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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Maveriqxs on March 10, 2023, 11:03:17 am

Title: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: Maveriqxs on March 10, 2023, 11:03:17 am
Hey everyone, hope you have a pleasant week.

I ran GSX on my old system and I remember there being a marshaller for when you park in stands, I recently upgraded my system and did a full wipe of my computer and reinstalled msfs and GSX, however, I don't have noticed that I never get a marshaller or any readouts for parking (I have readouts ticked for marshaller in settings), and this is a little frustrating. Is there something that I'm missing do I have to turn the marshaller on in the settings somewhere that I've missed? Or is this a bug other people have experienced or do I need to reinstall GSX.

Warm regards,

Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: virtuali on March 10, 2023, 01:18:09 pm
There's nothing in need to do to see the Marshaller, other than selecting a gate after landing.

The Marshaller readouts ( the numbers ) are controlled in the GSX Settings but, no matter if you have the readouts enabled or not, the Marshaller itself will always show up. Of course, provided it hasn't been explicitly disabled in a custom GSX airport profile for a certain airport.

Another possible reason of the Marshaller not being visible, is that the parking spot is too close to a building, so the Marshaller is there, but inside the building. Which is why, GSX offers several ways to configure both the Stop position and the Marshaller position in the airport customization.
Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: Maveriqxs on March 11, 2023, 12:02:17 pm
I have readouts enabled in settings, and no gsx profiles installed at the moment, I select gate, no marshaller or readout at any airport, am I missing files or something, should I reinstall?


Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: virtuali on March 13, 2023, 10:18:02 am
and no gsx profiles installed at the moment

Which falls into this case, covered by my previous reply:

Another possible reason of the Marshaller not being visible, is that the parking spot is too close to a building, so the Marshaller is there, but inside the building. Which is why, GSX offers several ways to configure both the Stop position and the Marshaller position in the airport customization.

So, if this is the case, you must configure the Marshaller stop position, thus creating a custom profile.
Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: Maveriqxs on March 16, 2023, 03:18:48 pm
I've tried customising it so the marshaller is 10m away, I've tried ticking the marshaller readout and I tried custom profiles from flightsim.to, I can't seem to get a marshaller to show up or even the readout to work (even though its ticked)
Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: virtuali on March 17, 2023, 11:50:18 am
I'm sorry but, I cannot replicate your problem, nobody else reported it, and I just tested it, and the marshaller shows up and works just fine, see the below video I just made:

Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: utexgrad on October 10, 2023, 03:29:28 pm
I know this is an extremely old topic, but I have been running into the same issue. I get the blue arrow that points to the gate, but there is no marshaller or VDGS at the gate and no readout showing where I am in relation to the gate. It was working when I first installed GSX, but in the past few months it's been missing. I have been living with it, but I'm going to try a fresh install and see what shakes out.
Title: Re: No marshaller for GSX
Post by: utexgrad on October 10, 2023, 06:18:31 pm
Looks like a complete reinstall might have been the key, at least for me. Need to do more testing after work, but the VDGS is present and working. Now I have to check the marshallers.