FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: anibalsalles_ on February 25, 2023, 06:05:08 pm

Title: MSFS coault scripting engine hasn't started
Post by: anibalsalles_ on February 25, 2023, 06:05:08 pm
Good afternoon!

I acquired the GSX program for MSFS, I installed it normally, in "PROGRAM FILES (X86)".
I left the COUALT in "administrator" mode, started the MSFS, and when I click on the GSX with the plane on the runway, it

So, I uninstalled the GSX and the MSFS, and reinstalled it again.
the computer's ANTI-VIRUS and FIREWALL protections, then I opened the simulator and when I clicked on the GSX again

When the simulator is open I force it to open manually and the error continues.
I opened the COAUL in the local folder and there is no solution either.

I have released all accesses of my windows 10 in access compatibility, as administrator and no solution.

My computer is a Gammer Computer and runs all games and simulators normally! my machine in my login is unico and is the administrator.

I tried with a friend who uses the GSX normally, we made all possible attempts so that my GSX can be used and it does not work.

I would like a retort, because I am very unhappy with the program, and I see that I spent money on an amount that ended up being a loss and I was damaged without being able to use!

I am at the disposal of a SUPPORT from the company.

Thank you!
Title: Re: MSFS coault scripting engine hasn't started
Post by: virtuali on February 25, 2023, 06:31:26 pm
It's not clear from your message if:

- The Couatl engine doesn't start automatically with the sim as it's supposed to, but it DOES start manually if you start it from its Desktop icon


- It doesn't start in either case.
Title: Re: MSFS coault scripting engine hasn't started
Post by: anibalsalles_ on February 25, 2023, 07:09:09 pm

it does not start, neither alone nor forcing it, when opening msfs, it gives the error when selecting the GSX icon on the top panel
Title: Re: MSFS coault scripting engine hasn't started
Post by: anibalsalles_ on February 26, 2023, 03:57:21 am
it does not start, neither alone nor forcing it, when opening msfs, it gives the error when selecting the GSX icon on the top panel
Title: Re: MSFS coault scripting engine hasn't started
Post by: virtuali on February 26, 2023, 06:40:15 pm
it does not start, neither alone nor forcing it, when opening msfs, it gives the error when selecting the GSX icon on the top panel
