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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: ehenkes on March 04, 2023, 10:41:22 pm

Title: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 04, 2023, 10:41:22 pm
I use the Boeing 737-700 BBJ, and I want the amount of passengers at 30. How can I do this exactly that from the bus only 30 people enter the plane? Is that possible?
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 04, 2023, 10:53:49 pm
The relevant pages in the manual which clearly explain this are:

The paragraph named "Passengers Number" at Page 15, here's the key sentence:

if you plan your flight with SimBrief, GSX can read the actual passenger number from your current dispatch on SimBrief

The paragraph named "SimBrief data used by GSX" at Page 73

GSX will use data from SimBrief while Boarding/Deboarding passengers, to have the Passengers Number match the value indicated on SimBrief.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 04, 2023, 11:07:24 pm
How can I ensure that these simbrief flight data are used? Do I have to use data from this field "Alias (Userame)" in GSX Configuration? (in my case: ehenkes)
What else? How does GSX get the data?   
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 04, 2023, 11:13:43 pm
How can I ensure that these simbief data are used? Do I have to use data from this field "Alias (Userame)" in GSX Configuration? What else?   

Wouldn't be better to just read the manual, which of course clearly explain exactly what you are asking here ? There's a whole chapter on Simbrief integration so, you are supposed to read it first and THEN, if you don't understand something, come up with a question.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 04, 2023, 11:49:31 pm
Yes, it works! RTFM p. 73 really helps. The connection to Simbrief is shown by a green button "SimBrief OK" (at the end of the menu). Great!

Can I use other vehicles for passenger transport than this normal bus? We have a BBJ.  :D
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 05, 2023, 12:03:23 am
Can I use other vehicles for passenger transport than this normal bus? We have a BBJ

The Passengers Van has a max capacity of 17 passengers, anything more will call the Bus. It's clearly more realistic having a half-empty Bus, than trying to cramp 30 people in a Van.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: Pirateinparadise on March 05, 2023, 12:09:09 am
Can I use other vehicles for passenger transport than this normal bus? We have a BBJ

The Passengers Van has a max capacity of 17 passengers, anything more will call the Bus. It's clearly more realistic having a half-empty Bus, than trying to cramp 30 people in a Van.

If you use circus clowns as the passengers, then this would be acceptable. As a kid, I once saw about a dozen of them get out of a Volkswagen. It was quite entertaining.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 12:11:51 am
Thank you very much for this information. Either I have to limit the number to 17, or GSX implements the choice for 2 vans (max. 34). The BBJ has 30 pax.  8)
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: HeicoH on March 05, 2023, 12:13:20 am

Do you remember my question some time ago about GSX sending 14 pax even if you set the number of pax in SimBrief to zero?

Did you trie to use a SimBrief flight plan with less than 15 (or 14) pax in the meantime? Can you reproduce the issue?
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 01:10:21 am
If Simbrief is not connected: The disconnection to Simbrief is shown by a red button "Reload Simbrief" (at the end of the menu). I have the feeling you cannot control it bei the FMC of the PMDG airplane.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 05, 2023, 12:03:53 pm
If Simbrief is not connected: The disconnection to Simbrief is shown by a red button "Reload Simbrief" (at the end of the menu). I have the feeling you cannot control it bei the FMC of the PMDG airplane.

I fail to see what's the connection between GSX Simbrief integration and the PMDG FMC.

Were you expecting GSX sending the Simbrief flight plan to the FMC ? Nowhere the manual says the GSX Simbrief integration is supposed to do that, which will a fairly complex feature with almost no benefit, considering the most popular airliners like the Fenix or the FBW A320 already have their own Simbrief integration, and PMDG will soon have its own EFB doing that.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 12:43:46 pm
Yes, this is right. It works great. Thus, Simbrief is the hub of the wheel.  :D
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: pete_auau on March 05, 2023, 12:54:57 pm
Were you expecting GSX sending the Simbrief flight plan to the FMC ? Nowhere the manual says the GSX Simbrief integration is supposed to do that, which will a fairly complex feature with almost no benefit, considering the most popular airliners like the Fenix or the FBW A320 already have their own Simbrief integration, and PMDG will soon have its own EFB doing that.

Actually  simbrief  does  send  the  flight plan  to the pmdg fmc,  once  you completed  the  flight  plan  in  sim brief  and  generate  it  it  will  sent  the  route  to the folder  of  the  flight  plan  of  the  pmdg.  Than  in the  fmc  you  can  select this  flight  plan  and  load  it
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 05, 2023, 01:12:00 pm
Actually  simbrief  does  send  the  flight plan  to the pmdg fmc

Which makes my point all more valid: if you already have one method to do that, and soon another one with the upcoming PMDG EFB, it would be pointless to have GSX adding an additional way of doing the same thing.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 03:38:04 pm
Which data does GSX fetch from Simbrief? Only the number of passengers? This could be done easier.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 05, 2023, 04:40:47 pm
Which data does GSX fetch from Simbrief? Only the number of passengers? This could be done easier.

If you read the manual, you would have found a chapter aptly named "Simbrief Integration" at Page 73, which explains in detail all the kind of data taken from Simbrief and used by GSX.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 05:12:56 pm
So many words for nothing.
OK, did I get it right? Number of passengers and extra fuel? (the fuel truck asks for entry of the main amount into the FMC)
I think that could be done more efficiently by GSX asking these two data.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 05, 2023, 05:27:17 pm
So many words for nothing.

Exactly: most of the many words you typed in this forum, were to ask things already clearly explained in the manual.

OK, did I get it right? Number of passengers and extra fuel?

It seems you missed the VGDS integration on that pge, which shows several informations about the flight on those VGDS that supports that ( those with enough lines of text ).

(the fuel truck asks for entry of the main amount into the FMC)

Now it seems you missed the sentence in that same page which says "(provided the airplane has the “Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo”)", meaning it's not used when the GSX is NOT refueling the airplane.

I think that could be done more efficiently by GSX asking these two data.

I don't know what do you mean with this. GSX IS asking all this ( not just "two" ) data and it uses it.

But your question about refueling seems you now have missed the whole concept ( obviously explained in the manual as well ) on how different refueling works if the airplane has the "Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo” option Enabled or not, which means GSX IS refueling the airplane or it's not because, as also explained  in the manual, some 3rd party airplane have custom fuel system that CANNOT be controlled by GSX, making reading the fuel quantity from Simbrief useless in this case, since we wouldn't do anything with it, if the airplane is refueling itself.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 05:43:07 pm
"most of the many words you typed in this forum, were to ask things already clearly explained in the manual" <-- OK, I will read your manual. Maybe it is easier to work with "trial and error" than to read your often unclear explanations in this forum.

Visual Docking Guidance System <-- Yes, you are right. I have to look for places with this feature. 
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: virtuali on March 05, 2023, 06:54:09 pm
OK, I will read your manual. Maybe it is easier to work with "trial and error" than to read your often unclear explanations in this forum.

My explanations assume your read the manual, and I'm sure they will be very clear once you'll finally do that.
Title: Re: Limited amount of passengers
Post by: ehenkes on March 05, 2023, 11:49:29 pm
I just tested deboarding in (Innsbruck) LOWI with 15 passengers. SIMBRIEF Button was green, and the exact number of 15 passengers left the BBJ, and they got the same van type like the crew. Thank you GSX Pro! Great feature.  :)