FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: anibalsalles_ on February 25, 2023, 06:05:08 pm
Good afternoon!
I acquired the GSX program for MSFS, I installed it normally, in "PROGRAM FILES (X86)".
I left the COUALT in "administrator" mode, started the MSFS, and when I click on the GSX with the plane on the runway, it
So, I uninstalled the GSX and the MSFS, and reinstalled it again.
the computer's ANTI-VIRUS and FIREWALL protections, then I opened the simulator and when I clicked on the GSX again
When the simulator is open I force it to open manually and the error continues.
I opened the COAUL in the local folder and there is no solution either.
I have released all accesses of my windows 10 in access compatibility, as administrator and no solution.
My computer is a Gammer Computer and runs all games and simulators normally! my machine in my login is unico and is the administrator.
I tried with a friend who uses the GSX normally, we made all possible attempts so that my GSX can be used and it does not work.
I would like a retort, because I am very unhappy with the program, and I see that I spent money on an amount that ended up being a loss and I was damaged without being able to use!
I am at the disposal of a SUPPORT from the company.
Thank you!
It's not clear from your message if:
- The Couatl engine doesn't start automatically with the sim as it's supposed to, but it DOES start manually if you start it from its Desktop icon
- It doesn't start in either case.
it does not start, neither alone nor forcing it, when opening msfs, it gives the error when selecting the GSX icon on the top panel
it does not start, neither alone nor forcing it, when opening msfs, it gives the error when selecting the GSX icon on the top panel
it does not start, neither alone nor forcing it, when opening msfs, it gives the error when selecting the GSX icon on the top panel