for everybody.

When call for boarding sometimes I can't see any person entering the aircraft.

If the parking has a jetway, of jetways not being detected.

As explained so many times already whenever any issue about jetways is reported, this will all change when SU12 will came out and we'll release an update to support it, because right now, we don't have any reliable way to detect a jetway and a reliable way to detect its status.

This will all change with SU12, since Asobo/Microsoft has added the features we requested to have GSX and Jetways working better:


When calling for pushback the process stuck after "Captain we are ready for pushback" well, I am too but the process doesn't continue.

This doesn't normally happen but, from your report the log seems to indicate it "simply stops", it's likely caused by the sim being stuck because it has reached the maximum number of SimObjects visible at the same time, which result in Simconnect behaving erratically and stop responding to request. The limit is usually reached using AI Traffic with too high settings, and especially AI injection.

The way Simconnect works, is that if the sim stop calling us, our code won't be executed, so you think it's stuck, but it's the sim that stopped calling us, due to the above problem.

This can be usually fixed by lowering the AI settings, to keep the object number under control.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on March 14, 2023, 10:11:59 pm
I'm really because every time I asked something on this forum I just received answers like yours: "GSX is not bugged". Well i've payed and i find it full of bugs, so I don't care what is working for the others I would like to know why for me is not working.

And you always assume that someone didn't read the manual, but in my case I don't use injection and I don't us IA traffic, nor static traffic at the airport.
I usually fly in 20/25 different airports per week and pushback stoppe working everywhere, I've done all in my power to solve, also reinstall the GSX but didn't work and I decided to write here for help, but again I receive the same answer as always.

I want to be honest, I'm advising to anyone to not spend money on GSX not for the plugin itself, but for the way you answer to your customer.
I would like to solve this issue, but if is not possible I could use another plugin for pushback and remain very disappointed on the quality of your software, I know that for you is not a problem at all because The idea I have is that you don't care about what your customer think.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on March 15, 2023, 08:15:15 am
I'm really because every time I asked something on this forum I just received answers like yours: "GSX is not bugged". Well i've payed and i find it full of bugs, so I don't care what is working for the others I would like to know why for me is not working.

Because of course it isn't, how you would possibly think something so basic as the Pushbak supposedly "not working" wouldn't be reported by hundreds if not thousands of users ?

And you always assume that someone didn't read the manual, but in my case I don't use injection and I don't us IA traffic, nor static traffic at the airport.

I'm forced to assume something, because nowhere in your report you ever said you don't use AI Traffic or AI Injection and, since this IS a common case for GSX not responding, I tried doing my best to HELP YOU, with the limited information I had from you.

I usually fly in 20/25 different airports per week and pushback stoppe working everywhere, I've done all in my power to solve, also reinstall the GSX but didn't work and I decided to write here for help, but again I receive the same answer as always.

I suggest checking these channels:

https://www.youtube.com/@CptCanada (https://www.youtube.com/@CptCanada)

https://www.youtube.com/@Easyjetsimpilot (https://www.youtube.com/@Easyjetsimpilot)

Those are both very popular streamers that fly almost EVERY DAY, using GSX especially for Pushback, and they are streaming LIVE: would you think they would risk screwing up a Live stream if the GSX Pushback really had issues ? They would have stopped using it long ago, if this was the case.

I would like to solve this issue, but if is not possible I could use another plugin for pushback and remain very disappointed on the quality of your software, I know that for you is not a problem at all because

Your reference to another pushback makes me wonder: we got some reports the free Pushback Toolbar cause issue to GSX, have you still enabled it ?

The idea I have is that you don't care about what your customer think

As I've said, I don't have much to work with, with the little I had from your report, since you never said anything about:

- which airplane you use

- which airport you use. if it's default or 3rd party.

- If it's 3rd party, if it has been bought on the Marketplace. If it has, if you enabled the SU10 Navdata API option.

- If you are using a custom GSX profile for it. If you do, explain if you made it yourself or downloaded it. If you downloaded it, point to it when I could check it.

THIS Is a proper report, instead you just said the pushback doesn't work, and also added another question about not seeing passengers, to which I gave you the proper answer. Making a proper and detailed report, so we can at least try to reproduce your problem, is the first step of having an issue solved.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on March 16, 2023, 12:06:37 pm
Umberto if you have few information is because when a user first report a problem doesn't know wich information you need to help him, don't you find that was more useful asking me that information instead of assume that I was using IA generating traffic and not red the manual?

I use basically 2 planes:
PMDG 737-700

The externa software I use are:
FSFO (first officer next)
Rex Weather force (but I've installed it when the problem was already present)
MSFS addon linkers

I have multiplayer options disabled
Density for static airplane set to 0
Density for object lowered to 50 to see it this could solve the problem
Multiplayer and IA airplane set to OFF
The only traffic I see is the one on IVAO or VATSIM

Tell me what else I can tell you and what else I can try to fix the problem.
Thank you
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on March 24, 2023, 04:34:57 pm
There is something I can do or I've payed for something that can't works for me?
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: maxhades on March 24, 2023, 05:13:59 pm
It is not a Sim Object problem because nothing has changed on my side. And because many are affected by the new version it is a GSX Bug. Simply.

Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 05:30:07 pm
You said pushback didn't work for weeks, which clearly doesn't happen and of course nobody ever reported it before, but since you use lots of addon, the first test is trying not to use any, just the airplane GSX

Yes, we had a wrong file on the server for a very short time today, enough for other users to notice a problem with the pushback, but it doesn't have anything to do with this problem, and it's of course already fixed.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: matrix98 on March 24, 2023, 08:52:24 pm
Dear, well, I support the friend who complains about the setback and say that this program is greener than the plants I have in my garden, whether you like it or not. I only fly in VR and this program works poorly in VR, whether you like it or not, the menu is deactivated and does not stay on the screen and of course the backtracking does not work for me if for what functions is it more than pressing the key backwards because they are doing something wrong.
I'm sorry I bought the program, because when it alludes to its streaming, I've seen videos I imagine of people who pay and advertise and everything looks very nice, but it doesn't reflect the erratic behavior of the program.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on March 24, 2023, 10:57:22 pm
I only fly in VR and this program works poorly in VR

VR itself has still issues in general, especially with the toolbar menu, that not only explains why, if you only fly VR, you have the wrong impression of GSX, but also why it's difficult for us to even understand what the problem might be, considering the toolbar itself somethings stops working in VR.

Several users have reported it works much better if you don't switch in VR after starting a flight, but us VR right on the Main Menu.

whether you like it or not, the menu is deactivated and does not stay on the screen

This has been explained so many times, it's how GSX has been designed, and it's best for the vast majority of users, because it won't take precious screens space for any time more than strictly required.

But yes, I understand it makes it less ideal in VR.

But it would require the whole menu to be redesigned because, once it gets pinned on screen, it will also have to be kept refreshed with the usable options at any time, which is not how GSX was ever meant to work.

and of course the backtracking does not work for me if for what functions is it more than pressing the key backwards because they are doing something wrong.

What do you mean with "backtracking", exactly ?

I'm sorry I bought the program, because when it alludes to its streaming, I've seen videos I imagine of people who pay and advertise and everything looks very nice, but it doesn't reflect the erratic behavior of the program.

If you are trying to imply we paid somebody to review it, that's highly offensive (other than blatantly false), to us and to those streamers.

One of the best streamers out there, CptCanada, who flies almost every day with GSX, making LIVE streams 2-3 hours long, has PAID for his GSX copy, because we simply didn't knew him when GSX came out, so he just bought it and used it.

I specifically pointed at *streaming* videos, because those are in real time, and show how it really works in normal operation, they are not "edited" to cut problems ( they can't be, as Live streaming videos ), if this is what you meant with "it doesn't reflect the erratic behavior of the program".

Sure, there are issues in VR, but even if I have 3 VR headsets myself ( original Rift, Reverb G2 and Quest 2 ), I stopped using VR in MSFS, because it still too buggy for me. I'll sure get another look at trying to improve GSX in VR when all the outstanding problems will be fixed:

Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on March 25, 2023, 10:28:23 pm
You said pushback didn't work for weeks, which clearly doesn't happen and of course nobody ever reported it before, but since you use lots of addon, the first test is trying not to use any, just the airplane GSX

Yes, we had a wrong file on the server for a very short time today, enough for other users to notice a problem with the pushback, but it doesn't have anything to do with this problem, and it's of course already fixed.

Is enough to empty the community folder or I need to do something else?
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on April 02, 2023, 11:38:18 pm
Nothing to do, I've unistalled and reinstalled GSX but again pushinb back is not working.
I don't know what else I can do...any idea?
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: pete_auau on April 03, 2023, 09:52:38 am
question  has  to be  asked  the  main  reason  the  push  wont  work  is  because  of  chocks still in place  ,  had  this  a few  times   sitting  there  and  nothing  happens  and  than i  remember  the  damm  chocks  again
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on April 04, 2023, 01:54:17 pm
question  has  to be  asked  the  main  reason  the  push  wont  work  is  because  of  chocks still in place  ,  had  this  a few  times   sitting  there  and  nothing  happens  and  than i  remember  the  damm  chocks  again

This is not my case, I always follow real checklist and choks are taken off as soon as my APU is activated just after the prestart checklist, only after that I call the push back...the man or the woman walks until it stand in front of me and say "We are ready for push back and start" from there it stuck, nothing else is done and also If I restart Couatl the push back doesn't work!

I don't know what to do, I've tryed to empty the community folder, unistalled and installed again GSX...nothing!
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on April 04, 2023, 02:18:54 pm
I don't know what to do

You should have posted your startup log, as indicated in the Sticky thread named "how to report an error":


In your case it's even easier, since the program seems to start normally so, no need to edit any files, just enable logging in the settings, and post your log ( ZIPPED and ATTACHED to a post ), after you get the problem
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on April 04, 2023, 02:28:50 pm
I don't know what to do

You should have posted your startup log, as indicated in the Sticky thread named "how to report an error":


In your case it's even easier, since the program seems to start normally so, no need to edit any files, just enable logging in the settings, and post your log ( ZIPPED and ATTACHED to a post ), after you get the problem

Ok this is the LOG i'm now stuck with the aircraft ready to pushback and with the marshaller stopped in front of me that doesn't move...I've tried to take off and put again chokes, parking brake...everything...but i'm stuck here.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on April 04, 2023, 02:36:44 pm
Ok this is the LOG i'm now stuck with the aircraft ready to pushback and with the marshaller stopped in front of me that doesn't move...I've tried to take off and put again chokes, parking brake...everything...but i'm stuck here.

Please clarify what do you mean with "the aircraft ready to pushback and with the marshaller stopped in front of me".

The marshaller is not supposed to come in front of you, it will appear on the left/up side of the parking spot, and will walk towards the airplane front gear. What he'll do next, depends if the tow truck type (towbar or not), but you must try to be more precise and say exactly at which stage the marshaller stopped. Has he even started walking ?

Your log only shows you removed parking brakes when you shouldn't have to, and GSX told you that, nothing else.

There was just ONE other user that has reported a weird problem like this, and he said the marshaller started to move after pressing ESC twice, to go back to the ESC menu options and back again to flight.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on April 04, 2023, 03:08:17 pm
From the log you can see that the last message from the GSX was: emulateText_MSFS [GSX] Hello, captain! We are ready for pushback. 6
This is the point where GSX stop, the message about the parking brake is just me trying to unset and set again the parking brake to see if the marshallers move from there or not.

The marshallers appear on the left up side of the parking spot, he make a first walk, say "We are ready for pushback" and then remain there, he don't move towards the airplane fron gear and it doesn't continue the push.

When i start the pushback using another software because GSX is not working it say to me to set the parking brake and this gives me the idea that GSX is not stuck but for some reason it can't perform the push back and I don't know why!
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on April 04, 2023, 04:06:51 pm
The marshallers appear on the left up side of the parking spot, he make a first walk, say "We are ready for pushback" and then remain there, he don't move towards the airplane fron gear and it doesn't continue the push.

You don't say if you tried this suggestion I wrote in my last reply:

There was just ONE other user that has reported a weird problem like this, and he said the marshaller started to move after pressing ESC twice, to go back to the ESC menu options and back again to flight.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on April 04, 2023, 09:38:16 pm
I'm Flying now, the double Exit seems to work, but I needed to press it 3 times and I was not able to listen the voice of the marshaller.
Any CLUE on what can cause this problem?
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on April 04, 2023, 10:02:54 pm
I'm Flying now, the double Exit seems to work, but I needed to press it 3 times and I was not able to listen the voice of the marshaller.

Any CLUE on what can cause this problem?

What you are asking now ?

1) Why the double ESC works ? No idea, nothing happens when you are pressing ESC and nowhere we read or intercept that key, only one single user ever reported it, so the only possible explanation is some kind of conflict with a still unknown other add-on that deals with it and for some reason affects GSX

2) Why you are not hearing the voice ? Have you checked the GSX audio device to be correct ? Do you hear other GSX sounds ?
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: OBIT8 on April 04, 2023, 10:41:30 pm
I'm Flying now, the double Exit seems to work, but I needed to press it 3 times and I was not able to listen the voice of the marshaller.

Any CLUE on what can cause this problem?

What you are asking now ?

1) Why the double ESC works ? No idea, nothing happens when you are pressing ESC and nowhere we read or intercept that key, only one single user ever reported it, so the only possible explanation is some kind of conflict with a still unknown other add-on that deals with it and for some reason affects GSX

2) Why you are not hearing the voice ? Have you checked the GSX audio device to be correct ? Do you hear other GSX sounds ?

I was asking both things, however for the GSX sound i will try to reset the Sound devise in GSX settings and I will write here if it solved or not.
Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: Yaz21 on April 22, 2023, 10:16:55 pm
Hey man I'm having the same problem sound doesn't work and have to press esc constantly to get it to work through its different phases of the pushback, did you ever find a solution to the problem? Or what was causing it?

Title: Re: Pushback doesn't work
Post by: virtuali on April 27, 2023, 01:45:15 pm
Hey man I'm having the same problem sound doesn't work and have to press esc constantly to get it to work through its different phases of the pushback, did you ever find a solution to the problem? Or what was causing it?

You have already being replied about this in another post, please don't post twice about the same issue.