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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: CaptainFry on March 03, 2023, 06:23:54 pm

Title: Jetway KLAX and other airports also
Post by: CaptainFry on March 03, 2023, 06:23:54 pm
I recently purchased this product, and have the latest version. I started at KLAX airport at a gate. When I start MSFS a jetway appears with a logo of something like "LAX.." on it. When I go to GSX and select the handling operators the jetway does not change. What am I missing?
Title: Re: Jetway KLAX and other airports also
Post by: virtuali on March 03, 2023, 11:01:45 pm
When I go to GSX and select the handling operators the jetway does not change. What am I missing?

GSX has three different categories of operators:

- the Handling operators, which affects liveries for all services at the parking spot.

- the Catering operators, which controls catering

- the Jetway operators, which are a separate set of liveries that are unrelated to the Handlers ( as they are in real life: jetways usually have airport logs or ads for banks/rental cars, while handlers are those that manage ground services )

When you call GSX, you are first presented with a choice for the Handling operator and, in case you call Catering, you'll see a menu to choose the Catering operator. Jetway logos are independent from those services and, in fact, it would be a bit weird if the jetway logo would change every time you change a different Handling company.
Title: Re: Jetway KLAX and other airports also
Post by: CaptainFry on March 03, 2023, 11:45:50 pm
I have been exploring various parts of this great software, but I do not understand why when I went to another Airport, KPHL, when I saw multiple Jetways , which I did not see at KLAX. When I picked a handling operator name the Jetway had the name of this handler on it.
Title: Re: Jetway KLAX and other airports also
Post by: virtuali on March 04, 2023, 09:20:45 am
I have been exploring various parts of this great software, but I do not understand why when I went to another Airport, KPHL, when I saw multiple Jetways , which I did not see at KLAX. When I picked a handling operator name the Jetway had the name of this handler on it.

There are some cases in which the jetway operator is the same than the handler, and that's is also normal, but it doesn't mean the jetway and the handler are connected in any way, it's just on that particular airport, they happened to be the same but, they are still two separate things: the handler/catering can change dynamically, the jetways are fixed and premade with their own set of liveries, which sometimes happens to be the same as the handling operators.