FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Jazzert on February 17, 2023, 10:35:22 pm
For some reason, the sounds of GSX have become so quiet that I can't hear them. The only way to hear them is to select settings which then mutes MSFS audio as it opens the setting window and then I can hear them but they really are quiet. I have no idea why this started today. I changed nothing. Everything is correct in the audio setting area. Volume max and the correct device is selected.
I can hear the ground handler well enough but the loading and boarding sounds are suddenly so quiet that they may as well not be there.
Same here, boarding sounds are almost unhearable since last update
Same here. Sound from the Marshaller are ok, boarding sound is too quite
I can confirm. After updating to latest version the sounds are too quiet. Did not change a thing in GSX PRO settings.
For me boarding/deboarding and the cars ( fuel truck , baggage truck , catering truck ) all sounds too low suddenly.
Same for me
Well, at lest it's not just me.
Does the dev have any input on this?
UPDATE : it does not happen every flight. Sometimes it works OK. Strange.
Also I know that MSFS has sound problems since the last update (with exterior view, engines and other sounds), so it may be an MSFS bug
So glad others are posting this. I came to the forums to see if this was my issue or an update issue; I do not hear any sounds like I used to. I know the last update changed the audio to not be as repetitive, but it seems like it got way too quiet.
Also for me..sound is lost.
I have the same problem MIRKOP, I have no sounds at all coming from any SFX. The only sounds I get are dialogue, boarding complete, and notification sounds. All vehicles, passengers walking / talking, and luggage are gone entirely.
hello everyone :)
unfortunately same here...
Low volume for deboarding/boarding sounds.
Also i'm still experience the "auto doors" issue on fenix A320 for boarding operations.
Any news from FSDT ?
silence from FSDT team...?
I've found a solution. Turn the MSFS environment sounds down. At full blast they drown out the GSX sounds.
silence from FSDT team...?
There's no "silence from FSDT", of course.
As I already posted in other thread ( am I supposed to post this in each and every thread when somebody complains a supposed delay in a response for a couple of days ? ), I was away for a short vacation ( after 2 years of nothing, including weekends ), so I could only reply a few post. Now I'm back, so I'll be able to check this.
It may not be the case for everyone, but I also noticed a drop in GSX volume after the update. I managed to fix it.
There were 2 things going on. In previous versions, the slider to adjust the GSX sound volume was not working. I tried it a few times, but it made no difference.
Problem #1 - When it started working, I had a lower volume because I had left the GSX sound volume slider set at a low level when I tried it.
Problem #2 - I had "fixed" the original GSX volume not working problem by adjusting the volume for couatl in the Windows sound mixer.
The solution for me was to simply max out the couatl volume in the sound mixer, and then raise it to a higher volume in the GSX settings.
The GSX sound volume has been just right for me for several flights in a now.
I have the same experience.
Also in the outside view, I cant hear sound of the GSX vehicles.
I guess, SU12 breaks something here, cause without the SU12 update, everyting was fine on my system :-/
I guess, SU12 breaks something here, cause without the SU12 update, everyting was fine on my system :-/
Nope, it was the last FSDT update(s). I'm not on SU12 beta and have the same issues.
Since the voice annunciations have a regular volume, it's not that the general GSX volume has changed, it's just the ambient sounds that are either missing entirely or simply too low volume to hear them.
Problem #2 - I had "fixed" the original GSX volume not working problem by adjusting the volume for couatl in the Windows sound mixer.
The solution for me was to simply max out the couatl volume in the sound mixer, and then raise it to a higher volume in the GSX settings.
The GSX sound volume has been just right for me for several flights in a now.
Thanks for this!!!
I did not have this problem after the update. But today it showed up.
I went into Windows sound mixer and cycled the slider from max to 0 back to max.
GSX sounds are okay now.
Update. I just started a new flight. I had sounds up until catering finished, then I lost all GSX sound. Sliders were good. Cycling them had no effect. If this was happening before, I did not notice.
Guys... is a GSX bug after last update ,not lost time for find solution. They must be find solution.
Same hear, all surrounding sound are gone after the update :(
There's no need to continue posting about this, when I already confirmed in my last post we'll check this. And, of course, we have, and found the cause, so it will be fixed in the next update, to be out shortly.
Today's Live Update ( 2.2.9 ), should have fixed this issue.
Confirmed: works fine now for me. Thanks !
Hm, is it just me or has the sound gone again?